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Unit 1,Festivals around the world,The first period,Unit1 Festivals around the world,FESTIVAL,New Year,National Day,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Mid-Autumn Festival,Childrens Day,Valentines Day,Dragon Boat Festival,Teachers Day,Spring Day,Halloween,Army Day,International Womens Day,Easter,April Fools Day,The Spring Festival,Lantern Festival,Now please open your books and turn to page one. Work in pairs and discuss another four Chinese festivals :what people celebrate and what people do.,The Spring Festival,The 1st day of the 1st Lunar Month,The coming of the spring,Visit relatives; have a big meal; display Spring Festival couplets and pictures,Lantern Festival,The fifteenth day of the first lunar month,The first full moon after Lunar New Year,Eat special sweet dumplings-yuanxiao ; enjoy lanterns and fireworks,The Dragon Boat Festival,The fifth day of the fifth lunar month,In memory of Qu Yuan , a great poet,Dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking a special wine; put herbs on doorways for good health,We have got lots of information about Chinese festivals. Now lets talk about some foreign festivals.,April Fools Day,Easter 复活节,Obon 盂兰盆节,The Cherry Blossom Festival 樱花节,Listening Part,A rabbit “the Easter Bunny” and a chicken. Bread with an cross-Hot cross buns.,Now listen to the tape and fill the blanks.,Easter is one of the most important days for Christians, because it celebrates the death and return of Jesus. However, for many people it is a holiday when families can get together to eat a good meal. Because Easter is _ _it is also a time when _ _ and _ are born and _ _grow. It is a time of hope and promise.,in,spring,baby animals,birds,new,plants,Helen and Andy left school on Thursday afternoon at two oclock. They were going to have a four-day Easter holiday. They were gong to buy some _ _ and _ _ _ _ for the little children. _ _ _ came home to spend the weekend together. Andy bought the candy Easter eggs, but he did not have enough money in his pocket to buy the Hot cross Buns. Helen took some of her money and bought a dozen.,candy eggs,some Hot Cross Buns,The whole family,On Saturday night, after the small children had gone to bed, Andy and Helen hid _ and _ _ _all over the house. Some were _, some were very _, and some were not eggs at all, but in the shape of _ or _ . They were hidden in cupboards, behind boxes and under clothes. On Sunday morning, the children began to hunt for the Easter eggs and candy, they thought the Easter Bunny had left so many they could not find them all. Of course, they could not eat them all.,candy,chocolate Easter eggs,big,small,chickens,rabbits,Later, Mom called Andy and Helen to help with dinner. She asked Andy to clean _ _ and _. Helen said she would prepare roast lamb and _ _. Finally, when they sat down to have dinner, they were all thankful for the delicious food, and that spring was coming soon.,the carrots,potatoes,apple pie,Homework,Please collect as much information about festivals as possible. Think about the questions in Part 2 “pre-reading” and then preview the next part about reading to get the main idea.,Reading,Festivals and celebrations The second period,Pre-reading,Whats your favourite holiday of the year? Why ? What festivals or celebrations do you enjoy in your city or town? Do you like spending with your family or with friends? What part of a festival do you like best -the music, the things to see, the visits or the food?,Reading,Comprehending 1 When did ancient people celebrate ? 2 What are festivals of the dead for ? 3 Why does India have a national festival on October?,The end of the cold weather , spring planting , autumn harvest, celebrate when they had food,To honour the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors.,To honour Mahatma Gandi, the leader who helped gain Indias independence from Britain.,4 Why are autumn festivals happy events ? 5 Name three things people do at spring festivals. 6 What is one important reason to have festivals and celebrations?,.Because their food is gathered for the winter,Eat dumplings, fish and meat, give children lucky money in red paper , families celebrate the lunar New Year together.,People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our daily life for a little while.,Festivals and celebrations,Part 1 ancient festivals When did ancient people celebrate ? They would celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn.,Why would people celebrate at these three times of the year?,Why do you think music and fire or light are used in festivals ?,Part 2 festivals of the Dead,1 What kind of things are done to honour the dead? 2 Why do you think we offer flowers to the dead? 3 What do you think about the Mexican practice of making cakes with skulls and bones? 4 What do you know about Halloween? What pictures have you seen?,Part 3 Festivals to Honour People and Events,1 What festivals or celebrations can you think of that honour famous people or important events? 2 Who do you think should have a festival to honour them ? Why ?,Part 4 &5 Harvest Festivals and Spring Festivals,Do you know of any harvest celebrations in China? Why are spring festivals popular? Talk about all the cultural practices you know of at spring festivals.,Now please read the text again and finish the form.,Festivals of the dead,Obon , Japan; the Day of the Dead , Mexico; Halloween,To honor the dead or satisfy and please the ancestors,Go to clean the graves, light incense ,light lamp, play music;eat food in the shape of skulls, cakes with bones on them, offer food flowers and gifts to the dead; go to neighbours homes and ask for sweets , dress up,Festivals to Honor people,Dragon Boat festival ,China,; Columbus Day , the USA; October2, India,An honor to famous people or to the gods,Dragon boat racing , eat Zongzi; all kinds of activities in different countries,Ha


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