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旅 游 英 语,邵 健 浙江广播电视大学英语系,使用教材,潘慧霞旅游英语第三版 东北财经大学出版社 构成: 1热身文章(dialogue or text A) 2. 正文(text or text B) 3. 课文相关(vocabulary and grammar) 4. 语音(phonetics) 5. 补充阅读(supplement reading),Lesson one,objectives: how to use phone to conduct business background information: how to answer a phone (P.3) the number the name of the office or company the name of the receiver,Dialogue (P.1),NTA: National Travel Agency travel agency 旅行社 advertisement agency 广告代理商 NTO: National Tourism Office 分支机构:office / branch the west lake branch, Bank of China,Receiver: this is NTO and this is Cathy Lee speaking. (Caller: is this NTO / is this Cathy Lee speaking?) Im calling to inform you that China will be promoting Visit China 2005 to encourage overseas visitors to travel to China. inform sb that/of 告之,通知某人某事 The government informs the pubic of the coming danger. The government informs the pubic that the danger is coming. promote 促销: to promote the sales overseas adj. : overseas investment/businessman,I kindly request you and NTO officials of your office to attend the annual Travel Trade Fair in NY next month and promote this program as much as you can. kindly request: a polite and roundabout way of giving orders or asking for sth. I request sb to do sth: ask sb to do sth I request that sb (should) do sth order, demand, suggest, advise, propose, recommend, insist program computer program; TV/radio program; business program,as - as you can,同义词组: as - as possible : 尽可能地- you should run as fast as you can if you want to win the first prize. youd better eat as much as you can because in the following days we dont have time to eat. work as hard as you can.,we will be there as we always do every year. as we always were there every year provide/supply provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb provide for/against sth: prepare for sth The government has to provide for/against a possible oil shortage. supply sb with sth / supply sth to sb,we will be handling out brochures and perhaps our latest video on China to wholesalers participating at the fair. handle out : 分发 latest : 最新的 wholesalers participating at the fair 定语的三种形式 a red rose adj + n a rose that is red attributive/relative clause the theory explaining the relativity N + doing 第二种和第三种形式可以互相转换, 如例3可变为: the theory that explains the relativity,Text: An E-mail from a Tourist,acknowledgement letter (in the form of e-mail) we were immensely pleased with the services. we felt very attended to and the entire trip went so smoothly. attend to sb: take care of sb we still can not believe that we traversed such an expanse of China for over two weeks and absolutely nothing went wrong! 我们简直无法相信, 在过去的两个多礼拜里我们穿越游览了中国广袤的大地, 而没有出任何的岔子.,at every destination, a guide was there to greet us and take us by a private car (often a mini-van) to our hotel. you catered to my special diet very well. 你们非常周到地照顾了我独特的口味. cater to sth: satisfy a particular need or demand newspapers catering to peoples love for scandals cater for sth/sb: provide food or service for; provide what is needed or desired by sb or sth cater for a party or banquet TV must cater for different tastes,we could not ask for anything more. 我们别无所求了 I can not agree with you more. 我再同意你不过了 这里的“not”事实上表达的是一种“极至”的意思, 而非普通的否定.,Homework (P.8),guided conversation to make a conversation/dialogue by the information provided in the textbook. If possible, practise the dialogue with your classmates.,Supplement Reading (P.8-9),China is situated in the eastern part of Asia. A is situated/located in/at sw. 位于 next only to Russia and Canada 仅次于,from north to south, it measures some 5500 kilometers, stretching from the central line of the Heilongjiang River north of the town of Mohe to the Zengmu Reef at the southernmost tip of the Nansha Islands. measure vt/vi 测量,(长度/宽度/跨度-)为- how to measure the width of a door? Vt The room measures 10 meters across. Vi 从北至南,跨度为5500多公里,北起漠河以北的黑龙江中线,南至南沙群岛南端的曾母暗礁。,from west to east, the territory of China extends about 5200 km from the Pamirs to the confluence of the Heilong and Wusuli rivers. 从西往东,中国领土横跨5200多公里,从帕米尔高原直到黑龙江和乌苏里江交汇处。 the nation is bordered by Korea in the east; Mongolia ; Russia ; Kazakhstan; Kirghizia Tadzhikistan; Afghanistan; Pakistan; India; Nepal; Bhutan; Myanmar; Laos; Viet Nam the Chinese mainland is flanked by Bohai, the Huanghai, and -,the territorial waters of the PRC extend 12 nautical miles out from the base line drawn where Chinas land territories and interior waters border the sea. the territorial waters extend 12 nautical miles from the base line (that is) drawn (in the place) where Chinas land territories and interior waters border the sea. 从中国领土、内陆水域和海洋交界处划定的基线一直向外延伸12海里,都属于中华人民共和国的领海范围。 表示时间,地点的定语从句,其先行词可以省略,除上句外,另有例句如下: I will never forget (the time) when we were together. This is (the small village) where the war broke out.,More than 5000 islands are scattered over Chinas vast territorial seas, the largest being Taiwai with an area of 36000 square kilometers. 独立主格结构 前后逻辑主语不一致 使用非谓语动词 其形式: 逻辑主语1+谓语结构,逻辑主语2+doing/being 例句: There being no bus, we have to take a taxi. The war stopping, soldiers went back home.,Separated from the old urban district of Shanghai by the Huangpu River, the Pudong New district is under construction . A is separated from B by C C把A和B分割开来 非谓语动词(过去分词done) (The Pudong New district is) Separated from the old urban district of Shanghai by the Huangpu River, the Pudong New district is under construction .,over the course of the coming decades, Shanghai aims to build the Pudong New District into an export-oriented, multi-functional, modernized distirc that matches the standards of the world fitst rate facilities, thus laying the foundation for building Shanghai into an international economic, financial and trade center, a truly internationalized modern city.,over the course of the coming decades, Shanghai aims to build the Pudong New District into an export-oriented, multi-functional, modernized district that matches the standards of the world first rate facilities, thus laying the foundation


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