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专题三 完形填空第3讲 议论文模拟演练Cloze 1(2017高三名校联考)(导学号 58210029)Dear girls,The dream itself comes from hard work,some good luck and good timing.Here are some words of wisdom as you_1_your way in the world,from an entrepreneur(企业家)and your_2_In high school,I wanted to be a politician.I left my hometown for college in Washington DC.There,I_3_that I loved to support women.It taught me that Im a creative,strong leader and great at marketing._4_,I moved to be the head of a national healthcare nonprofit.Becoming a mother opened my mind to_5_a breast pump bag(储奶袋)business.Now I_6_a highly successful company that I started up on my own._7_what you are good at and what you are passionate about.Keep an open mind.Failure is_8_to your success.I wont tell you to feel good about_9_But I will tell you that every failure Ive had along the way has absolutely made me_10_Failing the big math exam in high school was_11_I eventually passed,and Ive_12_failed an exam again.I learned from that_13_to ask for help.Now I ask for help in business_14_Being passed over for a significant job opportunity that I more than qualified_15_hurt me.I was so depressed_16_soon I got a big job at a national organization.Its okay to get angry! Take that and_17_it into positive action.Im proud to be a role_18_to you as a mom and an entrepreneur.I hope I inspire you to believe that you can be_19_you want and you can have everything on your list.It will be my pleasure to watch your life_20_before my eyes.【语篇解读】本文是一位母亲写给女儿们的一封信,母亲通过介绍自己成功的经历想告诉她的女儿们:扬长避短,找出自己最擅长的领域、最热衷的事情,保持开放性思维;不要惧怕失败,在失败中学习,在失败中成长,你会变得更坚强。1A.lose BpayCget Dmake解析:考查固定搭配以及对语境的理解。句意:当你在社会上摸索前进时,这里有些至理名言送给你。make ones way“前进,行进”。故本题选D。答案:D2A.aunt BmamaCuncle Dpapa解析:考查对语境的理解。根据信件开头的称呼“Dear girls”,以及最后一段的句子“Im proud to be a role_18_to you as a mom and an entrepreneur.”可知这里的智慧是作为企业家以及妈妈总结出来的。故选B。答案:B3A.discovered BinformedCimagined Ddeveloped解析:考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.discovered“发现”;B.informed“通知”;C.imagined“想象”;D.developed“发展,开发”。句意:在那里,我发现我喜欢从事帮助妇女弱势群体的工作。根据句意可知选A。答案:A4A.However BThereforeCOtherwise DMeanwhile解析:考查副词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.However“但是”;B.Therefore“因此”;C.Otherwise“否则”;D.Meanwhile“同时”。句意:因此,我转而作为一个公益健康中心的领导者服务于大众。根据句意可知选B。答案:B5A.pushing BtakingClaunching Dpulling解析:考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.pushing“推,推动”;B.taking“带”;C.launching“着手进行,热衷于,发射,发动”;D.pulling“拉”。句意:成为妈妈打开了我着手进行储奶袋生意的思维。故这里用C。答案:C6A.run BcloseCleave Dwork解析:考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.run“经营,跑”;B.close“关闭”;C.leave“离开”;D.work“工作,起作用”。句意:现在,我经营一家我一手创办的非常成功的公司。从上文可知,这位妈妈是一位企业家,故她经营公司符合语境,选A。答案:A7A.Come out BWork outCHold out DFigure out解析:考查动词短语辨析以及对语境的理解。A.Come out“出来,出版”;B.Work out“计算,解决,锻炼”;C.Hold out“坚持,保持,伸出”;D.Figure out“想出,解决,弄明白”。句意:坚持你自己最擅长的领域、你最热衷的事情。保持开放性思维。故这里C符合句意,选C。答案:C8A.pleasant BconvenientCcritical Ddifferent解析:考查形容词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.pleasant“愉快的”;B.convenient“方便的”;C.critical“关键的,批评的,严重的”;D.different“不同的”。下文母亲介绍自己在失败中成长的经历,故这里她的意思是,失败对于成功非常重要,故选C。答案:C9A.justice BfailureCcourage Dhonesty解析:考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.justice“公平,公正”;B.failure“失败”;C.courage“勇气”;D.honesty“诚实”。句意:我不会告诉你我对失败有好感。根据句意可知选B。答案:B10A.worse BbadCwell Dbetter解析:考查对文章语境的理解。A.worse“更糟糕”;B.bad“糟糕的,坏的”;C.well“好”;D.better“更好”。句意:但我要告诉你们,每一次我人生成长道路上的失败都绝对会让我变得更好。故选D。答案:D11A.embarrassing BexcitingCamusing Dinspiring解析:考查形容词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.embarrassing“令人尴尬的”;B.exciting“令人激动的”;C.amusing“有趣的,逗人笑的”;D.inspiring“鼓舞人心的,启发灵感的”。句意:高中数学大考不及格是很尴尬的。根据句意可知选A。答案:A12A.ever BalwaysCnever Doften解析:考查副词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.ever“曾经”;B.always“总是”;C.never“从不”;D.often“经常”。句意:我最终通过了考试,并且再也没有不及格过。根据语境可知选C。答案:C13A.accident BexperienceCfeeling Dmemory解析:考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.accident“事故”;B.experience“经历”;C.feeling“情感”;D.memory“记忆”。句意:我从那次的经历中学到了要懂得寻求帮助。根据句意可知选B。答案:B14A.all the time Bof all timeCat a time Din no time解析:考查短语辨析以及对语境的理解。A.all the time“总是”;B.of all time“一直,始终,有史以来”;C.at a time“依次,每一”;D.in no time“立刻”。句意:现在,我经常在生意上寻求帮助。故选A。答案:A15A.on BtoCfor Dwith解析:考查固定介词搭配以及对语境的理解。句意:有一次,我被拒绝了一个重要的工作机会,那时我是完全胜任那份工作条件的,这让我很伤心。本题考查固定的介词搭配qualified for“有资格的;有担任的资格”。故选C。答案:C16A.or BsoCwhile Dbut解析:考查连词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.or“或者,否则”;B.so“因此”;C.while“当,尽管”;D.but“但是”。句意:我当时非常的沮丧,但是很快我在一个国家组织得到了一份令人垂涏的工作。根据句意可知选D。答案:D17A.turn BputCmake Dget解析:考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.turn“转变”;B.put“放”;C.make“做”;D.get“得到”。turn into“(使)变成”;句意:生气是没关系的!但关键是将其转化为积极的行动。可知选A。答案:A18A.example BstarCsymbol Dmodel解析:考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.example“例子”;B.star“星星,明星”;C.symbol“象征”;D.model“模范,典范”。句意:作为一位母亲和企业家,我非常骄傲能够成为你们的榜样。根据句意可知选D。答案:D19A.anything BnothingCeverything Dsomething解析:考查代词辨析及对语境的理解。句意:我希望我能够让你们相信,你们可以成为你们想成为的任何人并且得到所有你们清单上想得到的东西。根据句意可知这里用anything合适,故A。答案:A20A.fold BunfoldCcover Duncover解析:考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A.fold“折叠”;B.unfold“展开,展现”;C.cover“覆盖,报道”;D.uncover“揭开,揭露,发现”。句意:我会非常高兴看到你们的人生在我眼前展开的样子。根据句意可知这里选B。答案:BCloze 2(2017九江名校联盟模拟)The days passed and became weeks.Our _1_ was much the same as before every day.Don was able to stand and move from his _2_ to a regular chair.He could also stand and quite easily _3_ the car by holding onto the door frame without me _4_ him.Don wanted to go to the Red Barn for _5_ with his friends and asked me to _6_ him.I didnt mind but it meant we had to get up early so that I could help him _7_and dress and then get _8_ myself.When we arrived,his friends greeted him and made _9_ for his chair at the table.I was happy to sit in the corner of the room and eat my breakfast alone _10_ reading the paper.Five or six men sat _11_ the large centre table and Don knew all of them.Don tried to make a(n) _12_ with them but they gave short replies and fell silent.They wolfed their food and within a few minutes they had to _13_ to work,leaving him sitting alone.We were surprised but _14_ we just needed to get there earlier.The following days everything was the same.The men were laughing and talking but when I _15_ Don up to the table,the conversation stopped with a(n) _16_ “Hi,Don.” His feelings were hurt and that was the last time he wanted to go out.Many times I _17_ him to walk out of his world to get in touch with others,which might help him understand that he wasnt cut off the outside._18_,Don began to change.The first change was that he _19_ wanted to watch violent movies,which made him _20_He wanted to go for walks and have a talk with the neighbours.I was happy to see his changes.【语篇解读】唐长期以轮椅为伴,似乎隔绝了与外界的交往。在妻子的鼓励下,他鼓足勇气,决定走出孤独的自我世界。1A.routineBpaperCdecision Dtime解析:根据every day以及下文可知应选日常生活(routine)。答案:A2A.office BtableCwheelchair Droom解析:依据第一段“He could also stand and quite easily.”以及下文的“.made _9_ for his chair at the table.”可知,唐坐在轮椅上(wheelchair)。答案:C3A.hold to Bget intoCturn to Drun into解析:句意:他能站起来,抓住车框上车。get into“进入”;hold on to“紧握,坚持”;turn to“求助于;转向”;run into“碰到;跑进”。答案:B4A.informing BliftingCleading Dshowing解析:通读全文可知,唐行动不便,但是此时有所好转,因此不用作者搀扶着(lifting)上车。答案:B5A.lunch BdinnerCsupper Dbreakfast解析:根据下文的“.we had to get up early.”可知此处意为:作者陪着丈夫去和他的朋友们一起用早餐,故选D项。答案:D6A.remind BjoinCtake Dconsider解析:下文表明,作者带着唐一起外出,因此选take,意为“带着”。答案:C7A.wake BshaveCwalk Dfeed解析:依据dress可知,丈夫在生活方面还不能自理,因此作者需要帮助丈夫剃须、穿衣,故选B项。答案:B8A.determined BwillingCready Dhappy解析:因为要带唐出去,所以作者也要为自己外出做准备(get ready)。答案:C9A.room BprogressCface Duse解析:唐是坐着轮椅出现的,因此朋友们要为丈夫的轮椅腾地方,make room for“给让出空地方”。答案:A10A.until BwhileCunless Dthough解析:句意:我很开心可以坐在角落里,独自一人一边读报一边吃早餐。while“一边一边”。答案:B11A.beyond BbehindCbeside Daround解析:因为和朋友一起用餐,因此唐和朋友围着(around)桌子而坐。答案:D12A.conversation BcontributionCappointment Ddifference解析:下文的“.they gave short replies.”则意味着丈夫想和别人交谈。答案:A13A.cut off Bhurry offCturn off Dgive off解析:本句中的“.within a few minutes.”和“.leaving him sitting alone.”暗示着,朋友们匆忙上班去了。hurry off“匆匆离开”;cut off“断绝;关掉(电器)”;turn off“关闭”;give off“发出(气味、光、热、声音等)”。答案:B14A.complained BarguedCthought Dadvised解析:本句中的“.needed to get there earlier.”表明,作者夫妇二人认为(think)应该早点来。答案:C15A.laid BplacedCcarried Dpushed解析:作者的丈夫坐着轮椅,作者要把他推过去,故选D项。答案:D16A.uncomfortable BwarmCpolite Dpatient解析:下文的“His feelings were hurt.”表明,他感觉不太舒服,故选A项。warm“温暖的”;polite“有礼貌的”;patient“耐心的”。答案:A17A.forced BencouragedCchallenged Dforbade解析:根据“.to get in touch with others.”表明,作者鼓励(encourage)丈夫走出去和别人接触。force“命令,强迫”;challenge“挑战”;forbid“禁止”。答案:B18A.Suddenly BGraduallyCOccasionally DRegularly解析:依据下文的“The first change was that.”可知,唐的身上在逐渐(gradually)发生变化。答案:B19A.more than Brather thanCno longer Dno more解析:本句中的change说明,作者的丈夫已经不像过去那样迷恋于暴力电影。no longer“不再”;more than“不仅”;rather than“而不是(用于连接两种不同的情况)”;no more“不再”。答案:C20A.excited BcheerfulCshy Dsad解析:本句中的violent movies暗示着暴力影片只能使得他心情不佳,所以现在不再看了。答案:DCloze 3(2017济宁高三一模)(导学号 58210030)Attitude with action is everything.Thats what Ive_1_from a simple person at our office gym.Last month our city conducted a fitness center“FitnessOne”And we had a trainer there,who had a bad_2_to his work and us.He used to come down to our office every evening but he was least_3_about who was coming in and what people were doing inside.He only talked about the money he earned by_4_people individually in another fitness center where he_5_in the mornings.He never guided us._6_,he would not even_7_properly when any of us asked about the way of doing exercise._8_,at the end of last month he was_9_and we got a new trainer.The gentleman was Bala.He would quietly come in and do_10_for the first few days except looking at the register,_11_who came regularly to the gym.Slowly,he became_12_with the users and started to correct their mistakes while exercising.And people built up_13_in him.Yesterday,he called me to watch some specific exercises._14_his interim(暂时的)period of one month was coming to a(n)_15_,he wanted me to learn them properly before he left us.Weve_16_FitnessOne to appoint Bala as a_17_trainer and now we are waiting for their reply.Bala could have taken his role as a trainer like our_18_guy since he stayed here only for a month.But he_19_to take it seriously and sincerely.His positive attitude along with his_20_gained our trust and support.I think this is his great achievement.【语篇解读】作者通过对比健身中心两个教练的不同的态度和不同的行为告诉我们积极的态度要和积极的行动一起,才能赢得人们的信任和支持。1A.heard BsufferedCcollected Dlearnt解析:根据上文“Attitude with action is everything”可知这是作者从办公室健身房的一个简单的人那里学到的东西。learnt“学习”。故选D。答案:D2A.reply BattentionCattitude Ddevotion解析:根据下文“He only talked about the money he earned”可知,这个教练不关心他的工作和我们。attention“关注”。故选B。答案:B3A.bothered BdelightedCmoved Ddisappointed解析:句意:他对谁进来了,人们在里面做什么一点都不操心。bothered“操心”。故选A。答案:A4A.praising BinspiringCtraining Dcomforting解析:根据上文“the money he earned”可知,他只关心在另外一个健身中心单独训练挣的钱。training“训练”。故选C。答案:C5A.worked BstudiedCstruggled Dcompleted解析:根据上文“another fitness center”可知,他早上在另外一个健身中心工作。worked“工作”。故选A。答案:A6A.However BMoreoverCTherefore DOtherwise解析:根据上文“He never guided us”可知,与下文是递进关系,用moreover“还有”。故选B。答案:B7A.promise BreactCthink Danswer解析:根据下文“when any of us asked about the way of doing exercise.”可知,有人问怎么适当的锻炼,他不恰当的回答。answer“回答”。故选D。答案:D8A.Surprisingly BHopefullyCFortunately DSadly解析:根据下文“we got a new trainer.”可知,幸运的是,上个月底,他被解雇了,我们有了一个新教练。fortunately“幸运地”。故选C。答案:C9A.scolded BfiredCattacked Drecognized解析:根据下文“we got a new trainer”可知,幸运的是,上个月底,他被解雇了。fired“解雇”。故选B。答案:B10A.something BnothingCanything Deverything解析:根据下文“except looking at the register”可知,在前几天Bala除了看登记什么都不做。nothing“没有什么”。故选B。答案:B11A.turning out Bcoming outCfiguring out Dlooking out解析:根据上文“looking at the register”可知,他看登记是为了弄清楚谁经常来健身房。figuring out“弄清”。故选C。答案:C12A.popular BpatientCsimilar Dfamiliar解析:根据下文“started to correct their mistakes while exercising”可知,他慢慢地熟悉用户。familiar“熟悉”。故选D。答案:D13A.fame BtrustCcourage Dstrength解析:根据上文“started to correct their mistakes while exercising”可知,人们对他建立了信任。trust“信任”。故选B。答案:B14A.As BIfCOnce DUnless解析:句意:昨天他打电话给我看一些特殊的锻炼,因为他一个月的暂时训练要结束了。表示原因用as。故选A。答案:A15A.turn BdelayCend Dchange解析:根据下文“before he left us”可知,他一个月的暂时训练要结束了。end“结束”。故选C。答案:C16A.allowed BtaughtCwarned Drequested解析:句意:我们请求FitnessOne任命Bala为永久的教练。requested“请求”。故选D。答案:D17A.permanent BprivateCskillful Dtemporary解析:根据上文“interim(暂时的)period”可知我们请求FitnessOne任命Bala为永久的教练。permanent“永久的”。故选A。答案:A18A.latter BformerCfuture Dpresent解析:句意:Bala本可以向前面一个人一样。former“以前的”。故选B。答案:B19A.refused BchoseCtended Dcontinued解析:句意:但是他选择认真地真诚地对待这件事。chose“选择”。故选B。答案:B20A.dream BstandardCaction Dpolicy解析:根据文章第一句话可知,他的积极的态度加上行动赢得我们的信任和支持。action“行动”。故选C。答案:CCloze 4(2017天水一中高三段考)(导学号 58210031)A controversial call was given towards the end of the baseball game.At full speed Paul Harvey slid home(本垒)and,thinking he had just_1_ a game-changing run,he stood up only to face the words,“Youre_2_!”Angry,he threw off his helmet and ran over to explain to the_3_why the call was wrong.Before his_4_really got out of control,someone pulled him away,and he walked to the bench_5_Long after the coaches,players,and fans had gone home,he realized the impact of his_6_Like most of us do when we are faced with the_7_of our actions,he could have just let it go,reasoning,“Everybody_8_ it.”However,in the silence of his heart,he knew that just_9_everyone else does it,that doesnt make it all right.And so,long after his friends had gone home,he_10_that coach back up to the schoolnot to_11_his car.No,the boy tracked this man down so he could tell him face to face,“Im sorry,Sir.It was all my_12_”It takes true courage to stand up to face the_13_we all make and say,“I was wrong.Im sorry.”What makes this_14_unique is that it wasnt meant for the world to_15_,it was meant simply as a way to stay_16_to his own heart.The truth is at one time or another we have all been this boy_17_out in anger,saying hurtful things,and feeling_18_for doing so.But the real test comes later when we are_19_with the choice to say“sorry”or to walk away thinking,“Ah,theyll get over it.”Maybe the“they”is a customer,a friend,or a child.Whoever it is,dont pass up the opportunity to get right with your own heart.The time for apology is now! Courage is a_20_of the heart.【语篇解读】文章记叙了运动员生涯一场有争议的判罚,及从一开始的不理解到最后有勇气面对这场判罚,并敢于面对自己的内心和错误。1A.broken BscoredChit Dcompleted解析:考查动词。结合前面的“告诉跑出本垒”可知Harvey认为自己能“得分”。score“(在比赛中)得分”。答案:B2A.down BinCoff Dout解


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