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,Unit 2 English Around the World,李婧娴,1. The analysis of the teaching material 2. The analysis of the students 3. Teaching theories& methods 4. Teaching Aims 5. Teaching important and difficult points 6. Teaching aids 7. Teaching Procedures 8. Blackboard Design 9. Reflection,1. The analysis of the teaching material (STATUS AND FUNCTION ) 2. The analysis of the students 3. Teaching theories& methods,4. Teaching Aims:,1. Know more about English and its development, recognize the important role that culture plays in the change of language. 2. Use reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, and scanning. 3. Develop their inter-cultural awareness and interest in English studying,5. Teaching important and difficult points: (1) To be able to get the main idea from the text. (2.) To be able to solve the problem by analyzing. (3) To be able to use the different learning strategies for different reading purposes. 6.Teaching aids: Blackboards, chalk, PPT, pictures, video,7. Teaching Procedures,Step1: Warming up(10mins) Step2: pre-reading(15mins) Step3: while-reading(10mins) Step4: post-reading(10mins),1. Warm up by showing the pictures of three buzz words and introduce what is China English.,I. Warming up,2. Raise the questions:,A. How many people speak English in the world today? B. How many kinds of English do you know? C. Do you know in which countries people speak English? Are the English in those countries the same?,3. Show the video.,I will play twice as it is difficult.,II. Reading 1. Pre-reading A .Ask students to name some countries that use English as an official language,B . Predict the main idea.,C. Skimming,Read quickly to get the main idea and find out key sentence of each paragraph or summarize the main point for each paragraph in own words.,Part 1 Today, more people speak English as their first , second or foreign language than ever before. Part 2 Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. Part 3 Actually all languages change when cultures communicate with one another. Part 4 English is spoken as a foreign or second language in south Asia/ Africa and Asia.,Describes the development of English in the world.,D. Scanning,Read to locate particular information and complete the comprehending Exercise One.,2 . While-reading,Fill in the blanks,3 . post-reading Work in groups. Discuss the two questions and then ask two groups to report their answers to the class. 1.Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English? 2.Why do you think more people in the world now want to learn Chinese?,Why people learn English?,Read English books, listen to English songs, watch English movies Use products made by foreign countries and sell products to the world. Do business with people around the world. Communicate with foreigners. Make contributions to the world peace. Make the world a better place to live.,We learn a language in order to communicate!,“the language has got so little to do with England these days. It may well be time to stop calling it English. But if someone dose think up a new name for it, it should probably be in Chinese”,III . Homework 1. Summarize the text according to the time sequence. 2. Finish the exercise of Learnin


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