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第六章 旅游文本中的修辞手法及其翻译,第一模块:热身练习,Have you heard of Bali, a place to the south of Indonesia? Its a small island but is becoming more and more famous by its fascinating tourist attractions enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people from world at large. Bali is so picturesque that you could be fooled into thinking it was a painted backdrop: rice paddies trip down hillsides like giant steps, volcanoes soar through the clouds, the forests are lush and tropical, and the beaches are lapped by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.,您听说过印度尼西亚南部的巴厘岛吗?由于其迷人的旅游景点越来越受到世界各地游客的青睐,这座小岛知名度日渐上升。巴厘岛美景如画,美到会让人误以为是一幅精心雕琢的背景画:山坡上的层层梯田犹如巨大的台阶,火山直冲云霄,热带雨林茂密葱茏,印度洋温暖的海水轻抚着美丽的沙滩。,一湖之中鹅黄、黛绿、赤褐、绛红、翠碧等色彩组成不规则的几何图形,相互浸染,斑驳陆离,如同抖开的一匹五色锦缎。视角移动,色彩亦变,一步一态,变幻无穷。有的湖泊,随风泛波之时,微波细浪,阳光照射,璀灿成花,远视俨如燃烧的海洋。有的湖泊,湖底静伏着钙化礁堤,朦胧中仿佛蛟龙流动。整个沟内,奇湖错落,目不暇接。百余个湖泊,个个古树环绕,奇花簇拥,宛若镶上了美丽的花边。湖泊都由激流的瀑布连接,犹如用银链和白涓串连起来的一块块翡翠,各具特色,变幻无穷。,Different colours in every lake, including yellow, green, brown and red, form into an irregular pattern. They overlap with each other and seem to change with the angle, as if the lake were a piece of colourful brocade. Tiny waves and shiny ripples are like blooming flowers. On the bottom of some lakes lies the calcium skerry. In the whole area are lakes in odd shapes, fascinating and dazzling. Over one hundred of them are all surrounded by ancient trees and marvellous flowers, as if they were embroidered. All lakes are connected by waterfalls, so they look like pieces of jade strung on a silver cord.,第二模块:旅游文本中的修辞手法及其翻译,例1: Then came the twilight colors of sea and heaven, the winepink width of water merging into lawns of aquamarines, the sky a tender palette of pink and blue. 暮霭沉沉,海天一色,红浪翻涌,碧波横流,天空俨然柔和的调色板,粉蓝两色交相辉映。,例2: In winter, ice crystals decorate the fountains and snow covers Basel like icing sugar. 冬季,冰晶点缀着喷泉,皑皑白雪如同糖粉一般覆盖了整个巴塞尔。,例3: 神仙池,一个仙女沐浴、纯洁、宁静的自然天地,它充满美丽动人的神话传说和深厚的人文情结,神秘而纯洁,如一颗晶莹剔透、玲珑精致、积聚大自然神韵的璀璨明珠镶嵌在大九寨旅游环线上。 The Immortal Pond, where, according to the legend, fairies used to bathe themselves, is a peaceful natural landscape full of mystery. It is like a pure and fine pearl beset on the tourist route of Jiuzhaigou.,例4: 大桥两边的扇形斜拉索,颇似巨大的琴弦,在为那奔腾不息的黄浦江伴奏着豪迈雄壮的进行曲。 The fan-shaped slanting cable-stays on both sides of the bridge seem to be the chords of a huge harp playing a heroic and majestic tune for the ceaselessly flowing water of the Huangpu River.,例5: Last but not least, Beatenberg beckons from high above Lake Thun, a sun terrace par excellence and also the longest village in Europe. 位于图恩湖上方的比登堡正在向您招手,游客在这里的阳光露台上可以欣赏四周美丽的景致,比登堡还是欧洲最狭长的村庄。,例6: Davos - the highest Alpine resort in Europe- offers all the amenities of a small town, while nestling in landscape of unspoilt natural beauty and marvelous mountain splendor. Davos offers an array of attractions unequalled by any other mountain holiday resort in the whole of Europe. Davos is delightfully diverse, a holiday, sports, congress, health, research and culture resort rolled into one! 达沃斯是欧洲海拔最高的阿尔卑斯山区旅游胜地。小镇依偎在群山的怀抱之中,自然风光优美纯净,拥有欧洲其它山区度假胜地无可比拟的独特魅力,其景色多姿多彩,集度假、运动、会议、保健、学术和文化胜地于一身!,例7: 近年来,杭州市又开始综合整治西湖,把许多被岁月风尘掩埋的景点重新开发出来,并对西湖作了新的规划,一个更丰满、圆润的西湖渐渐露出清新的面容。 In recent years, Hanghzou Municipality has started a comprehensive rehabilitation of the West Lake, including redevelopment of many scenic spots and new planning for the Lake. Gradually the Lake has taken on a new look, like a plump and charming beauty.,例8: 长沙这座从远古走到现代的湖湘首邑,虽然历经数千年的风雨沧桑,仍不失古朴美丽的都市风采。 Now Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province, still shows its unsophisticated beauty after thousands of yearssevere tests.,例9: Where can you be greeted in 11 languages on Swiss National Day? In Interlaken of course! 瑞士国庆节期间在哪里可以收到11种语言的问候?当然是在因特拉肯!,例10: Was there engineering genius involved? Yes, there was. For example, when youre putting the block right at the top, how are you going to lug a block of stone that weighs several tons 480 feet up a structure? How are you going to do it, and how are you going to do it without leaving scratches on all the rest of the structure? And how many people does it take to drag a block weighing several tons 480 feet up into the sky? Approximately, 2.3 million blocks of stone were cut, transported and assembled to create the Great Pyramid.,其中是否显示出工程天赋?回答是肯定的。譬如,要把大块石头放到顶部,可如何将一块重量达几吨的石块拉上480英尺的顶部?这又如何才能做到?怎样才能不至于在整个塔上留下划痕?将这样重的一块石头放到顶上又需要多少人?要知道,建造大金字塔大约切割、运送、安装了约230万这样的石头。,例11: 菩萨如此兴奋,急步前行到底是要看什么地方?原来金光四射之地,正是泾县古八景之一的“旵山夕照”! Bodhisattva was so excited that he hurried forward to find out what a place it was. It turned out to be a place with splendor in all directions. Later it was named “Chanshan Sunset Glow”, one of the ancient scenic spots of Jingxian County.,例12: 无数滑鼠一起畅泳,是要暗示现代人类成了科技的奴隶吗?百搭的中国传统桃花图案,又传达了怎样的社会现象?到澳门塔石艺文馆看看就自有分晓。 Is a mass of mouses swimming merrily towards a bullseye a comment upon todays blind reliance upon technology? Can the peach blossom textile so common to Chinese clothing be used successfully as banners or saucers? Stop by the Tap Seac Gallery to find out.,例13: These trains run every 20 minutes during the day and every hour in the evening until midnight. In the nights from Thursday to Friday, Friday to Saturday and Saturday to Sunday, the shuttle trains run every hour all night. 白天每20分钟有一列火车开行,傍晚至午夜每小时均有一列火车开行。星期四至星期五、星期五至星期六以及星期六至星期日,往返列车每小时一班通宵运行。,例14: Travel in style - dine in style: The MGBahn is more than just a railway, and offers numerous special excursions in winter: fine food or going on a special outing all make the trip unforgettable. 优雅地旅行优雅地用餐:马特宏圣哥达不仅仅是一条铁路,还为游客提供无数的冬季特别短途旅行项目:精美的食物或者特别的短途观光都会使您的旅行变得令人流连忘返。,例15: 成都,天府之国之都,南方丝绸之路的起点,你有千年的文化底蕴,你有千里的肥田沃土,你有千秋名人贤士 Chengdu, an ancient city lying on the Land of Abundance as the starting point of the South Silk Road, boasts vast fertile land and thousands of years culture created by sages and elites.,例16: 雾凇之美,美在壮观,美在奇绝。 The beauty of rime lies in its spectacularity and uniqueness.,例17: 塔子山公园内的九天楼鹤立鸡群,亭亭玉立,卓尔不凡;你看她层叠有致,舒张有度,俯仰自如,雍容大度,有如贵妇临轩;再看那雕梁画栋,飞檐垂瓴,花窗秀门,直似玉女笑面。 Jiutian Pavilion, located in Tazishan Park, is a splendid pavilion with decorated eaves and tiles.,例18: (龙舟赛)演历史于古今,生传说于纷纭,珠联爱国情操、悲壮色彩,壁合神秘气氛、拼搏精神,动如摧枯拉朽、轰轰烈烈,势若排山倒海,可歌可泣。 The Boat Race, a most exciting group event, is held in memory of Qu Yuan, a patriotic statesman and poet in ancient China.,例19: 洞庭湖“衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯。朝晖夕阴,气象万千”。 Carrying the shadows of distant mountains in it and swallowing the Yangtze River, the vast and mighty Dongting Lake streches afar. It is brilliant in the morning and gloomy at dusk, with its scenery abounding in changes.,例20: 正中位置是一座典型的土家吊脚楼,一架梯子搭在屋边,屋角挂着成串的玉米和辣椒,楼的左边是小桥流水,楼的后边是良田美池,一农夫正在扶犁耕田。真是好一幅“小桥流水人家”的童话世界。 The middle of it is a typical suspended house, with a ladder standing against its wall and bunches of corns and hot peppers hanging on its corner. On the left there is a bridge with water running under it, and behind the house there is a pool and fertile farmland, where a farmer is ploughing the land. What a beautiful fairy land!,例21: 杭州因有美丽的西湖而成为著名于世的风景旅游城市。北宋词人柳永在望海潮一词中写道:“东南形胜,三吴都会,钱塘自古繁华。烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家。云树绕堤沙。怒涛卷霜雪,天堑无涯。市列珠玑,户盈罗绮,竞豪奢。” Hangzhou is a world-known tourist city thanks to the beautiful West Lake and majestic waves in the Q


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