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Unit Three,The Present,Present: n. /adj. /v.,n. /preznt/ =gift礼物,赠品;e.g. I want to send him a bike as the birthday present. =the time now现在,目前;e.g Im sorry he is out at present. adj. =being in a particular place 出席的,到场的( which is the antonym of “absent”);e.g. Most fathers wish to be present at the birth of their child. =existing or happening now目前的, 现在的;e.g. in the present situation (在当前形势下) V. /przent/ =to give sth. to sb., especially formally at a ceremony 赠送,给予;e.g. The sword was presented by the family to the museum. (这家人把宝剑捐赠给了博物馆。) =to show or describe sth./sb. to look at or consider 提出,出示;呈现. e.g. You need to present yourself better. (你需要更善于展示自己。),Rare (rarely) vs. Scarce (in Unit5),rare和scarce都有“稀少的”、“少有的”之义。 Rare: a. not happening often 罕见的,不常发生的; 难得的,稀有 的;指稀少而又珍贵的东西。e.g.a rare bird 珍稀鸟类/珍禽 rare metal 珍稀金属 rare air 稀薄的空气 It is rare for a person in his position to make such a mistake. (像他这样地位的人犯如此错误很少见。) It is rare to find him at home. (难得见他呆在家里。) rarely: adv. =not often 很少地,难得地,不常地 Scarce: “缺少”,“缺乏”;指常见、有用却缺乏的事物,即指在数量上 少于标准量或所需量的事物; 它不含珍贵之意,多指普通东西在一定时 期内短缺。(Its antonym:abundant:丰富的). 表示“缺乏”之意时, 它常 作表语不作定语, 故我们可以用rare来修饰“时间”,“场合”而不能用scarce. e.g. Food and fuel are getting scarce. (食物和燃料日益缺乏。) scarcely=hardly, only just(几乎不, 仅仅)放在句首时需要用倒装结构. e.g. Scarcely had he arrived when he had to leave again. (他刚刚到达, 又不得不离开。) He scarcely knew a word of English, ?(他对英语一窍不通,是吗?),arrange的用法,arrange: vi. =make preparations, plan作计划,筹划; 习惯用法:arrange for(安排,准备); e.g. Ive arranged for a boy to help you carry the luggage(行李)。,spot 的用法,1). 可作及物和不及物动词,意为“(discover, recognize, catch sight of)发现,认出;弄污,加斑点于”。e.g. He spotted his girlfriend in the crowd. 他从人群中认出了他的女朋友。 Her dress is spotted with ink. 她的连衣裙上沾了点墨水。 2). 作可数名词,意为“点”;“斑点;污点”(a round area that is different from the main surface)。e.g. There is a black spot on your coat. 你的大衣上有个黑色斑点。 3). 可作名词,意为“(a place or an area)地点”; e.g. The police were on the spot within ten minutes. 警察们十分钟内就赶到事发现场。,Extra: adj.= additional 额外的,外加的; adv.=especially 特别地; n.额外的收入,当extra-作前缀时,常加在形容词前,表示 “超出,在之上”;e.g. extraordinary (非凡的,特别的) extracurricular (课外的) extrasensory (超感官的) extralegal (法律权利以外的),at other times=on other occasions 在别的时候,平时,e.g. The beautiful lady seldom came downstairs at other times. (这位漂亮的夫人平时很少下楼来。) Collocation: at times 有时 at all times 在任何时候 at a time 每次 at one time 曾经 at no time 决不,after all = in spite of everything, it must be remembered, nevertheless 毕竟,终究,e.g. After all, hes only 6 years old. (他毕竟才六岁嘛。) Cant it be true, after all, that money means everything? (金钱是万能的到底是不是真的?),Be sure (of)= be certain (of)对有把握,确信, I am sure of your ability to cope with it(处理这件事). I am not sure whether hell come to help us. (我不知道他是否会来帮助我们。) He is sure to back soon. (他肯定立刻就会回来。),Pick up 的用法, take hold of and lift up from a surface拿起,捡起,提起,举起; e.g. She went over to the crying child and picked him up. (她走到了啼哭的孩子身边,把他抱了起来。) to get together, collect 收拾,整理;e.g. I pick up my room once a week. (我每周收拾房间一次。) to get information or a skill by chance, get or obtain sth.(偶然)得到,学会,获得; e.g. She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico. (她旅居墨西哥时顺便学会了西班牙语。) Where did you pick up that book? (你在哪儿弄到那本书的?) to collect or get in vehicle 开车接,开车去取;e.g. Please pick up our guests at the airport tomorrow morning.,Background Knowledge,Birthday (生日) 西方人的一些重要生日: 21岁生日是成人的标志,表明一个孩子已经长大成人。一般来说此时家人要为他(她)办一个生日晚会,并送一件比较贵重的礼物,一般给男孩一辆汽车,给女孩子一块贵重手表。但近年来这个数字已降到18岁。 70岁生日,一般老人很看重它。它意味着自己已经到了夕阳下的日子,是否还能庆祝以后的生日就很难说了,所有的子女都会来庆祝,祝福老人能够长寿。 百岁寿辰,因 为它的稀有而不仅受到家人的祝福,在英国等国家还会收到官方甚至王室的祝贺,也因此成为公众和媒体注意的对象。,西方庆祝生日的方式:,在西方一般要举办生日晚会,邀请亲朋好友参加,参加晚会要带生日礼物,并当着过生日的人的面打开礼物,接受礼物者要表示感谢。生日晚会的传统项目是,当晚会接近尾声时,关掉所有的灯,一个人从另一间屋子端出一块生日蛋糕,上面插着点燃的生日蜡烛,大家齐唱生日歌,寿星许愿,吹蜡烛,切蛋糕分与众人。此时晚会到达高潮,并随之结束。,东西方人不同的家庭观念,英语词汇中用“uncle, aunt”来称呼比自己长一辈的人,不像汉语“叔叔,伯伯,舅舅,姨夫” 分得那么仔细。因此可以看出,西方人的家庭规模很小,没必要分得那么仔细。东方人注重家庭,西方人喜欢独立,子女到了18岁就要自己独立生活了。如果读书用父母的钱,工作后也要设法鬼魂。父母年老时也不会与子女住在一起,有能力是独自生活,年纪大了住政府提供的老人院。西方人“家”的概念是一对夫妻加一个或几个孩子,还有偶尔来往的父母与兄弟姐妹。,东西方人不同的家庭观念,英语词汇中用“uncle, aunt”来称呼比自己长一辈的人,不像汉语“叔叔,伯伯,舅舅,姨夫” 分得那么仔细。因此可以看出,西方人的家庭规模很小,没必要分得那么仔细。东方人注重家庭,西方人喜欢独立,子女到了18岁就要自己独立生活了。如果读书用父母的钱,工作后也要设法归还。父母年老时也不会与子女住在一起,有能力是独自生活,年纪大了住政府提供的老人院。西方人“家”的概念是一对夫妻加一个或几个孩子,还有偶尔来住的父母与兄弟姐妹。,the aged = the old/aged people 老年人,类似例子有: the poor = the poor people the rich = the rich people 英语中,某些adj.可以和定冠词the连用,表示一类人或物。此时,这个adj.是名词化的形容词,没有数的变化,可作句中作主语、宾语、表语。,The old lady was proud of Myra,be proud of sb./sth. = to have a proper personal feeling of satisfaction and pleasure connected with oneself为而骄傲 Johns parents are proud of him.,Myra came to the funeral, and in her efficient way arranged for Mrs. Morrison to come in and light the fire and give the old lady her breakfast.,efficient vs. effective efficient “=able to plan and work well 效率高的”,强调效果好、避免损耗。e.g. an efficient secretary 效率高的秘书 The citys transport system is one of the most efficient in Europe. (该城市的交通系统是欧洲效率最高的交通系统之一。) effective:“=producing intended result 有效的”, 强调能产生作用。e.g. an effective medicine 有效药物 It is a very effective cure for a headache. (这是治疗头痛的特效药。),On the occasion of正值。之际,当。时候 On the occasion (1 of the old ladys eightieth birthday, she waited eagerly to see what kind of p resent (2 her daughter, Myra, would send to her. Since her first daughter, Enid , had died two years before, the old lady had edured (3 the loneliness of living by herself. It was rare (4 for Myra to visit her mother, but still the old lady was proud of her. She felt sure that her daughter would celebrate her birthday with something special. As she waited for the postman, the old lady trembled (5 with excitement because she was quite sure she would receive a lovely present. After all (6 , she thought, even if Myra paid little attention to her mother at other times (7, today was a very special day. However, when the postman came, the old lady found to her disappiontment (8 that, rather than choosing a special gift, Myra had simply sent her a cheque folded (9 in a card.,Ex.12 Translate the following sentences into English.,1. 那位名演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。 That famous actor seemed very content to play a minor role in the play. 2. 国庆节要到了,咱们把寝室彻底(thorough)打扫一下吧。 National Day is around the corner, lets give our bedroom a thorough cleaning. 3. 她非常勉强地同意让一位年轻医生为她手术。 With much reluctance, she let a young doctor operate on her. 4. 他们已安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在那儿一定会玩得很开心。 They have already arranged for us to visit the Great Wall tomorrow, Im sure well have a good time there.,Ex.12 Translate the following sentences into English.,5. 老人读完信后失望之极,竟用颤抖的手


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