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Instructions,第三章 产品说明书的翻译,说明书的结构及内容,标题 产品名称 生产厂家 品牌 注册商标 产品类型 产品代号 正文,结尾 生产商/经销商信息: 名称、地址、电话号码、传真号码、电子邮件、邮政编码等 附录 产品附件清单 电路图 用户反馈意见 保修卡 维修记录卡 维修点一览表,说明书正文,产品概况 产地 规格 材料 成分 主要性能 技术指标 特点 结构 功能,product profile place of production/origin specification material ingredient/composition capability/function technical index/indicator characteristics/features structure function/effect,用途 使用方法 保养维修方法 注意事项 质量 技术标准与等级 生产批号和日期 质量保证,application application method service and maintenance warning quality technical criteria and grade batch number and date of production guarantee/warranty,说明书的语言特点,1. 名词化倾向 Nominalization 名词化的作用 名词化是科技英语的重要特点之一,因为名词化使描述更客观 语体正式程度越高,使用名词化的频率越高 名词化使语言简洁、结构严谨 什么是名词化 名词化(nominalization名物化)是指在语法上从其他词性的词,一般是动词和形容词,转化为名词词组的过程。,如何名词化 You can rectify this fault if you insert a wedge. Rectification of this fault is achieved by insertion of a wedge. We can improve its performance when we use super-heated steam. An improvement of its performance can be effected by the use of super-heated steam. If we add or remove heat, the state of matter may change. The addition or removal of heat may change the state of matter.,2. 多使用被动语态 Passive voice (常搭配情态动词) 为突出产品本身,句子往往以其作为主语。 电池取出后,预设的电台和时间可保留两个半小时。 The preset stations and time are retained for about 2.5 hours after the battery is removed.,3. 非谓语动词结构Non-predicative structures 为了简洁地说明适用条件 配音时,建议使用新电池或将设备连接到电源。 When dubbing, it is recommended to use fresh batteries or to connect the set to the main supply. 为达到产品最佳性能、延长使用寿命、避免发生故障,请仔细阅读本说明书。 To obtain the best performance and ensure years of trouble free use, please read this instruction manual carefully.,由于摩擦力较大,必须采取预防措施,防止零件过快磨损。 The friction being great, we have to take precautions to prevent these parts from wearing down to fast. 为补充说明条件也可使用条件句 If it is in eyes, rinse with plenty of water for 15 minutes. If it is swallowed, drink a glassful of water or milk. Call the physician in either case.,4. 多用祈使句 Imperative sentence 为达到警告、命令、强调的作用,多使用祈使句,且不使用礼貌委婉语 将漂白剂存于干燥阴凉处。该包装不得重复使用。 Store the Bleach in a cool dry place. Do not reuse the empty container. 使用本品后请充分清洗头发。 Rinse hair well after application of the mixture.,5. 多使用省略句 Elliptical sentences (without subject) 产品说明书中施事者和被施事者通常都很清楚,故可省略主语,同时达到简洁明了的文体特征 (AVON ROLL-ON ANTI-PERSPIRANT DEODORANT) All-day deodorant and wetness protection. Keep underarms dry and odor-free. Glides on smoothly. Dries quickly. Non-stinging. Non-sticky. Wont stain clothing.,6. 多使用陈述句+一般现在时 产品特点、性能等的一般性描述 本产品设计仅供家庭使用,任何商业用途、不当使用或未按照说明书使用而引起的故障本公司概不负责,且不在保修范围内。 The applicance is designed to use at home, any fault caused by commercial use or misemploy is at your own risk and not in the maintenance margin. 本品副作用与其他青霉素类似,偶可见胃肠道功能紊乱、荨麻疹、皮疹及过敏反应。 As with other penicillin, this capsule may cause occasionally gastrointestinal disturbances, urticaria, rash and hypersensitivity reactions/allergic reactions/ anaphylaxis.,语篇实例,药品说明书 产品操作/使用指南及注意事项(设备、软件、日用品等) 产品特色及功能介绍(化妆品、食品、旅游服务等),1. 药品说明书,INGREDIENTS (1,000 mgs) DESCRIPTION Light brown powder in gelatin capsules INDICATIONS Osteoform is a supplement of calcium, trace material, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C. It is indicated for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by deficiency of above mentioned minerals and vitamins. It is recommended in treating and preventing Osteoporosis(骨质疏松) and Rickets(佝偻病). It is effective in reducing neurological pain and spasm caused by lack of calcium. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children may also use this product as a resource of calcium and Vitamin D3.,Osteoform Capsules,SUGGESTED DOSAGE Osteoform is administered orally with a full glass of water (6-8oz). The usual dosage is 1 capsule daily or consult a physician for adults; children over six years old may use adult dosage or consult a physician; children under age of six may take 1/2 capsule daily. Patients may open the capsule, sprinkle and dissolve contents in water or juice for young children or patients with difficulty in swallowing the capsule.,CAUTION This product is contraindicated to patients with kidney dysfunction or hypercalcemia(血钙浓度过高). Please consult your physician for questions. HOW SUPPLIED 1,000 mg/Capsule, 30 Capsules/bottle STORAGE Please store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children. EXPIRATION Three years,复方氨基酸螯合钙 (乐力钙胶囊) 【成分】每粒1000mg,组成为: 【性状】本品为硬胶囊,内容物为淡黄色粉末。 【适应症】 本品是钙、微量元素、维生素D3及维生素 C的补充剂。 1. 可用于防治钙、矿物质缺乏引起的各种疾病,尤适用于骨质疏松、儿童佝偻病、缺钙引起的神经痛、肌肉抽搐等。 2. 可用作孕期、哺乳期妇女和儿童的钙和维生素D3的补充。,【用法及用量】 口服,温水送下。成人,每日1粒,或遵医嘱;6岁以下儿童,每日半粒;6岁以上儿童按成人剂量服用,或遵医嘱。幼儿及吞服不便者,可打开胶囊用适量果汁冲服。 【注重事项】肾功能不全及血钙浓度过高者禁用,或遵医嘱。 【包装】1,000 mg/粒, 30 粒/瓶 【储存方法】置于阴凉干燥处。远离儿童。 【有效期】三年,更多案例,Dr.Reddys Omeprazole,Use Dr.Reddys Omeprazole for: The short term relief of reflux-like (e.g. heartburn) symptoms in sufferers aged 18 years of age and over. Do not use for any other purpose except on medical advice. How to use: Take one capsule daily. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not chew or crush capsule, swallow whole with water. Do not take for more than 14 days; consult a doctor or pharmacists if symptoms persist. Store below 25 C Consult your doctor or pharmacist if symptoms persist, recur or worsen or if new symptoms occur Consult a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are pregnant or are taking any other medicines. Except following medical advice do not use if you suffer from: Weight loss Persistent regurgitation of food or vomiting Difficulty swallowing or symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding Each capsule contains: 20 mg Omeprazole as enteric-coated granules. Please read the enclosed leaflet before taking the capsules. Code No. DRUGS/AP/59/97 Dr.Reddys New Zealand Limited, Auckland,La Roche Posay Thermal Spring Water,La Roche Posay Thermal Spring Water Is naturally rich in the antioxidant Selenium. Soothes and softens. Indications: An essential skincare treatment for sensitive skin, it soothes skin irritated by external factors (the sun, dermatological treatments, etc.) and guards against skin aging. Suitable for both adults and children. Properties: A unique combination of mineral salts and trace elements, such as Slenium, gives La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water scientifically demonstrated antioxidant, soothing and softening properties. Warning: Avoid spraying in eyes. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture or incinerate. Do not store at temperatures above 120 (49). Pressurized nitrogen (inert ecological gas). Keep out of the sun. Keep out of the reach of children. Distributed by:,清音丸说明书,药品名称 通用名:清音丸 汉语拼音:Qingyin Wan 成分 乌梅肉、川贝母、葛根、天花粉、茯苓、甘草 性状 本品为褐色的大蜜丸;味甘,微酸涩。 功能主治 清热利咽,生津润燥。用于肺热津亏,咽喉不利,口舌干燥,声哑失音。 用法用量 口服,温开水送服或噙化。一次一丸,一日2次。 注意事项 服用前应出去蜡皮、塑料球壳;本品不可整丸吞服;忌食辛辣食物。 规格 每丸重3g。 贮藏 密封。 包装 塑料球壳,10丸/盒。 有效期 5年。 批准文号 国药准字Z11020173。 生产企业 企业名称:北京同仁堂股份有限公司同仁堂制药厂 地址:北京市崇文区西打磨厂46号 邮政编码:100051 电话号码:(010)67025631 传真号码:(010)67018048,虎标万金油,虎标万金油的药方是起源于古中国宫廷的草药秘方,之后由胡文虎及胡文豹的父亲传授给兄弟两人。文虎凭他精明的市场策略,把虎标万金油开拓成为家喻户晓的良好。近百年来,虎标万金油的显著疗效,已为超过75个国家的广大民众所确认。虎标万金油是依照特别配方和精选的原料精心配制,它符合严格的制药及质量标准。 主治:能有效地解除头疼、鼻塞、瘙痒、筋肉疼痛、劳损扭伤、肚痛、胃肠气胀及蚊叮虫咬所引起之不适。 注意:只限外用,并远离儿童。两岁以下儿童、怀孕及授乳的妇女、用前宜遵医嘱,切勿涂搓于眼部、黏膜及伤口。对外用药物有敏感者,需先涂抹微量于局部患处,如皮肤出现刺激现象,即刻停用就医,红色虎标万金油可能会污染衣物。 用法:将本品搓在患处。 储藏:密闭,置阴凉处。,2. 操作指南,Feria 3D Color Expert Kit In the Expert Kit youll find: 1 bottle of Feria 3D Color Colorant gel 1 applicator bottle containing the developer 1 aromatic oil concentrate 1 tube of double dose after-color conditioner 1 pair of professional quality gloves 纷莹专业立体染发组 每盒专业柒发组内含: 1.一瓶 Fergi 3D Color染发剂 2.一瓶显色敷用瓶,内含显色剂 3.一小瓶柔发香氛精油 4.一瓶加倍染后护发乳 5.一双专业染发手套,Read before use IMPORTANT: THIS PRODUCT CAN CAUSE AN ALLERGIC REACTION WHICH, IN CERTAIN RARE CASES, MAY BE SEVERE. TO HELP YOU REDUCE THE RISK OF ALLERGIC REACTION. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO FOLLOW THE PRECAUTIONS BELOW: DO NOT USE IF: You have already experienced a reaction to a hair colorant, You have a sensitive, itchy or damaged scalp. 安全说明 使用前请详阅说明书 注意:本产品可引起过敏反应,少数人可能会严重过敏。为减少过敏风险,请认真 阅读以下警示: 若有下列情况,请勿使用 曾对染发剂有过敏反应 头皮过敏、发痒和破损,Quick and Easy preparation PUT the professional quality gloves on (5). UNSCREW and remove the cap of the developer bottle (2). POSITION the bottle containing the colorant gel (1) directly above it EMPTY the entire contents of the colorant gel bottle (1). BREAK the snap-off tip of the aromatic oil concentrate (3). POUR the entire contents into the developer bottle (2). FIRMLY CLOSE the developer bottle. SHAKE vigorously to obtain an even mixture. APPLY THE MIXTURE TO YOUR HAIR AT ONCE.,To avoid damage from the product overflowing break off the tip of the applicator bottle immediately after mixing,快速简单的柒发准备步骤 带上专业染发手套5。 打开显色敷用瓶2瓶盖。 将内含染发乳的1置于2上方井全部倒人2瓶中。 折断柔发香氛精油3瓶尖, 将精油完全倒人显色敷用瓶2中。 将显色敷用瓶瓶盖盖回旋紧。 用力摇动,使其充分混合。 混合机必须马上使用,不得保留。 【一旦将染色剂混合请立即折断瓶口尖端以免混合剂爆出造成伤害。】,Easy Application Put a towel around your shoulders to protect it from possible spillage. Make sure you are wearing the professional quality gloves 5 provided in this Kit Feria 3D Color should be applied on damp, unwashed, combed hair. 使用简单 在肩膀上围一条旧毛巾,以免染剂沾染到衣服。 并带上专业染发组内附的专业染发手套5。 Feria 3D Color需在洗头前使用,并且先将头发梳开、避免打结,且微微打湿。,更多案例,CLEAR Anti-Dandruff Shampoo,CLEAR Anti-Dandruff Shampoo SCALP FACT Male scalp needs are different. HOW PRO NUTRIUM 10 WORKS Clear engineered PRO NUTRIUM 10, a dual-active anti-dandruff formula with 2x more scalp strengtheners. Nourishes 3 scalp layers deep. Targets dandruff at source. Boosts scalp health to increase natural resistance against dandruff & scalp problems. COOLING ITCH CONTROL with Cooling Hydration Tech for dry, itchy scalp Break free from scalp dryness and itch Directions Apply to wet hair, massage onto scalp, rinse. For best results, repeat the process and use regularly. Caution Avoid contact with eyes. If this happens, rinse thoroughly with water. If irritation persists, consult a doctor.,*漂白水,产品特点: 本漂白水具有三大功效:除菌消毒、清洁除臭、衣物漂白 用量标准: 用于普通漂白: 机洗: 顶开盖式:一次加入本品5瓶盖(约70克) 前开盖式:一次加入本品3瓶盖(约40克) 手洗:5升水中加入本品1瓶盖 用于特殊漂白:5升水中加入本品3瓶盖 注意事项: 本品不适用于丝绸、羊毛、尼龙、易褪色类织物及皮革制品。 切忌与酸性清洁剂混用。 请勿直接使用未经稀释的原液,谨防溅到衣服上造成局部漂白褪色。 勿让儿童接触。,快速安装说明 感谢您购买此Acer笔记本电脑。请按以下步骤开始。 打开包装盒 插入并锁定电池 连接到外接电源 按下电源按钮 确认无线连接打开 按屏幕说明完成设置 尝试连接到Internet?尝试这些简单的步骤! 确认无线已打开(参见步骤5) 找到无线网络。 - 如果您在设置Windows时处在无线信号范围内,Windows将自动检测并显示可用无线网络的列表。选择您的网络,输入密码(如需要)。 - 或者,您可打开Internet Explorer并按以下屏幕说明连接到无线网络,请参阅路由器或ISP的用户指南以获得其他帮助。 连接后,您就可访问Internet。,3. 商品功能及特色,Feria 3D Color Expert Kit Multi-faceted, shimmering color, double dose conditioner, Aromatic Oil Now, even more 3D Color, more long lasting, more multi-faceted than ever. Discover the luxury of a more generous quantity of product, for an even more perfect color: the color reflects the light to create a 3 dimensional effect. A real concentrate of multi-faceted reflects for a result that is vibrant and shiny. Feel the fresh fragrance of the Aromatic Oil. A double dose of after-color conditioner with UV filter protects and nourishes your hair. 芬莹专业立体染发组 发色立体分明、璀璨闪亮,含双倍护发素、柔发香氛精油 现在,发色更立体、更持久、展现前所未有的璀璨发色。体验份量更多,让发色更完美的精致产品:它的色泽可以反射光线,刨造出立体的发色效果。富含立体璀璨因子,让发色生动闪亮。享受全新柔发香氛精油的清新。加倍的染后护发乳,含UV滤光因子,能保护滋养你的发丝。,* Lip Balm Protects and softens chapped lips Contains the antioxidants of Vitamin C & E. Helps delay aging and maintain healthy lips. Gives natural and lovely colors with a glossy shine Apply directly on lips or use with other color lip balm 保护和滋润干裂的双唇 富含维他命C和E抗氧化成分,延缓双唇衰老,保持双唇健康 使双唇色彩富含色泽,自然亮丽 可单独使用,也可与其他颜色的口红搭配使用,EyeCon Eye Shadow EyeCon eye shadow applies smoothl


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