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Unit 18 what will you think of next?,本篇为说明文,介绍了一些创造性思维的思维模式。 教学目的:1、了解说明文的结构(本篇为总-分-总)。 2、理解各种思维策略并能运用他们解决一些实际 问题。 3、在语篇中理解一些重点词汇和语言点。 以上三点,尤其要重视第2点,因为本篇文章极其抽象,如不理论联系实际,不让学生体会到这些思维策略的存在及他们在生活中的应用,就很难激发他们的兴趣,课堂效果就难以保证。若只串课文,分析语言点,势必会出现这种情况:讲着讲着我们自己都不知道在讲什麽了,学生早已不知醒了几回。搞得两败俱伤。,基本模式,讨论,速读,回答问题,判断,打开思路锻炼口语 通过问题把握文体结构 初具辨别是非的 能力,搭配,单选,填空,讨论,写作,加深对文章的理解,搭配事实与观点、深刻理解思维策略,理解语言点在语境中的应用,与生活相联系,巩固,(因为本篇不易理解,故可减少练习 量而侧重理解的深度,填空可转到第二课时),Discussion,1、Lihua and zhang yan are in the same class. Li is clever and good at remembering quantities of knowledge from books. His classmates consider him to be a gifted child. zhang isnt so clever as li , but he likes asking questions and thinking; sometimes he will try different ways to work out a question. Who do you think is more likely to become an inventor?Give your reason. 与学生的实际生活贴近,使他们有说的欲望。也可以把人名具体化为本班学生(要考虑学生的承受能力)(王帅),2、Are all the great inventors intelligent and born creative? Ca n you give an example?,一般的学生能说出爱迪生的例子。如学生说不出,可呈现一段爱迪生的介绍:Thomas could not speak until four. At an early age he loved to read and make experiments Because he was so dreamy and quiet a teacher once accused him of being stupid Thomass mother was so displeased by this remark that she took her son out of school and never sent him back. She took charge of his education herself and taught him reading history science and philosophy,Read and answer Why are great thinkers able to come up with ideas for new inventions? What thinking strategies does the writer mention in the passage?(可据此介绍小标题、文章结构) What is “think outside the box”?(这仅是表层理解) Why does the writer encourage “look at a problem in as many ways as possible”? Why do some greatest inventors keep trying even if they do not feel inspired?,True or false,注:可参考课本60页Ex.1,可做改动。,这些 题中的句子相当原句的另一种解释,因此本题仍属对原文的表层理解。因此要进行下一步:,Read and choose,注:可参考优化上的1、2、3、7。属于推理型的练习,可加深学生对文章的理解。下一步的搭配题才是对各思维策略的深刻领会。,Match,1、Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. 2、According to Leonardo da Vinci, problems which had seemed impossible could be solved if he changed the way he described the problem. 3、Samuel Morse, the man who invented the telegraph, got his idea by watching a rider exchange a tired horse for a new one.,A. think outside the box B. take another look at a problem C. make connections D. keep trying,4、有一个小孩子,他用尽全身的力气也搬不动一个花盘,于是非常沮丧地对父亲说:我已经尽了全力,可是我实在做不到。 父亲对他说:你并没有尽全力,因为你还没有用到我的力量。 说完,轻轻地把花盆抱起(需用简单的英语表达),这项练习可鼓励学生讨论,教师巡视指导,然后找个别学生做答。第二个有难度。其实它对应着原文中一句话:Inventors often rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions若学生说不出理由,教师可指出这一点。 为活跃课堂气氛,可适当补充几个小故事,英、汉均可。如:,有位老师进了教室,在白板上点了一个黑点。 他问班上的学生说这是什么? 大家都异口同声说一个黑点。 老师故作惊讶的说 只有一个黑点吗?这么大的白板大家都没有看见? 注:这是换个角度看问题。,有二个妇人在聊天, 其中一个问道你儿子还好吧? 别提了,真是不幸哦!这个妇人叹息道 他实在够可怜,娶个媳妇懒的要命,不烧饭,不扫地、 不洗衣服、不带孩子,整天就是睡觉,我儿子还要端早餐到她的床上呢! 那女儿呢? 那她可就好命了。妇人满脸笑容 她嫁了一个不错的丈夫,不让她做家事,全部都由先生一手包办, 煮饭、洗衣、扫地、带孩子,而且每天早上还端早点到床上给她吃呢!,又如:,反映了什麽?,Discussion Most of the students in class 1 think they should keep working hard even when they feel frustrated or when they do not feel inspired. But Wu dong does not think so. He says that his father tells him to take good care of himself and not to make himself too tired. What do you think of Wu dong opinion? If you were his classma


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