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高考提能练Unit 8 Adventure仿真检测灵活拆组卷第一部分听力(满分30分,限时20分钟)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Whats the original price of the jacket?A$120.B$170.C$240.2Where does this conversation take place?AAt a restaurant.BAt an airport.CAt a theater.3What do they need to buy?ABeef and tomatoes.BOnions and potatoes.COnions and beef.4What does the girl suggest the boy do?ABuy a guitar.BFind a parttime job.CPay more attention to study.5What will the man do on Saturday evening?AGo to the cinema.BHave music lessons.CStay at home.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6Who is the man most probably?AA hotel receptionist.BA taxi driver.CA tour guide.7How much tip did the man get?A3.50 dollars.B2.50 dollars.C1.50 dollars.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Why does the girl want to join the club?ATo learn dancing.BTo learn singing.CTo learn acting.9How often does the club meet?AOnce a week.BTwice a week.CEvery other day.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What was the first photo in the world about?AA house.BA window.CA garden.11When was the first clear photo made public?AIn 1837.BIn 1839.CIn 1841.12Where did the woman learn about photography?AFrom the history class.BFrom an artist.CFrom a book.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13Where does the man want to build his dream house?ANear a beach.BNear a park.CNear a mountain.14Which floor does the man want the main bedroom on?AThe first floor.BThe second floor.CThe third floor.15How many bathrooms does the man want?ATwo. BThree. CFour.16Where does the man want to put the TV?AIn the living room.BIn the main bedroom.CIn the kitchen.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Who came up with the idea of pie first?AThe Greeks.BThe Egyptians.CThe Romans.18What kind of pie did Queen Elizabeth receive?AA strawberry pie.BA cherry pie.CA meat pie.19What kind of pie is the second most popular in America?A.Pumpkin pie.BApple pie.CSweet potato pie.20What do we know about the habit of eating pies in America?AFew people like plain pies.BA lot of people prefer to buy pies.CMost people prefer homemade pies.答案:15CBBCA610BBCBC1115BCBAB1620CABCC听力材料:(Text 1)W:You look great in this black jacket. Whats the price?M:It was on sale, 50% off. I paid 120 dollars for it. W:What a bargain!(Text 2)W:Good evening, sir. Can I have your passport, please?M:Here you are. A ticket to Paris. W:OK.Do you want a window seat or .?M:I prefer a middle one.(Text 3)W:How about making beef soup tonight? What do we need?M:Just a moment. We have enough beef and tomatoes. There are no onions and potatoes at home.(Text 4)M:My parents told me to quit my parttime job.W:Why? Because of your grades?M:Yeah, but I really need money to buy a guitar. What should I do?W:Youll just have to study harder.(Text 5)W:Will you go to the cinema this Saturday?M:Im afraid I cant. I will have my music lessons then.W:I didnt mean in the morning or afternoon. I mean in the evening.M:Oh, thats quite a different thing.(Text 6)W:The Central Hotel, please. I have to be there by 6:00.M:We shouldnt have any trouble if the traffic isnt too heavy. Is this your first trip here?W:Yes. Im here on business.M:You havent seen the sights yet, have you?W:No, Im open to suggestions.M:Why dont you visit the Center Park first?W:Thats a good idea.M:Here we are. That will be seven dollars and fifty cents.W:Thanks a lot. Heres ten dollars. Keep the change. (Text 7)M:Welcome to the Drama Club. What can I do for you?W:I once learned dancing. And Ive always been looking forward to learning acting. May I join you?M:Of course you can. Were looking for more students to join us. But you must ask your head teacher for permission, and then you can come and fill in a form. W:OK. What will we learn there?M:Well gain some basic knowledge of acting for the first two weeks and then well practice a play. W:Who will teach us?M:Mrs. Johnson. Well meet on the afternoons of Thursday and Friday every week. W:I see. Thank you. Bye. (Text 8)W:Mike, do you know anything about the history of photography?M:No, I dont. Do you?W:Well, the first camera in the world was invented by a Frenchman named Joseph Niepce.M:When was it?W:In the year 1826. He needed some pictures for his business. But he was poor, so he just invented a very simple camera to take pictures by himself. He put it in a window of his house and took a photo of his garden. M:Was the photo clear?W:No. The first clear photo was taken by another Frenchman called Daguerre. After years of experiments, he finally succeeded in taking a clear photo in 1837. But it wasnt made public until two years later. As time went by, photography became a kind of art. Photos were not just copies of the real world. They showed peoples ideas and feelings. M:How did you get to know so much about photography?W:Oh, Ive just read a book on it. (Text 9)M:Ive always wanted to build my dream home myself. W:Really? What would it be like?M:Well, it will be very big and located next to a park, because a nice view is important to me. W:How many rooms would it have?M:Id want to have three bedrooms on the second floor, with balconies and one main bedroom on the first floor. The kitchen and the living room will be on the first floor. Id want a large living room, so there would be one large open space for people to spend time with each other. W:How many bathrooms would your dream home have?M:Id have one guest bathroom next to the living room, one attached to the main bedroom and one upstairs. W:How would you decorate your house?M:I would have a few vases and some pictures of family on the walls. W:How many TVs would your dream room have?M:I think TV is a waste of time, so I would only have one small TV in the kitchen to watch the news in the morning. (Text 10)W:Fruit pies have been enjoyed as a breakfast food for a long time. They were made with berries, apples and other fruits. The history of pie can be traced right back to ancient Egyptian times. The early Greeks are believed to have given the idea to the early Romans. Early pies were meat pies and these were being made and served in England as far back as the 1100s. The first fruit pie recipes date back to the 1500s. And the first cherry pie was given as a gift to Queen Elizabeth .The first English immigrants brought pie to the United States. The early settlers cooked their pies in narrow pans. Pie today is one of the most traditional American dessert recipes. There are all kinds of pie recipes. But a survey discovered that two thirds of Americans like apple pies better than any other kinds, followed by sweet potato, pumpkin, lemon and cherry. Three out of four Americans prefer homemade pies. And only one in a hundred Americans buys pies from a diner. Two in three Americans prefer their pies plain, instead of served with cream or ice cream.第二部分阅读理解(满分40分,限时35分钟)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AA new collection of photos brings an unsuccessful Antarctic voyage back to life.Frank Hurleys pictures would be outstanding undoubtedly firstrate photojournalism if they had been made last week. In fact, they were shot from 1914 through 1916, most of them after a disastrous shipwreck (海难), by a cameraman who had no reasonable expectation of survival. Many of the images were stored in an ice chest, under freezing water, in the damaged wooden ship.The ship was the Endurance, a small, tight, Norwegianbuilt threemaster that was intended to take Sir Ernest Shackleton and a small crew of seamen and scientists, 27 men in all, to the southernmost shore of Antarcticas Weddell Sea. From that point Shackleton wanted to force a passage by dog sled (雪橇) across the continent. The journey was intended to achieve more than what Captain Robert Falcon Scott had done. Captain Scott had reached the South Pole early in 1912 but had died with his four companions on the march back.As writer Caroline Alexander makes clear in her forceful and wellresearched story The Endurance, adventuring was even then a thoroughly commercial effort. Scotts last journey, completed as he lay in a tent dying of cold and hunger, caught the worlds imagination, and a film made in his honor drew crowds. Shackleton, a onetime British merchantnavy officer who had got to within 100 miles of the South Pole in 1908, started a business before his 1914 voyage to make money from movie and still photography. Frank Hurley, a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic, was hired to make the images,most of which have never before been published.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。1914年到1916年间,一群海员和科学家踏上了南极探险之路。结果他们在回来的路上发生海难,其中一个摄影师在临死之前拍摄了大量的照片,并把照片封存在破损的木船的冰块箱里。通过这些照片我们可以了解到那次不太成功的探险经历。21What do we know about the photos taken by Hurley?AThey were made last week.BThey showed undersea sceneries.CThey were found by a cameraman.DThey recorded a disastrous adventure.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段中的第二句可知,这些照片记录了一次灾难性的冒险,故选D项。22Who reached the South Pole first according to the text?AFrank Hurley.BErnest Shackleton.CRobert Falcon Scott. DCaroline Alexander.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第三段可知,被发现的照片所展示的这次旅行是为了获得比Robert Falcon Scott船长先前的探险更大的收获,该船长在1912年就到达了南极。由此推断Robert Falcon Scott是最先到达南极的人,故选C项。23What does Alexander think was the purpose of the 1914 voyage?AArtistic creation. BScientific research.CMoney making. DTreasure hunting.解析:选C细节理解题。根据最后一段可知这个作家在她的小说The Endurance中说,在那时,探险就已经是纯商业活动(a thoroughly commercial effort)了,因此1914年航行的目的是赚钱(money making),故选C项。BYou want to have fun and adventure and so you decide to travel somewhere to do it. Sounds like a simple enough thing. And basically it is. But what is adventure? That is the key here and the answer can be different for different people.For those who love sports, adventure travel can have a whole different meaning than for those who like history. The physical travel types that you can find include such adventure travel as white water rafting (白浪漂流), kayaking or climbing and hiking to some mountains somewhere. To the hiker, backpacking across Ireland might be their adventure. For this type of person, adventure travel almost always includes something physical. Often the goal is to push their bodys limits and test their individual endurance (耐力)For those who less want to climb mountains, adventure travel might mean traveling to Nepal and taking in the local festivals. Wine tasting in Italy is also vacation adventure for the more relaxed traveler who enjoys peace and comfort. Anything that is opposite to the normal scope (范围) of the travelers lifestyle defines adventure.Adventure travel is not necessarily a onesizefitsall type of vacation. Adventure depends on the persons physical limits, how much money the person has and what the person enjoys doing. Going beyond the normal is adventurous for many. If your life is quite busy, then sitting on a beach in the moonlight with your family might be adventure for you. The point is not what you do but that you have a good time and that it is an adventure for you not for the person next to you.Do not sit home this year when vacation time rolls around. Go beyond your normal routine and try something new. If you usually spend your vacation sunbathing on a beach, try hiking instead, through the mountains. Look around you, think beyond your comfort zone and head out on an adventure vacation.语篇解读:什么是探险旅行?对不同的人来说,答案也不尽相同,但有一点是关键的,那就是你自己要玩得开心。24For a quiet traveler, he is most likely to choose _.Abackpacking across a countryBwine tasting in a barChiking to some mountainsDwhite water rafting解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Wine tasting in Italy is also vacation adventure for the more relaxed traveler who enjoys peace and comfort.”可知答案为B。25To have an adventure travel, the most important is _.Awhether you enjoy yourselfBwhether you try something dangerousCwhere you go for the travellingDwhat you do in the travelling解析:选A细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后一句中的“The point is not what you do but that you have a good time and that it is an adventure for you .”可知,探险旅行最重要的是玩得开心。26From the passage, we can make a conclusion that _.Aadventure travel always includes something dangerousBadventure travel will cost you a large sum of moneyCanything that goes beyond the normal is adventure travel Dadventure travelers like to do things to the limits of their body解析:选C推理判断题。综合第四段的内容特别是“Going beyond the normal is adventurous for many.”这句可知,作者认为探险旅行就是不同于以往的旅行。27The best title for the passage may be “_”ATips on Adventure TravelBWho Is Interested in Adventure TravelCWhat Is Adventure TravelDPopular Places for Adventure Travel解析:选C标题归纳题。文章第一段是本文的主旨段。根据“But what is adventure?That is the key here and the answer can be different for different people.”可知,本文向我们介绍了什么是探险旅行。故答案为C。CThere are several reasons why cats climb trees, mostly to do with defensive purposes. Cats, as predators (捕食者),like to understand their environment well. Cats climb trees to get a better view of their surroundings, to help them see any potential dangers or potential prey (被掠食者)While cats are predators, they can also be easily attacked by larger animals. A tree often provides a safe hiding place. In the wild, cats climb up trees to give them a resting place that is out of predators range. It also helps disguise their presence, which can prevent any prey from noticing that there is a cat nearby.Sometimes some cats may climb trees for fun, or possibly to work on improving their climbing abilities. Kittens frequently test out their claw skills by trying to climb up everything, from bookcases to trees to a persons leg. Climbing practice is good for cats; it can improve their strength and flexibility and teach them an important defensive skill. To prevent them from practicing indoor climbing of your furniture, however, owners may wish to buy a carpeted cat tree for climbing. If a cat has gotten up a tree and cannot get down, the owner may wonder why its remarkable climbing abilities only work in one direction. A cats claws curve (弯曲) inward, allowing it to take hold of surfaces while going up head first. Unfortunately, this useful climbing curve does nothing to help the animal get back down again. Eventually, most trapped kittens will either jump out of the tree or realize that they can get down by going tail first. Either way, a cat up a tree is usually nothing to panic about unless it is injured; they are intelligent animals and will find out how to get down sooner or later.28In most cases, cats climb trees in order to _.Ahave funBseek foodCdefend themselves Dplease their owners解析:选C细节理解题。由第一段首句“. mostly to do with defensive purposes”可知,大多数情况下,猫儿爬树是出于自卫。29What does the underlined word “disguise” in Paragraph 2 mean?AFind out. BFocus on.CMake clear. DCover up.解析:选D词义猜测题。由画线词之后的“prevent any prey from noticing that there is a cat nearby”可知,disguise意为“伪装,掩盖”。30Why do people want to buy carpeted cat trees?ATo train their cats in climbing.BTo help protect their furniture.CTo improve their cats claw skills.DTo keep their cats warm in winter.解析:选B细节理解题。由第三段“To prevent them from practicing indoor climbing of your furniture, however, owners may wish to buy a carpeted cat tree for climbing.”可知,购买a carpeted cat tree是为了防止猫儿在家具上攀爬。31Seeing your cat up a tree, you are supposed to _.Ajust take it easy Blead it down slowlyCfeed some food to it at onceDkeep an eye on it all the time解析:选A推理判断题。由最后一段“Either way, a cat up a tree is usually nothing to panic about unless it is injured.”可知,猫儿爬树是很自然的事情,没有必要担心。DThe Great Barn AdventureOne morning when I was 11, I explored the towns abandoned round grain barn (谷仓). I found a chained sliding door that was wide enough for me to pass through. Inside, there was a heavy smell of dead mice in the dark. After my eyes adjusted, I noticed a shaft (竖井) that rose all the way to the top of the barn. On one side was a oneman elevator with a long rope and roller.I stepped onto the platform and gave the rope a drag and the elevator began sliding up the shaft, but stopped halfway. After a brief panic attack, I noticed holes in the wall at regular intervals, forming a ladder. For reasons known only to all 11yearold, I decided it would be better to go up than down. So, with shaking hands, I began climbing the wall.After what seemed like forever, I reached the top of the shaft. I stood up, dusted myself off and found . absolutely nothing of interest. It was just an empty room with a ladder leading up to the roof. I climbed all the way up here for this? Then I noticed a fire extinguisher (灭火器), which Id always wanted to shoot off. So this was the chance of a lifetime. I tried it, and, much to my surprise, the thing worked! It shot out a thick cloud of powder that instantly filled the room. I couldnt breathe. I was going to choke to death, and theyd probably never even find my body.Luckily, I remembered the ladder to the roof. I climbed up, popped the straw roof and saw a bright blue sky.I suddenly realised the dust and powder pouring out of the top could draw attention. So when the dust had settled, I climbed down and slipped out of the chained door. Im not sure if I was more excited about being alive or about not being caught, but I ran all the way back home.32When the author got insi


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