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Import & Export Practices ,Teacher: chen xiangyu Department: school of foreign languages Students: Business English major 11 grade,Teaching plan first semester-Chapter 1-5 Second semester-Chapter 6-10 Teaching methodology 1) 60% English 40% Chinese Due to some abstract economic terms and theories Hard to understand totally in English Therefore, examples in Chinese will be used to help comprehend,2) Only two periods every week information is huge unimportant and information you can understand easily will be cancelled or read by yourself,Chapter One International trade,In this chapter background information concerning international trade will be given Study: reasons benefits problems as well as arguments against the international trade,Reasons for International Trade Definition of international trade exchange of goods and services between countries exchange of capital, goods and services across international borders or territories In most countries (China, Japan, Britain) such trade represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP).,picture about the rank of international trade /wiki/International_trade,2) Major reasons: Domestic non-availability of resources Lacks the climate, raw materials , specialist labor, technology needed to manufacture a particular good e.g. China needs to import much oil from middle east to sustain its economic development Principle of comparative advantage Definition: A situation in which a country, individual, company or region can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than a competitor,Maximize its economic wellbeing even if it has the resources for the goods and services they need (manufacture products they are good at to exchange the product they need through international trade) e.g. Japan-producing cars (tech-intensive) India-producing cotton (labor-intensive) Japan will use cars to trade cotton with India to achieve economic wellbeing,Example: 甲国和乙国都只生产衣服和食物, 在同质的资源下, 甲国生产一单位衣服的机会成本是二单位食物, 而乙国生产一单位衣服的机会成本是三单位食物,根据比较优势理论, 甲国享有生产衣服的比较优势, 便应该专业生产衣服,并出口之,以换取食物。 而乙国在生产衣服上有比较劣势, 意味它生产食物享有比较优势。,2. Three chief reasons,Resource Reasons Covers land, raw materials, water Basic reason: These resources are distributed unevenly around the world Purpose of trade: get materials one nation lacks,Climatic conditions and terrain e.g. Colombia and Brazil ideal climate for growing coffee beans export coffee beans to gain foreign exchange,(2) Natural resources e.g. China is abundant in rare-earth 稀土 the Kuomintang once used it to exchange weapons with Germany to fight against Japanese army in 1930s,(3) Technologies and labor e.g. Many Philippines go to Hong Kong as domestic servants Capital resources A produced wealth (created by people) That has been cumulated over years e.g. Since 1980s, large sum of foreign capital has poured into China (5) Geographic location and transport costs due to geographic proximity and low transport cost,e.g. China and ASEAN (=Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Free Trade Area CAFTA,(6) Insufficient production e.g. South Korea land is so limited that it has to import a lot of fruit and vegetable from other nations to meet the demand therefore, price of apple is very expensive,2) Economic reasons: Purpose: gain profit through trade Way: varied prices for the same commodity around the world differences in the cost of production e.g. 苏联解体后 很多重工业装备被销售 一些精明的中国人 拿鸡蛋牙刷换取俄罗斯的坦克大炮 人称“倒爷”,principle of absolute advantage Proposed by Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations 国富论 Content: Each country could produce one or more commodities at a lower real cost than its trading partners So each country will benefit from specialization in those commodities in which it has an absolute advantage Exporting them and importing other commodities which it produces at a higher real cost than another country,e.g. P4 我家做包子 每小时10 个 饺子 每小时 1个 你家 做饺子 每小时10个 包子 每小时 1 个 拿我家的包子换你家的饺子 你家的饺子换我家的包子 我家-可以每小时换到10个饺子 (自己做每小时1个饺子) 你家-可以每小时换到10个包子 (自己做每小时1个包子),Consider the table below. Which country has an absolute advantage? Country B has an absolute advantage. Country A has an absolute advantage. Neither country has an absolute advantage. Both countries have an absolute,Comparative advantage Proposed by David Ricardo On the Principles of political economy and taxation (政治经济学及赋税原理),假设:英国和葡萄牙两国都生产葡萄酒和布匹 1. 分工前 英国: 生产 1单位布匹-100个劳动日 1 单位葡萄酒-120 个劳动日 葡萄牙: 生产 1 单位布匹-90 个工作日 1 单位葡萄酒-80 个劳动日 葡萄牙对英国成本比较: 布匹 90/100=0.9 葡萄酒 80/120=0.6666 得出: 葡萄牙的比较优势: 葡萄酒,英国队葡萄牙的比较成本: 布匹 100/90=1.1 葡萄酒 120/80=1.5 得出:英国比较优势在布匹 2. 分工后: 英国专门生产布匹 (英国有比较优势) 分工前: 220个劳动时间-生产- 1单位布匹和1单位葡萄酒 分工后: 220个劳动时间-生产- 220/100=2.2 单位的布匹,葡萄牙专门生产葡萄酒: 分工前:170个劳动时间-生产- 1单位布匹和1单位葡萄酒 分工后:170个劳动时间-生产- 170/80=2.125 单位葡萄酒 3) 分工后的两国总产量变化:,分工前: 两国总产量为- 390 (100+120+90+80)个劳动日 生产- 2单位布匹与2单位葡萄酒 分工后: 两国总产量为- 390 (100+120+90+80)个劳动日 生产- 2.2单位布匹与2.215单位葡萄酒 结论: 通过国际分工合作,总产量增加了, 从而双方都受益 这就是国际分工的原因,3) Political reasons: Political objectives may outweigh economic considerations between countries e.g. US and North Korea due to different political ideologies trade does not exist While China and North Korea support economically,2. Benefits of International Trade Cheaper products Cost advantage from production efficiency Cost advantage: Superiority achieved through factors such as access to cheaper inputs, efficient processes, favorable location, skilled workforce, superior technology Trade allows firms to produce further down along the average cost curve,Competition leads to lower prices for the consumers 2) Greater variety with goods coming from more countries 3) Wider market with increasing number of trading partners Manufacturers take advantage of economies of scale in research and production e.g. Honda makes research in China and sells cars around the world research cost per unit can be reduced with more car being sold,Newly expanded markets help extend the life of products a product outdated in one market may be sold in another e.g. traditional color TV outdated in China popular in some African nations 4) Growth of economy Examples of Britain and India,3. Problems in international trade Trade protectionism,华为进军澳洲受阻,澳洲计划建设覆盖率达93%的高速光纤网络。报道指出,澳州政府为确保网络安全,禁止华为参与竞标此项目。 澳大利亚因网路安全顾虑,禁止中国通信公司华为科技参与竞标全国宽带网络的合同。澳大利亚总理吉拉德(Julia Gillard)表示,此举是为了国家利益着想,但并未对澳州政府禁止华为参与此高达375亿美元的项目做出评论。,Reasons (read by yourself) (2) Methods of restrictions Definition: duty or fee levied on goods being imported into a country Categories:,Revenue tariff: gain income,Protection tariff: protect domestic market (raising tariff: increase cost of imported products and make price higher),A tariffs,According to time of collection,Import duty: collected when goods are imported,Export duty: collected when goods are exported Purpose:,Control export of anything of national importance e.g. energy and natural resources,Maintain an orderly export for stable trade relations with trading partner (keep trade balance i.e. Export should be approximately equal to Import) Or else: quarrels may occur e.g. US often criticizes that China exports too much while buys too little from US,Import duty import surtax:进口附加税 which should be paid by the importers Additional temporary discriminatory against goods from a particular country e.g. if US wants to restrict importing from China it can increase import surtax,import surtax,Countervailing duty:反补贴税 collected against bounty (money provided by the government to increase export ) or grant during production, transport and export,2. anti-dumping duty: A penalty imposed on suspiciously low-priced imports, to increase their price in the importing country and so protect local industry from unfair competition,3. Variable levy: 差价(额)税 Collected at the difference between world market prices and the support prices for domestic producers to make the imported commodities no more competitive in price than the domestic commodities,欧盟对中国光伏产品反倾销反补贴 2012-2-27 11:08:32 国际新能源网 网友评论 26日有媒体报道,欧洲最大的传统光伏应用市场德国可能联合欧盟其他国家对中国光伏产品实施反倾销。记者就此事求证中国机电商会得知,该机构并未收到来自欧委会的相关公告,此事目前并不成立。而光伏领域资深专家孟宪淦表示,欧盟是中国最大光伏出口市场,约占65%,其对中国光伏产品实施反倾销的风险确实存在,中国企业需抓紧开辟国内市场,转型升级。 据媒体报道,德媒披露拥有约800个产业会员的德国太阳能经济联合会已采取行动,将联合欧洲同行向欧盟提出申诉并指控中国光伏企业倾销。该联合会认为,来自中国的不公平竞争使德国本土太阳能产业深陷危机。,中国机电商会有关人士表示,自2011年11月美国商务部对中国光伏产品“双反”(即反倾销和反补贴)调查立案以来,欧盟也可能对中国光伏产品进行调查的言论一直都有,且有增多趋势。但目前该商会尚未收到任何来自欧盟的相关公告,因此此事并不成立,也未对国内光伏生产企业进行通报。 中国可再生能源学会副理事长孟宪淦介绍,欧盟对中国光伏产品反倾销或反补贴一事,风险确实存在,国内企业也有这种担忧,这与欧洲不景气的经济形势有关,且欧盟在双反政策方面一向跟风美国。,According to the methods in which tariffs are collected,Specific duty: 从量税 (固定税) Collected per physical unit- According to weight volume measurement quantity,2. Ad valorem duty 从价税 According to value or price,3. Mixed or compound duty混合税(复合税 ) Collected according to either specific duty or ad valorem duty first, then the other,4. Alternative duty选择税 Collected whichever the higher between specific duty and ad valorem duty,B Non-tariff barriers 非关税壁垒,Quota: quantitative restriction or upper limit in terms of physical quantity or value,Absolute quota: 绝对配额 Definition: import quota that allows a limited quantity of specified merchandise for consumption,2. Tariff quota: Definition: below the limit-no or low duties Above the limit-high duties or penalty,purpose,Make import more difficult and costly,Functions of the quota:,Reduces the volume of imports,Raises the price of imports,Encourages demand for domestically made substitutes e.g. cars made in China take place of cars produced in Japan,e.g. Chinese government will give quota of luxurious cars imported from other nations to protect the domestic automobile industry BMW: US 40,000 dollars China: 800,000,2. Foreign exchange control Reason Buying foreign products Generally speaking RMB can not be used US dollars and Euro are requested to pay Therefore If Chinese government reduces issuing foreign currencies, Chinese will reduce purchasing when they are abroad,Another example Ringgit 林吉特(马来西亚货币单位) cant be used to purchase in China A Malaysian must get US dollars to exchange RMB when he/she is in China,3. Advanced deposit 经 (进口)押金制度, 进口存款制 Definition: A partial payment made to a venue, often a hotel, prior to an event or meeting to ensure that the space and services reserved are held for the party making the reservation Way of setting barrier: Importers must deposit a percentage of the total value of the imports for a period of time,without interest or with a very low interest Reason of increasing cost for importers: Cash for any companies is limited and very valuable Importers will face high risk If they put too much floating capital (流动资金) Without interest or very low interest Probably their fund-chain may rupture,4. Health & sanitary regulations If importing country imposes strict Health & sanitary regulations which exporting country hardly can meet volume of import will be greatly reduced e.g.菲律宾香蕉损失惨重 国际市场所获报价全面下降,香蕉作为菲律宾第二大农业出口产品,近段时间频频 成为菲律宾新闻里的主角。 据菲律宾媒体近日报道,菲律宾香蕉出口商表示,由 于菲香蕉出口中国时遭遇检疫不合格的风波,他们已 经损失了14.4亿比索(约2.09亿人民币)。 香蕉业是菲律宾极其重要的一大产业,光是出口国外 的香蕉每年就可以为菲律宾赚取高达7.2亿美元的外 汇,并直接影响菲律宾国内大约20万人的就业问题。 中国是菲律宾香蕉的第二大市场,仅次于日本。 香蕉出口遭遇麻烦,让菲律宾头疼不已。 “我们的潜在损失超过他们(中国商家)。” 菲律宾出口商协会会长塞尔吉奥奥尔蒂斯路易斯对当地电视 台表示。显然,香蕉的出口问题已经让菲律宾国内头疼不已。,香蕉烂在码头 2012年3月6日,国家质检总局发出警示通报,暂停 受理通报之日起菲律宾启运的部分出口商及其果园和 包装厂的输华香蕉报检。对此前该国出口商发运的香 蕉,经检验检疫合格后入境。 这则通报源于早前深圳检验检疫局发现一批菲律宾进 口香蕉中的有害生物香蕉肾盾蚧。它是一种检疫性有 害生物,食性复杂,可危害多种果树和观赏植物,极 易随寄主植物果实、苗木远距离传播。该虫目前在中 国尚无分布。 国家质检总局就此已多次向菲方通报,要求其调查原 因,采取改进措施。此通报一出,对于菲律宾香蕉业 来说,可算是毁灭性的打击。,2),Cultural problems,Language Including terms of transaction,Social customs: When you do business in other countries You must respect other nations customs,As students studying business You should be able to cope with such problems Details will be discussed in “Intercultural communication in business ”,3) Money conversion: Because all currencies float every minute in the foreign exchange market losses will occur when converting one currency into another Therefore International traders face: exchange risk Professionals need to hedge against the risk I have mentioned this topic last semester and details will be given in the subject of “international finance”,4. Arguments Again


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