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.词汇过关 1_n. 光荣;荣誉 2_n. 便宜货_vi. 讨价还价;讲条件 3_adj. 没有希望的;绝望的_(反义词) 4_adj. 愚蠢的;傻的_n. 傻子_v. 愚弄 5_n. 疼痛;痛苦 6_v. 应受(报答或惩罚);值得,答案:1.glory 2.bargain;bargain 3.hopeless;hopeful 4.foolish;fool;fool 5.pain 6.deserve,.短语自查 1陆续地;一个接一个地_ 2达成协议_ 3change ones mind_ 4pick.up_ 5与结婚_ 6与竞争;对不利_ 答案:1.one after another 2.make a bargain 3.改变主意 4捡起;拾起 5.marry sb. 6.run against,.句式翻译 She was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in Greece. _ 答案:她非常漂亮,比希腊的任何男子跑得都快。,.单词突破 1glory (n.) 1)U 荣誉;光荣;桂冠 He took part in the competition for the glory of the school. 他为学校的荣誉参加了竞赛。 2)U 壮丽;辉煌;灿烂 I was fascinated by the glory of the sunset. 落日的壮观把我吸引住了。 3)C 产生骄傲(或崇敬、愉快)的理由 The museum is the glory of our city. 这个博物馆是我们城市的骄傲。,知识拓展 glorious adj. 光荣的;荣耀的 牛刀小试 翻译句子 No road of flowers leads to glory. _ 答案:没有一条通往光荣的道路是铺满鲜花的。,2marry vt. & vi. 结婚;嫁;娶 a)作及物动词时,常用于以下结构: 1)marry sb.和be/get married to sb.均意为“与某人结婚” He is going to marry Alice. 他要和艾莉丝结婚。 Have you got married? 你们结婚了吗?(表示状态),2)marry sb. to sb. 把某人嫁给某人 He married both his daughters to rich businessmen. 他把两个女儿都嫁给了富有的商人。 b)作不及物动词时,可以与副词连用。 The doctor married late in life. 这名医生结婚很晚。,知识拓展 1)marry不可以与with连用。表示“和某人结婚”介词用to也可以不用介词,但应注意句型搭配。 2)marry是非延续性动词,不可以与时间段连用。be married表示已婚状态,可与时间段连用;get married强调动作,不可与时间段连用。 Mary and Paul have been married for three years. 玛丽和保罗结婚三年了。,牛刀小试 They_each other for 50 years. Ahave married to Bhave married with Chave been married to Dhave been married with 答案:C 由知识拓展可知。,3bargain a)n. 1)减价品;便宜货 At that low price the house is a bargain. 按那样低的价钱出售, 这房子是便宜的。 2)(with sb.)协议;交易 The two countries made a bargain that they would not fight each other again. 两国订下互不侵犯条约。,b)(v.)(with sb.)(about/over/for sth.)(和某人就某事)讨价还价,商讨条件 The salesman refused to bargain over the price. 推销员拒绝讨价还价。 He bargained with them for the property. 他就财产与他们进行商议。,知识拓展 1)a good bargain 赚钱的生意; 便宜货 He glimpsed at my new watch and said it was a good bargain. 他看了一眼我的新表,说买得很上算。 2)make/settle/close/strike/conclude a bargain成交; 达成协议 Paul made a satisfactory bargain with him. 保罗和他作了一次满意的交易。,牛刀小试 (1)(2008山东,34)I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real_. Aexchange Bbargain Ctrade Dbusiness 答案:B 考查名词。“我买这条裙子只花了10元钱,真是太便宜了。”(Its)a real bargain.(真便宜)为口语惯用语。exchange“交换/易”,trade“交易/贸易”,business“生意”均不合题意。,(2)After much_, the shop owner agreed to cut down the price by 20%. Adebating Btalking Cdiscussing Dbargaining 答案:D 题意: 经过多次商讨之后,店老板同意减价20%。bargaining 表示“讨价还价;商谈;商讨”。,(3)We made a_that the job would be done in three days. Aagreement Bdiscussion Cargument Dbargain 答案:D 题意:我们订下三天内完成这一工作的协议。make a bargain表示“成交;达成协议”。注意:make/reach/come to an agreement也可表示“达成协议”。,4foolish (adj.) 1)愚蠢的;傻的 I was foolish enough to believe him! 我真傻, 竟相信了他! 2)不知所措;出丑;显得尴尬 Hes afraid of looking foolish in front of all his friends. 他怕在所有朋友面前出洋相。,词语辨析 foolish, silly, stupid, simple, dull, slow 这些形容词都可表示“愚蠢的,笨的,傻的”之意。 1)foolish一般指人无头脑、愚蠢,或缺乏常识与判断力,或指行动愚蠢可笑。 It was very foolish of you to park the car in the middle of the road. 你把车停在路当中,真不懂事。 2)silly口语用词,可和foolish互换,但语气稍强。侧重指人的言行不合常规或不理智,强调单纯、低能和糊涂。 Dont be silly; that insect cant hurt you. 别傻了,那虫子不会伤你的。,3)stupid 多指人或行为的愚蠢,尤指先天智能低下,或因某种原因失去正常的反应或感觉。有时也可与silly和foolish换用,但语气强,常含贬义。 Despite a lack of formal education, she was far from stupid. 虽然没有受过正式教育,但是她一点也不愚蠢。 4)simple强调头脑简单或缺少智慧。 Shes so simple that shell believe anything you tell her. 她十分单纯,你跟她说什么她都会相信。,5)dull 指对问题理解迟钝,缺乏灵敏机智的头脑,可能是先天智力低下,也可能因疲倦或健康不佳所致。 He couldnt teach such dull children. 他教不了这样迟钝的孩子。 6)slow 指领悟、反应或理解的速度较慢。 Shes slow in understanding what she is told to do. 人家告诉她该做些什么事,她总是理解得很慢。,牛刀小试 采用foolish, silly, stupid, simple, dull或slow填空: (1)He is as_as a child. (2)Its_to go to the expense of taking music lessons if you never practice. (3)This student is_in learning English. (4)All work and no play makes Jack a_boy. (5)I think he was born_. (6)He was angry with himself for having made such a _ mistake. (7) Stop asking_questions!,答案:(1)simple 题意:他像孩子一样单纯。 (2)stupid/foolish/silly 题意:花钱上音乐课而从不练习是很愚蠢的。 (3)slow 题意:这个学生学英语很笨。 (4)dull 题意:只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 (5)stupid/dull 题意:我认为他生来就愚笨。 (6)foolish/stupid 题意:他为犯如此愚蠢的错误而对自己气恼不已。 (7)silly 题意:别总是问傻问题!,5pain(n.) 1)U & C疼;痛;痛苦 She has a pain in her stomach. 她胃痛。 Do you suffer much pain? 你疼得厉害吗? 2)U& C 痛苦;苦恼;烦恼 He gave his mother much pain by acting in such a foolish way. 他干这样的蠢事使他的母亲很痛苦。,3)pl. 辛苦;劳苦 He spares no pains to study English. 他不辞劳苦地学习英语。,知识拓展 1)in pain疼痛; 在苦恼中 She cried(out)in pain when her tooth was pulled out. 她拔牙时痛得叫了起来。,词语辨析 pain, ache 这两个名词均含有“疼,疼痛”之意。 1)pain可与ache换用,但pain既可指一般疼痛,也可指剧痛,疼痛范围可以是局部或全身,时间可长可短,也可引申指精神上的痛苦。 Bad teeth often cause pain. 坏牙常引起疼痛。 2)ache指人体某一器官较持久的疼痛,常常是隐痛。 He felt a dull ache in his shoulder. 他感到肩膀隐隐作痛。,巧学助记 表达肉体的疼痛时用pain, a pain, pains均可;表达“努力;辛苦”时需用复数形式,与much, little连用,但其谓语动词可以是单数。,牛刀小试 (1)It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me. Well, you know what they say_. AThere is no smoke without fire BPractice makes perfect CAll roads lead to Rome DNo pains, no gains,答案:D 题意:“创业耗费了我10年的光阴,我饱尝艰辛。”“嗯,你知道人家说什么不劳则无获。”No pains, no gains表示“不劳则无获。”其它谚语:There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。,(2)It takes_to learn a foreign language well. Astruggle Bpains Csweat Dlabour 答案:B 题意:学好外语需要花大力气。pains表示“下苦功;花大力气”。,6deserve vt. & vi. 应受(报答或惩罚);值得 1)deserve to do应该做 They deserve to be sent to prison. 他们应该入狱。 He has worked very hard and deserves to pass the exams. 他学习很努力,考试及格是应该的。 2)deserve(doing)sth. 值得(做) You deserve a rest after all that work. 辛苦劳累那么久,你该休息一下了。,Your suggestion deserves considering. 你的建议值得考虑。 3)deserve well/ill of 有助于/有罪于 He deserves ill of the people. 他有罪于人民,应该受到惩罚。,巧学助记 deserve doing相当于deserve to be done,用动名词主动形式表示被动含义,该用法与need, want, require相同。,牛刀小试 I think they deserve_. Ato be congratulated Bbeing congratulated Cto congratulate Dcongratulate 答案:A 题意:我想他们值得庆贺。deserve后接不定式作宾语;此外,主语they与动作congratulate 之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,所以采用被动式to be congratulated担任deserve的宾语。,.短语精讲 1pick sb./sth. up 1)拿起;举起;提起 Where was it that you picked up the wallet? 你在哪里捡到钱包的? He picked up the child and carried him into the house. 他抱起孩子并把他抱进了屋里。,2)接收(信号、声音、图像等) My radio can pick up France. 我的收音机可收听法国广播。 We were able to pick up the BBC World Service. 我们能收到英国广播公司国际广播节目。,知识拓展 1)pick sth.up (1)(偶然)得到;听到;学会 Children usually pick up foreign languages very quickly. 儿童通常能很快地学会外语。 (2)辨认出;识别出 Scientists can now pick up early signs of the disease. 现在科学家能够辨认这种疾病的早期症状。,(3)(碰巧或廉价地)买回 I picked up some soft drinks on the way home. 在回家的路上我买了些饮料。 (4)得;感染,得到 I seemed to pick up a virus in the office. 我似乎在办公室染上了病毒。,(5)回到(本题);恢复原状 He picks up this theme again in later chapters of the book. 在该书的后几章,他又重回到这个主题中。 (6)收拾;整理 Please pick up all your toys when youve finished playing. 在你们玩完以后,请把所有的玩具都收拾起来。,2)pick sb. up (1)(开车)接人 Ill pick you up/call for you at the station. 我去车站接你。 (2)让人乘车;搭载 The bus picked up passengers outside the airport. 公共汽车在机场外接乘客。,3)pick up (1)改善;好转;增强 Sales have picked up 14% this year. 今年销售额增长了14%。 (2)重新开始;(休息后)继续 Lets pick up the discussion after lunch. 我们吃过午饭再继续讨论吧。,巧学助记,牛刀小试 (1)With proper measures, the economy in China is beginning to_again. Arise up Bhold on Cpick up Dtake on 答案:C 题意:由于有效的措施,中国的经济正在好转。pick up表示“改善;好转;增强”。,(2)She_Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely. Apicked out Bmade out Cmade up Dpicked up 答案:D 题意:她在日本期间学会了日语。现在她已运用自如。pick up 表示“(偶然)得到;听到”。,(3)Kathy_a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls. Apicked up Btook up Cmade up Dturned up 答案:A 题意:凯西与当地的孩子们一起玩,学会了许多西班牙语。pick up 表示“(偶然)得到;听到”。,(4)(2010山东,27)Sam_some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. Abrought up Blooked up Cpicked up Dset up 答案:C 考查动词短语辨析。题意:Sam在观看别人用电脑工作时学到了一些电脑知识。pick up可以表示“偶然学到”;A项“抚养长大;提出;呕吐”;B项“抬头看;查阅”;D项“成立,建立”。,2one after another/the other一个接一个地;陆续地;络绎不绝地 Please line up one after another. 请按顺序排队。 We achieved one victory after another. 我们取得了一个又一个的胜利。 The bills kept coming in, one after another. 账单纷至沓来。,知识拓展 1)one by one 逐个地;逐一地 I went through the items on the list one by one. 我逐条看了清单上的条目。 2)one another/each other相互 He put all the books beside each other/one another. 他把所有书并列摆放起来。,牛刀小试 (1)The boys jumped into the pool_. Aone after another Bone after one Cone another Done or two 答案:A 题意: 孩子们相继地跳进游泳池里。,(2)For some years after his retirement he kept up with a number of his old workmates, but as time went by he dropped them_. Aone after other Bone by one Cone another Done or two 答案:B 题意:退休后的几年里,他还同很多老同事保持着联系,但随着时间的推移,他们的联系就一个一个地中断了。,(3)They three get along well with_; one is married, another is still a bachelor, and the other has a girlfriend. Aone after another Bone by one Cone another Done or two 答案:C 题意:他们三人彼此相处愉快;一个已婚,一个仍是光棍,而另一个则已有了女友。,.句式点击 She was so angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. 她是如此的生气,以至于她对她父亲说她不会嫁给任何一个没有她跑得快的男人。,知识剖析 so/such.that.表示“如此以致于”,在句中引导结果状语从句。例如: He is such a good teacher that all his pupils like him. He is so good a teacher that all his pupils like him. 他是位极好的老师,所有的学生都喜欢他。 They had such a fierce dog that no one dared to go near their house. Their dog was so fierce that no one dared come near it. 他们有一条如此凶猛的狗,以至于没人敢靠近他们家。/他们的狗太凶猛了,所以没人敢靠近它。,知识拓展 1)such是形容词,用于形容词名词结构之前。 He spoke for such a long time that people began to fall asleep. 他说了这么长时间,以致于在座的人都犯困了。 2)so是副词,用


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