



Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 教学目标1. To get specific information of a story2. To understand description of past on-goings3 .To talk about past on-goings4.Retell the story briefly教学重点1.To master the new words: suddenly ,rabbit ,party, fall, hole, strange, carry2 .To master the structure: werewas doing3. Let the students understand the story about Alice through the pictures and conversation1.教学难点How to use the structure: werewas doingRetell the story briefly学情分析现阶段,学生已经有一定的英语基础,他们喜欢直观形象思维,对影像,图片特别感兴趣。需要激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣。在设计课堂教学活动时一定要根据学生的情况,采用灵活多样的教学方法来吸引学生的注意。学法指导开口大声朗读,默读要求速度,能抓住文章大意,关键信息。注意阅读策略和技巧的培养。教学过程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测(可能出现的问题)补救措施修改意见Step oneWarming-upStep twoPresentation Step three listening Step four Reading Step five Practising Step Six Retell the story Step Seven Homework1.For drawing the students attentions,show some pictures about some famous stories.Lead the topic.2.Translate their Chinese stories name into English , and present some on the screen3/Lead out the storys name: 爱丽丝漫游奇境4.Play a video about the story. 1. For teaching the useful words and phrases 1) let the students learn the new words by themselves in groups2) Show some pictures,through the pictures,teaching the new words3) read after the teacher 2. For knowing the characters of the story,show their pictures.For knowing the main details of the story and improving the students listening abilities.1.To solve the important words.phrases and sentences.2、To let the students know about all the details of the conversation.3.To present the tense of the past on going.let the students underline all the sentences including the past on going. .1. solve the grammar problem(the past on-going)1.Presentate the instructures:Was/Were+V.ing2. use the past on-going correctly,let the students do some exercises.3. let the students understand the key time expressions,The teacher can list them and explain.Give a general explain about the past on-going.To improve the studentss oral abilities,Ask them to make a survey.To consolidate the grammar points,ask the students to do some exercises,To improve the students oral abilities.Ask the students work in groups:retell the story.1) tell the students to read the conversation again, and try to remember the story line.2) ask them to look at the pictures carefully on the screen3)tell them to talk about the story in groups, try to retell the storyEncourage them to give the story an ending.4) ask some groups to present their story after closing books.Ask the students to retell the story and give it an ending in your own words. Write the story on the exercise book.1. Discuss and talk together,they are very active.2. They are interested in the video.1)study the new words in groups, help each other 2)According to the pictures,learning the new words.pay attention to the pronunciation3) read after the teacherThrough these pictures,knowing the main characters. Listen and number the words and pictures . Do it individually.Remember the instructures.2.do a small quiz1. read together2. Underline all the sentences including the past on going.According to the pictures,make sentences using the past on going.Understand the important time expressions of the past on-going.Make a survey.Do the exercises,then discuss in groups. watch the flash of the conversation talk about the story in groups, try to retell the storya) everyone in the group should have a talk, b)write down what you saidpresent their story after closing books. retell the story and give it an ending in your own words. Write the story on the exercise book.Some students can talk about some famous stories, maybe they will use Chinese to talk, but I think its OK.1)、Some words may read incorrectly:ground rabbitSome names are difficult,The students cant read them correctly.its easy for them to choose the correct sentencesWhen they are listening,they cant understand all the meaning completely.They may observe the rules of the past on-going,Its easy.some students need revising the rulers of V.ing.Some students cant tell the difference betweenthe present continuous tense and the past on-going.Promote the students friendships.Its difficult for some students to do these exercises,but the students who are good at English can help them.they prefer the discussion in groupssome students may have no words about the retelling板书设计 Module 7Unit 1 She was sitting by the river Key phrases: in the tree/on the treefall down 跌倒,倒下fall off 从上掉下fal


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