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Politeness and interaction,Tact maxim,Take a look at this. Clean up the kitchen floor. Pass the salt. Have some more cake. Peel these potatoes. Clean up the kitchen. Peel these potatoes. Pass the salt. Take a look at this. Have some more cake.,Tact maxim,Minimize the cost to other; maximize the benefit to other.,Direct / indirect speeches and politeness,Could I possibly ask you to set the table? Set the table. Can you set the table? Set the table. Can you set the table? Could I possibly ask you to set the table?,Direct / indirect speeches and politeness,Meridyth: Well, Ive done it. Ive dyed my hair blonde. Ed: (a) You look beautiful. (b) You look awful. (c) You look amazing. You look awful You look amazing. You look beautiful.,Direct / indirect speeches and politeness,Tom: Do you like the wine I picked out? Gabriel: (a) Its Italian, isnt it? (b) Yes, I do. (c) Not really. Not really. Its Italian, isnt it? Yes, I do.,Direct / indirect speeches and politeness,Jean: What did the students say about my teaching? Linda: (a) Lets hope none of them are lawyers. (b) Some students were positive. (c) Pretty bad. Pretty bad. Lets hope none of them are lawyers. Some students were positive.,Approbation Maxim,Minimize dispraise of other; Maximize praise of other.,exercise,If you and a close friend were having lunch, would prefer to say “Pass the salt.” or “Would you mind passing me the salt?” Which one would you use to a stranger at another table in a restaurant? If you wanted to ask your bank manager for a loan, would you prefer “Id like to ask for a loan of $500.” or “Lend me $500?” Someone you have just met has come over for dinner and offers to help in the kitchen. Would you be more likely to say “Here, peel these potatoes” or “You could peel these potatoes.”,exercise,If you has to evacuate a burning building would you say, “Fire! Get out!” or “Fire! Might I possibly ask you to leave the building”. Is an army sergeant being rude when he says “Sit down, Private!”? Suppose you have arrived for a job interview and the interviewer stands up when you enter. Would you consider it rude to say to her “Sit down!” would it be okay to say this to good friends when they drop by?,Face wants,A framework to deal with these kinds of issues was developed by Brown and Levinson (1987). In their analysis, politeness involves us showing an awareness of other peoples FACT WANTS. Therefore, face refers to our public self-image. There are two aspects of this self image.,Positive face and politeness,POSITIVE FACE refers to our need to be accepted and liked by others and our need to feel our social group shares common goals. POSITIVE POLITENESS orients to preserving the positive face of other people. When we use positive politeness we use speech strategies that emphasize our solidity with the hearer, such as informal pronunciation, shared dialect or slang expression, nicknames more frequent reference to speaker and hearer as we, and requests which are less indirect.,Negative face and politeness,NEGATIVE FACE refers to our right to independence of action and our need not to be imposed on by others (Note that negative does not mean bad here, simply an opposite term to positive.) NEGATIVE POLITENESS orients to preserving the negative face of the other people. This is much more likely if there is a social distance between the speaker and hearer. When we use negative politeness, we use speech strategies that emphasize our deference for the hearer. Nicknames, slang and informal pronunciation tend to be avoided and requests tend to be more indirect and impersonal, often involving could you or could I ask you to or even referring to the hearer in the third person: students are asked not to put their essays in the room. Negative politeness also involves more frequent use of other MITIGATING DEVICES, expressions that soften the blow, like please, possibly, might, Im sorry butetc.,How ho get someone to lend you something,Could you hint this without say anything? How? If you deicide to say something, could you drop a hint rather than going on record as asking the person for something? If you go on record as asking for something, you are potentially threatening the other persons negative face by imposing on them and making it harder for them to refuse. (you also risk losing your positive face if the hearer does not help you).,How ho get someone to lend you something,You could go on record with a bald request by using imperative form, or you could go on record by using a face-saving act by indirect speech to perform the act. “Gotta sth. You can lend me?” or “Could you lend me your stapl


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