



2019高考英语备考原创模拟题周周练(一)阅读理解The term helicopter parent is used to describe a parent who is overprotective of his or her child and takes an obsessive interest in the childs life. The phrase was coined because helicopter parents tend to hover around their kids at all timesIf you feel something similar to physical pain when your little one heads out the door to kindergarten, you might be a heli-mom. Hovering parents are so attached to their kids that its almost impossible to focus on anything else; daily activities, constant conversations and every ounce of effort is reserved for your child.You may feel sad when your child leaves you for the day, but remember that kids need to have alone time to develop social skills away from watching adults.Instead of moping, enjoy your independence by devoting some time to personal interests or catching up with an adult friend.Some helicopter parents simply want to push their children to succeed, but others take on an enabler role instead. Since you want the best for your child, you could find yourself in the gimme trap, where you feel obligated to provide the cutest clothes, the latest gadgets and the best of the best for your little one, without ever asking for her to work for it.It may be hard to look your kids in the eye and say no, but refusing to give into their every wish will help them in the long run. Instead of agreeing to give your child treats on a regular basis, try tempering their need for reward by having them work towards a long-term goal, such as a family camping trip or outing with friends.Some of the worst-offending hovercraft moms are the ones that treat their childs lives like an audition. Instead of allowing your child to make mistakes and reap consequences, youre constantly stepping in to prove that your child is perfect, smart, hilarious, bright, kind, generous and everything else. Hey, mom; youre not a Hollywood agent. youre a parent. Dont feel like you have to sell your kid .You may want to brag about your childs many achievements, but kids need to learn how to talk about themselves to peers and adults. When your child meets someone new, encourage him talk about his life and interests. And if he gets a little braggy himself, all the better!1 What does the term helicopter parent mean?A it means a parent who treats their childs lives nicelyB it means a parent who is so anxious to protect his or her children from harm C it means a parent who doesnt want to push their children to succeedD It means a parents who always looks your kids in the eye and say “No”2 The underlined word “hover” in Paragraph 1 means “ _”A 守候 B 离开 C 上升 D 冲刺3 Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?A Refusing to give into kids every wish will help them in the long run. B Some of the hovercraft moms are the ones that dont allow your child to make mistakes and reap consequencesC kids need to have little time to develop social skills away from watching adultsD When your child meets someone new, parents should encourage him talk about his life and interests.4 According to the passage, if you are a heli-mom, A You may feel sad when your child leaves you for the dayB Youre seldom stepping in to prove that your child is perfectC You give your child treats by having them work towards a long-term goalD You feel OK when your child leaves you for the day,参考答案1-4 B A C A阅读七选五根据短文内容,从短文中的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项When you are faced with a tough decision in life, you may feel powerless and at a loss as to what is best to do. When you are stressed, or trying to deal with a dilemma, you may question your own reasons, and worry that your final decision may not be wise.There are certain questions you can ask yourself when making a difficult decision to find out if your reasoning is good, and if you have found a wise solution to your problem.Here are some of the best questions to guide you when you have to make a tough decision._1_It is sensible to consider the long-term implications of any decisions you make, because you dont want to end up doing something you will regret in the future. 2 Dont let important opportunities pass you by because they involve making some big decisions. Ask yourself what you may gain, or lose, in the long-term by making certain choices.2. What am I afraid of?People often get stuck with decisions, because they are scared of what will happen if they make a choice. Some people are afraid of failure, but others are scared of success. 3 , when facing a tough decision in life.3. What does my heart say?Your gut instincts are often the right ones, and you should never make a decision that doesnt resonate with you deep inside. Put aside convention, unwanted advice and judgments from others, and ask yourself if this is something that you really want, something that speaks to you as only a heartfelt desire does.4. What am I really doing this for?The wisest decisions you can make are those that keep the end in mind. If your end goal is stability and raising a family, then making the big decision to buy a house, for example, might be a step closer to that. However, if you have goals such as seeing as much of the world as possible, purchasing a home might not fit in with your aims. 4 5. Who am I really doing this for?Dont let others agendas or advice sway you from making the right decision. It is always important to have others interests at heart when making a decision, 5 Take a balanced look at how your choices will benefit you as well as others when facing a tough decision in life.A But it is equally important to consider what might happen if youdontdo something. B Think things through, and decide whether you will be able to cope with the consequences of your decisionC Who am I really doing this for?D but you shouldnt always sacrifice your own needs and desires to please another person. E If I dont do this now, will I regret it?F Ask yourself whether fear is going to make this decision, or you areG Have your goals clearly in mind when making big decisions.参考答案E A F G D语法填空 1 (Master) mathematics has long been seen 2 a must for Chinese students 3 want to be successful at school. When


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