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课时跟踪练(十三) Warmup & Lesson 1Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1Frankly (坦率地) speaking, I dont like what you said about me.2The police suspected (怀疑) that Bill had robbed the bank of the money.3The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish (辨别) one from the other. 4One of the most important things that a teacher should do is instruct (指导) the students on how to learn.5Many men were buried (埋葬) when there was an accident at the mine.6Womens social status (地位) has changed much over the years.7I dont feel secure (安全的) when I am alone in the house.8Try to simplify (简化) your explanation to make yourself understood better.单句语法填空1Be careful to obey the manufacturers washing instructions (instruct)2My deskmate suspected him of having taken the pen.3It is high time that I_should_say/said (say) goodbye to you all as a member of this company.4He talks gladly as though/if he would/could/might_be (be) our monitor.5He wished it would vanish and leave him buried (bury) in the darkness.6Laura distinguished herself (she) by her performance in the examination at the citys leading school.7Frankly (frank) speaking, the price of this bag is a little high.8He said that it was the first time that he had_met (meet)such a strange person.选词填空break out, take part in, in person, frankly speaking, aside from, set up, go blank, lay off1Aside_from the necessary clothes, I also carried a camera.2He happened to be in England when the war_broke_out and he just stayed on.3We all had to take_part_in the training run, with nobody excepted. 4When I heard the shocking news, my mind went_blank.5The company was deeply in debt and some employees were laid_off.6Will you apply for the position by letter or in_person?7Frankly_speaking,_I did not like it, either. However, I had to cook myself.8He wants to set_up a profitmaking company, owned mostly by the university.课文语法填空Sun Wen is 28 years old and he has a secure fulltime job. He is about 1.to_take (take) his Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering by 2.distance (distant) learning though he failed his college entrance exam. In the past, if someone had failed 3.to_get (get) into university through the college exam, he 4.would_have_had (have) no chance of getting a degree. 5.But its different now. Sun Wen gave himself 6.a second chance by studying for a degree in the evenings and on weekends. Its never too late to learn.Ms Tang 7.was_laid (lay) off by the company. Her mind went blank and her heart swelled with anger. She felt as if she 8.had_done (do) something wrong! Later, she decided to do a business course and she has learnt so many new skills and has already prepared a business plan for setting 9.up her own export company.Grandpa Chen is 75 years old. He began to email and use the Internet 10.with the help of his grandson. Now he is doing an English course on the Internet.串点成篇微表达自从大学毕业(graduate from)后,他在北京的一家大公司工作。在业余时间里,他除了(aside from)进行远程学习(distance learning)外,还参加了一项英语培训课程。他努力学习的目的是让自己不会被解雇(lay off)。由于他的努力工作,他很快就得到了提升(get promoted)。After graduating from college, he worked in a big company in Beijing. Aside from distance learning, he did an English course in his spare time. He studied hard so as not to be laid off. Because of his hard work, he got promoted soon.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空A friendly conversation with a hotel stranger soon turned into an informative and inspiring conversation with a friendly gentleman.George, an IndianAmerican, was once living in the same _1_ with my family. He was able to _2_ words of wisdom that brought _3_ into our lives. George asked me about my schooling, and was _4_ to know I was an enthusiastic reader and _5_. He encouraged me to write write about anything, but just to do it!“That is the _6_ with todays society,” he explained. “We dont like to read things, _7_ theyre for pleasure. Reading for pleasure is good. But reading for facts can change and challenge and _8_ ideas and, most importantly, people.”When I think about why I write. I am always attracted to the _9_ ideas that George talked about. I tell myself I write because I want to help others _10_ new ideas, new perspectives (视角), new and challenging experiences.But how do we really _11_ that? How do we put _12_ into action or at least give words the _13_ to inspire actions from all different kinds of readers?“We think about our words,” George _14_. “We think about how words inspire different ideas, and we choose them _15_ to change which links are formed.”Georges passion (热爱) for people and words inspired me to be more aware, present, and honest about my words. George _16_ me to make friends with people from all different cultures, and to consider various people and perspectives when _17_ ideas and opinions, for doing so “allows us to _18_ the whole human experience.”Georges approach to writing and involving others in conversation inspired me to take an objective step back and _19_ why I write and how I write. I challenge you to do the same. Are you deepening the worlds hunger, or are you _20_ to feed its intellectual (智力的) needs and desires for human connection?语篇解读:本文是记叙文。在旅馆遇到的一位陌生人激励我继续写作。1A.apartmentBtownChotel Dhospital解析:选C由上文中的“A friendly conversation with a hotel stranger”可知,George曾经与“我”一家住在同一家“旅馆(hotel)”。2A.keep BshareCreceive Dcollect解析:选B由下文的描述可知,George给“我”“分享(share)”了写作的智慧。3A.light BprideCconfusion Dconvenience解析:选A由下文的描述可知,George的话为我们的生活带来“光明(light)”。4A.curious BsurprisedCready Ddelighted解析:选D由下文中的“know I was an enthusiastic reader”可知,George得知“我”是一位热情的读者后很“开心(delighted)”。5A.speaker BwriterCeditor Dpublisher解析:选B由下文的描述可知,“我”是一位“作家(writer)”。6A.difficulty BcaseCproblem Dchallenge解析:选C由下文中的“We dont like to read things”可知,这就是当今社会的“问题(problem)”。7A.unless BwhenCif Dbecause解析:选A由文中的描述可知,“我们不喜欢读书,除非(unless)是为了消遣。”8A.discuss BinspireCtest Ddevelop解析:选B由下文中的“inspire actions from all different kinds of readers”可知,为获取事实的阅读能够改变、挑战和“激发(inspire)”思想,最重要的是可以激发人。9A.great BcrazyCold Dtraditional解析:选A由下文中的“Georges approach to writing . inspired me”可知,每当“我”思考“我”为何写作时,“我”都会想起George谈论的“伟大的(great)”思想。10A.from BagainstCthrough Dupon解析:选C由该空后的“new ideas, new perspectives, new and challenging experiences”可知,“我”写作是为了“通过(through)”新思想、新观点、新的具有挑战性的经历去帮助别人。11A.learn BshowCexpect Dachieve解析:选D由下文中的“How do we . inspire actions from all different kinds of readers?”可知,我们如何真正“实现(achieve)”这一点呢?12A.lessons BwordsCmessages Dvalues解析:选B由该空后的“give words . to inspire actions”可知,我们如何将“文字(words)”付诸实践?13A.time BwayCchance Dpower解析:选D或者给文字激发不同读者的“力量(power)”。14A.described BcomplainedCexplained Dadmitted解析:选C由上文提出来的问题以及本段的描述可知,这是George的“解释(explained)”。15A.bravely BpatientlyCnaturally Dcarefully解析:选D由文中的描述可知,我们应该“认真(carefully)”选择所用的文字。16A.promised BremindedCallowed Dencouraged解析:选D由文中的描述可知,George“鼓励(encouraged)”“我”与来自不同文化的人交朋友。17A.expressing BhavingCexamining Dimproving解析:选A由该空后的“ideas and opinions”可知,在“表达(expressing)”想法和观点时考虑不同的人和观点。18A.change BrememberCrecognize Dunderstand解析:选D由文中的描述可知,这样做能让我们“了解(understand)”整个人类的经验。19A.imagine BcompareCconsider Drealize解析:选C由上文中的“take an objective step back”以及该空后的“why I write and how I write”可知,此处指“我”“思


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