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中国传统婚礼,The introduction of traditional Chinese weddings,China is a large country with 56 nationalities. Different nationalities have different marriage customs, but whatever the nationality is, the wedding ceremony is usually very complicated. The traditional Chinese marriage usually involves 6 necessary procedures。,The main 6 necessary procedures of the wedding,match-making (说媒) Engagement (定亲) betrothal presents (聘礼) meeting the bride (迎娶) three bows (拜堂) and drinking wedlock wine(喝交杯酒),说媒 matchmaking,In feudal China, if an unmarried boys parents find a girl they interested in, they will find an atchmaker to make the proposal.,定亲 engagement gifts,Once the two families agree about the matter, the bridegrooms family will present engagement gifts to the brides family.,婚服 Wedding Dress,The dominant tone is red. The bride wear a chaplet and official robes(凤冠霞帔) , still above a red scarf. The groom wear a red long gown, red shoes,a red silk sash with a red silk ball in a shape of flower on his chest.,迎娶 meeting the bride,The bridegroom leads his parading troop with the bridal sedan chair or the flower car to his brides home.,Red is central to the wedding theme of China. It signifies love, joy and prosperity and is used in a variety of ways in Chinese wedding traditions.,firecrackers 鞭炮 marriage band 婚嫁乐队 brides sedan 花轿 flower car 花车,door curtain wedding candles,wedding gown flower ball,shoes、package、quilt、pillow,Chinese date 枣 peanut 花生 longan 桂圆 chestnut 栗子 early birth of a healthy baby 早生贵子,梳头 combing Hair,Brides hair needs to be combed four times and each has a special meaning: The first combing symbolizes: from beginning till the end.自始至终 The second combing symbolizes: harmony from now till old age.和睦永远 The third combing symbolizes: sons and grandsons all over the place.子孙满堂 The fourth combing summaries good wealth and a long-lasting marriage.婚姻长久 The whole action also symbolizes the adulthood of the couple. 一梳梳到尾, 二梳白发齐眉, 三梳儿孙满地,四梳梳到四条银笋尽标齐.,good fortune woman and man 有福之人 Incense(香) needs to be burnt 焚香 The bride also needs to sit next to a window where the moon can be seen. 新娘坐在能看见月亮的窗边,哭嫁 crying marriage,Meaning: to thank parents for raising her up 感谢父母 的养育之恩,Wedding Location,In feudal China, the wedding letter is the document to be presented to the brides family.,射轿帘 three bows,Give the first bow to heaven Give the second bow to earth Give the third bow to the bride 花轿停下后,新郎手执弓箭,分别向天、地、新娘空射三箭,取意举箭弓逢凶化吉。这个古老的习俗据说可以驱除新娘身上的邪气,同时还有一层含义,就是要给新娘一个下马威,提醒她在成为新媳妇后要恪守妇道,做一个贤良淑德的好老婆。,kick the curtain of the sedan chair踢轿门,Purpose:to kicked off the brides pride去傲气,跨火盆 Stride the fire pan,Purpose:to counteract evil force辟邪 新郎和新娘共同跨过了火盆,取意避邪,祈求今后的生活红红火火。跨火盆的传统,相传是为了阻碍“跟尾鬼”跟踪,鬼魅怕火,无法跨过火盆,从此“一火两断”,挑盖头stir up the red veil,新郎要用秤杆挑下新娘头上的盖头,盖头揭下后,新郎要用手抚摸新娘的头发。秤杆揭盖头取“称心如意”的意思,抚摸头发,则象征白头偕老,拜堂 Wedding Ceremony,一拜天地 1 bow to the heaven and earth . 二拜高堂 2 bow to their parents 夫妻对拜 3 bow to each other,give red envelopes 红包,After that, the superiors(长辈) will give them red packages with monetary gifts and wish them well.,offer a cup of tea新妇敬茶,drinking wedlock wine 喝交杯酒,All In One合为一体 never to be separated 永不分离 用两个红线连结的酒杯喝交杯酒,婚礼上叫作“凤凰三点头”,“一点头”各饮一口,“二点头”夫将杯中酒全倒入妻杯,妻再将酒平分给夫,“三点头”夫妻交换杯子饮尽。喝交杯酒象征此后夫妻联成一体,有相同的地位,婚后相亲相爱,百事和谐,同时还含有让新娘新郎同甘共苦的深意。,throw an embroidered ball 抛花球,It is the last but one item of a wedding, which also is the most popular one. It is said who is lucky enough to catch the bouquet, she will be the next bride. In some place, only girls has the access to take part in this exciting activity. 抛花球的传统,寓意分享喜悦,传递快乐,婚宴 wedding banquet,The grooms family will then give a banquet for the friends and relatives to cel


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