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观点论证型12句作文模板,观点论证型考题提出一种观点,通常会要求考生对这观点进行论证,多为议论文。 在第二段要求考生针对这一观点举出具体的例子来论证这一观点,即我们常说的例证法。 而在第三段中,又往往会要求考生表明自己的态度、做法,以及在日常生活中如何有效地实践这一观点。,Competition and Cooperation,1)当今社会处处存在竞争; 2)竞争离不开合作,例如 3)我的看法。,模板一 Competition and Cooperation,1. It is well known that competition exists in every corner of the society. 2. The truth of it is self- evident. 3. No one can deny that the more developed the society is, the more fierce the competition is getting. 4. Therefore, competition will play an important role in future society.,5. Many examples can be found to prove that competition is not always contradictory to cooperation. 6. Take football game as a typical example. 7. People have to admit that each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. 8. Furthermore, reluctance to cooperate with each other will definitely cause a failure in a match.,9. It goes without saying that competition has much to do with cooperation. 10.Then, we should strengthen cooperation in a team work. 11.There is no doubt that most tasks are accomplished by a team spirit which is the guarantee of victory. 12.In conclusion, competition often goes hand in hand with cooperation. (148 words),2. 模板二 Competition and Cooperation,1. It is believe that competition exists in every corner of the society. 2. The truth is deep and profound. 3. As we know, all members must strengthen the cooperation in the society to meet fierce challenges. 4. Consequently, competition is not always contradictory to cooperation.,5. A case in point is the football game. 6. This is close to suggest each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. 7. It is true that any reluctance to cooperate with each other will definitely cause a failure in a match. 8. In addition, many huge tasks must be accomplished by a team spirit which is the guarantee of victory.,9. All mentioned above tells us that competition has much to do with cooperation. 10.As a matter of fact, we should strengthen cooperation in a team work. 11.There is no denying that competition plays an important role in competition. 12.In short, competition often goes hand in hand with cooperation. (150 words),The Benefits of the Development of Tourism in Our Country,In recent years, tourism has become a boom industry in our country. People are trying their best to explore their touring resources and to attract more tourists. I think there are good reasons for the development of tourism in our country.,First, obviously it enhances the development of hotels and shopping facilities, which, in turn, creates jobs for local people. It also creates a large market for famous products of the local places. since visitors are especially fond of specialties of the resorts, some new industries develop rapidly to meet the demands. As a result, it brings prosperity to the regions.,Second, the arrival of visitors always results in the improvements in the local transportation devices such as airports, railroads, roads and docks. The local government may invest a lot in building and landscaping amusement parks and other amenities in order to attract more tourists. Local people benefit a lot from these improvements.,Finally, tourism is an important way to promote international understanding and friendship between people of different countries. Some foreigners, after visiting china, say that they are deeply impressed by what they have seen in china and that China today is quite different from what they thought before.,With the rich touring resources in our country and the obvious advantages of tourism, I believe tourism will be surely further developed. It will not only play an increasingly important role in our economic development, but also serve as a friendly link between Chinese people and peoples of different nations.,On Developing Tourism,Tourism, a smokeless industry, is developing rapidly in China. With the reform and opening up policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5, 000 years.,Tourism as a form of enterprise brings China a lot of benefits. In the first place, it is financially beneficial to the economic development of China. As we know, China needs more and more foreign currencies for its modernization program. Tourism is one of the most important channels to obtain currencies. Secondly, tourism enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world.,On the other hand, the foreigners who have visited China are deeply impressed by the latest developments of our country and the friendliness and hospitality of our people. Reports by visitors to China about how courteous and helpful most Chinese were to them are often printed in newspapers of many different countries. It is clear that tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutual understanding between the Chinese people and people all over the world.,Everything, however, has two sides. Tourism gives rise to a number of problems. For instance, it becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system. Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expenses during long distance travels. Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion of tourism in our country.,As for me, with the development of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much better and brighter future awaits us.,How to Get Prepared for a Job,1. 求职之前必须准备充分; 2. 你认为大学生在校期间应该如何为将来求职作准备?,As a result of the population booming in the past, the competition in job markets is getting much fiercer. As college students who are to graduate in the future, we must prepare ourselves when still on campus in order to gain an upper hand.,There are several things we college students can do to sharpen our competitive edge. First, start preparing early. We all know that it is the early bird that catches the worm. It is too late to consider our future career upon graduation. Why not plan beforehand? Second, we should attach greater importance to our personalities such as honesty, cooperation and perseverance. They are more important than appearance in landing a job although it is advantageous to have a neat look.,Third, we should make a close self-examination so as to know what our weaknesses and strengths are so that we can do something about them to improve ourselves. Lastly, we can take some preliminary training for the job wed like to have. For example, if an English major wants to work as a certificated public accountant, hed better acquaint himself with some financial knowledge while on campus.,In a word, opportunity will only favor those with a ready mind. Just figure out what wed like to do in the future and act accordingly.,Sample 2 How to Get Prepared for a Job,1. 现在的就业形势越来越激烈 2. 大学生应如何面对 3. 谈谈你自己毕业找工作时的打算,With more and more graduates from colleges and universities every year, job hunting has become more and more difficult. In order to gain an upper hand, it is necessary for us to prepare ourselves when we are still on campus.,There are several measures college students can take to sharpen their edges. First, it is important to learn the kind of writing skills that will help us get an interview. Writing effective resumes, letters of application, and interview follow-up letters can give us an edge in the job market. Second, we should have knowledge of the job itself. The job we are looking for should neither be beyond our reach nor should it be too easy. Instead, it should bring your abilities into full play.,If I do get an interview, take time to prepare well for it. It could be the most important meeting of my career. Try to anticipate what questions will be asked and have answers ready. Present your best appearance and conduct. As a matter of courtesy, and to strengthen your case, write a follow-up letter to thank the interviewer for the interview.,In a word, opportunity will only favor those with a ready mind. We should get well-prepared for the future success.,Should grad student be paid higher than non-grads?,1. 大学生目前存在错误心理“大学生应比非大学生挣钱多” 2. 给出大学生会有这种错误的心理的原因 3. 从非大学生的发展状况来批判大学生这种错误的心理,In our country, it is obvious now that the university graduates earn more money than non-graduates. I quite agree with those graduates who have paid a lot for their studies and expect to make more for either himself or his family.,However, it is not so optimistically for those who hope to ma


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