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在小学英语课堂如何使用故事,海淀教师进修学校 王微,对一部分孩子而言,老师是最后的希望;学校是孩子“步入成年之前的最后一个加油站。”,故事生动有趣,充满想象,具有吸引儿童的魔力,让孩子在听故事读故事的过程中与故事中的主人公同欢乐同悲伤。 好的故事不仅可以帮助儿童了解个人情感也促进他们“心智的进化”。,“故事教学的真正价值在于它们提供了丰富的背景环境、完美的学习条件及易于接受的英语输入,虽然有时候可能有一些英语稍稍超过孩子们现有的水平。”,导入,故事学习的动机; 有效提高学生学习英语的兴趣和效果; 了解语言使用的情境,提高英语预感。,故事呈现的方式: 教师讲 学生读,注意事项,故事的趣味性 学生的语言水平 故事的长度 目标语言在故事中的复现率 故事的情境化。,故事的趣味性,第一,故事不应该是一个简单的内容介绍,可以借助诙谐幽默的插图、夸张的肢体动作把故事讲得新颖、有趣,帮助学生理解故事的同时,引导孩子视觉和听觉的参与,提高了听故事的兴趣。 第二,要建立互动的氛围,通过提问帮助学生进入积极参与,认真思考的状态。如:在学习如何描述动物之前,教师可以通过一个生动的小故事帮助学生复习有关动物的词汇和相关的语言。教师利用幻灯片为学生讲故事“A Smart Chicken”。 这是故事主要讲述一个小鸡侦探为了帮助老鼠妈妈找孩子,不断地询问遇到的各种动物。故事中包含了动物名称、特征、习性等词汇。教师讲故事时需要和学生进行交流,观察学生的反应,帮助学生理解故事。,教师打开幻灯片,屏幕上出现了故事的主人公,小鸡。 Look! Whats this? What color is it? What can the chicken do? 引导学生回答问题. 然后说:This chicken is special. It can find something for you.幻灯片出现老鼠妈妈One day mother mouse came to the chickens house. “Help! Help!” she said. “I lost my child.” She gave the chicken a picture of the baby mouse. 出现小老鼠的照片时问学生: What color is the baby mouse? What is it like? 播放下一页,教师接着讲述: He went out to look for the baby mouse. 屏幕上出现小兔, 教师说: What did the chicken see? What color was it? What was it like?,依次出现a fox, a dog, a cat并在讲故事的过程中问问题.Suddenly, the chicken saw a fox, so he raw away. Then, he saw a cat. What can a cat do? What does a cat like to eat? 继续讲述Oh, my god! The mouse wasnt here. The chicken walked and walked. He saw an animal in a house. Was it the baby mouse? What is it like? 出现小老鼠 Look! A mouse was here. What color was it? What was it like? Yes, it was the baby mouse. The chicken took the baby mouse home. Mother mouse was very happy.,故事的长度和语言的复现率,短小精悍 尽量达到每一项语言的复现频率在2-3次以上。当语言的复现频率太低时,用故事来复习或呈现目标语言的目的就没有达到 讲故事的为了帮助学生理解会不断重复、反问或语调加强,Five bears lived in a forest. One day, they went out to play. A little girl missed her way in the forest. She saw a house and came into it. She saw five chairs: a red chair, a yellow chair, a pink chair, a white chair and a black chair. The girl said:“ I like the red chair.” She sat on the red chair. She saw five bowls on the table. They are a red bowl, a yellow bowl, a pink bowl, a white bowl and a black bowl. The little girl thought:“ I like the yellow bowl。”She ate the food in the yellow bowl. Then, she saw five beds; are bed, a yellow bed, a pink bed, an white bed and a black bed. She liked thought:” I like the pink bed.” She slept on the pink bed. After a while, the five bears came back. They saw the little girl. The girl woke up and said:“ Oh! You are a red bear. You are a yellow bear. You are a pink bear. You are a white bear. You are a black bear. You are very pretty.,教师讲故事时语言生动,出现重点内容时要放慢语速,注重语音语调的清晰准确。故事中不断出现颜色的词目标语言汇,增加学生接触新语言的机会。,故事的情境化,故事的内容和表现手法要易于学生理解。 选择的故事内容不能脱离学生的生活。 故事的主题要与教师需要讲授的内容紧密联系,帮助学生建立理解新语言的情境。 故事的情境要比较生动,能激起学生的好奇心,使他们想要找出关于目标语言和文化的东西。,I found a small apple tree. I watch the tree every day. Some days the small apple tree grows big and bushy. I bring a ladder and measure the tree. In spring, the apple tree has many pretty leaves. A lot of birds like to stay with it. In summer, the tree grows bigger and bigger. It has pretty pink flowers. I climb the apple tree to see the tops. In fall, the tree has red apples. They are as big as baseball. I fill my belly with sweet apples. Winter is coming, the tree becomes white. I like my snowy apple tree.,主体文章,自然学习会的语言,比强制性学会的要多很多。 听得越多,可以说出或写出的就越多。 经常听故事的孩子会沉浸在更丰富的语言环境里。(口头语言和书面语言),听故事或文章,录像与书籍的区别,影片中的影像是移动的; 书中


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