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Unit Ten: Sentence Structures in Different Styles of Writing, a brief introduction Issues of this unit: 1) Formal vs. informal speech 2) Sentences in very different writings (science, law, advertisement, literature),A、Formal vs. Informal Ex. (An American policeman talking about the same thing): a. 法庭上面对法官说:“I apprehended the alleged perpetrator.” (我对这个行凶嫌疑人实施了拘捕) b. 酒吧里对同事说:“I collared this creep.” (我逮了这恶棍),Informal speech Formal speech simple syntax complex, compound str. simple daily words technical terms, minced personal tone impersonal tone,Ex. a. 图书馆的告示: Impersonal tone It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly. Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules for the borrowing and return of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.,Ex. b. 图书馆的告示:personal tone We find that the number of books in the library has been going down. Please make sure that you know the rules for borrowing, and dont forget that the library is for everyones convenience. So from now on, were going to enforce the rules strictly. You have been warned!,B、新闻写作(a mixture of formal and informal): 语法特征:长句,信息浓缩 September 12, 1997, US Secretary of State Medeleine Albright says at Alexandria that she told President Hosni Mubarak of Americas resolve to work with Egypt and other friendly states to remain vigilant while also responding to opportunities to reduce tension, and then she proceeds to Saudi Arabia, the next stop on her debut regional tour.,词汇运用特征: 1. 新闻习惯表达法(journalistic jargon),例如: people power, zipper-gate, war games, operations 等等。 经常使用缩写,如:NATO, NASA, UNESCO, TMD, AIDS. 2. 新闻记者生造语词(coinage),表达新的概念或为了吸引眼球 (as an eye-catcher),例如: technical know-how, hijack, stagflation, no-go area, the village Guru, Wintel 等等。,3. 在报道中,语言使用灵活多变。例如: Beijings decision to cancel a port visit to Hong Kong by the U.S. aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk last month could go down in diplomatic history as a watershed in Chinas foreign policy.,The high-decibel “no“ to the carrier group and also to the U.S. frigate Reuben James, which wanted to dock at Hong Kong on New Years Eve coincides with a tough stance Beijing has assumed in sovereignty disputes with Vietnam over islets in the South China Sea. China also has reacted with uncharacteristic vehemence to the hospitality that the United States, Canada and especially Germany have shown the Dalai Lama.,C、科技写作特征 (typical formal style): 1. 最明显的是技术专门语汇,试比较: What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! (by Shakespeare) Man is metazoan, triploblastic, chordale, vertebrate, pentadactyle, mammalian, eutherian, primate; the main outlines of each of his principal system of organs may be traced back, like those of other animals, to the fishes. (by Borradaile),2. 使用正式专业词汇: We can easily take these machines to pieces and put them together again after we have looked at them all over. These machines can be easily dismantled and reassembled after careful examination. (Formal words are more precise in meaning.),3. 偏向于使用名词来替代动词: A1. You can rectify this fault if you insert a wedge. A2. Rectification of this fault can be done by insertion of a wedge. B1. If we add or remove heat, the state of matter may change. B2. The addition or removal of heat may cause changes in the state of matter.,4. 更多地使用被动式: A blast of hot air is blown into the bottom of the furnace to make the coke burn fiercely. It is forced into the furnace through pipes. These pipes are placed around the circumstance of the blast furnace about 8 feet above the bottom.,D、法律文本特征 (highly formal in style): 1. 技术词汇,定义精确,排除任何歧义: demise = death; force majeure 不可抗力 tort = any wrongful act, damage, or injury done willfully, negligently, or in circumstances involving liability, but not involving breach of contract, for which a civil suit can be brought; (民事侵权行为,不包括毁约) alibi = the evidence to show that the subject was not present on the spot when the crime happened. amende honorable =公开道歉并赔偿损失,2. 古语词,已经不再使用的词 (archaic words): hereinafter = in this document and after this point; thereof = of it; thereby = by means of which 3. 语法特征:要求语句必须完整,与其他文体不同的是,法律文本语句要求所有的结构,包括短语、分句等等都尽量组合成一个单一的独立的语句,把各个意义成分综合在一起,以表达完整独立的含义: 例如:,I hereby give and convey to (赋予) you, all and singular, my estate and interests, right, title, claim, and advantages of and in the orange, together with all rind (果皮), juice (果汁), pulp (果肉) and pits (果核), and all rights and advantages therein, anything hereinbefore or hereinafter, or in any other deed or deeds, instrument or instruments of whatever nature or kind whatsoever, to the contrary, in any wise, notwithstanding. The passage above = “I let you eat my orange.”,E、广告写作特征 (informal in many cases): 1. 生造词: 例如: “Windex” 是一窗玻璃清洁剂的名称, 由 “window” and “excellent”组和而成; “washing machine” 加 “automatic” 构成新的形容词: “washmatic”; 转换词: “Xerox” “Please xerox this paper for me” 、“Today Ill give you a xeroxed copy of the material.”,2. 口语化风格,使用日常用词: 例如: 一种名为 “Guiness” 的啤酒广告语: “My Goodness! My Guiness!” We have taken our whisky in many ways, but always seriously. 威士忌酒的广告,3. 简单句型: 有人统计发现,广告语的句子平均 每句只有10个单词,例如: “Cool!” “Think once. Think twice. Think bike.” Go well, go Shell. Go to work on an egg.,4. 押韵及押头韵: 头韵 (alliteration) “Sea, sun, sand, seclusion and Spain!” “Better late than the late.” 尾韵 (rhyming) Youll wonder where the dirt has went, When you clean your teeth with Pepsy-dent. Lose ounces, Save pounds.,F、文学写作 (variable styles): Literature does not have a fixed pattern in writing style. The style of writing depends on who is writing and what is written about. Therefore, literary writings are as diversified as life itself is. However, one thing is certain: literary writing resorts to image creation in order to make the readers feel as if they were in the situation of the story.,Ex. 长句、完整句型: An individual human existence should be like a river small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. (by B. Russell),Ex. 短句,不完整句: She kissed me. My youth. Never again. Only once it comes. Or hers. Take the train there tomorrow. No. Returning not the same. . The new I want. Nothing new under the sun. . Think you are escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home. . All changed. Forgotten. The young are old. (From “Ulysses” by James Joyce),Ex. 甚至不合语法句: You dont know about me, without you have read a book by the name of “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer,” but that aint no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but lied, one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly. (From “Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain),An understanding of styles in writings in English might help you a lot. Hope you better familiarity with them in the days to come.,Finally: Tips for English grammar learning,由于英语语法的特性: famous for having the smallest number of rules; notorious for having at least one exception to almost every rule. 所以,专读语法书、记背语法条目是效率十分低下的学习方法。 好的学习方法应该将语法书作为工具书,有必要时查阅。,语法的掌握最好与其他技能结合进行。 五项技能:听、说、读、写、译 Its important to go to class,


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