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毕业设计(论文)参考文献译文学生姓名: 詹 华 萍系 别: 机 械 工 程 系专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化班 级: T713-1学 号: 20070130136译文出处:United States Patent19 Okunishi et al. Patent Number:4,776,081 Date of Patent:Oct.11,1988可调式多轴头加工工具摘要:在多轴头匹配类型机床上,加工单元包括一个基于处理进退运动的原始的职位和一个加工的位置,第一个环形导轨包括一个可移动的轨道包围的加工单元,它坐落在原来的位置,第二个环形钢导轨和处理在一个地方上的轴向位移的从前导轨,分别为多轴头进行的第一和第二支导轨。第一和第二索引机制的交换连接头分别为多轴第一和第二导轨等同为驾车前往角位移,处理和电梯机制从第一次和第二次侧导轨的垂距在一个地方移动为铁路提供更换多轴头之间的第一个和第二个导轨,静止轨道交通发展的一个重要组成部分的第一导轨和部分第二导轨的分歧是生活在一个圆弧钢轨在一个地方上相应的举升机构,例如,电梯机制相互连接组成的电梯扶手电梯的第一和第二,升降导轨是指连接到电梯,都还有待提高,并降低了之间的第一个和第二个导轨。关键词:多轴头、导轨、电梯机制、角位移1.领域的发明本发明涉及一种多抽头类型机床上,加工单元包括一个基地处理进退运动之间的一个原始的职位和加工的位置,第一个环形导轨包括一个可移动的轨道积分与加工单元和一个固定的轨道包围了加工单元,它坐落在原来的位置,第二环形钢导轨和处理在一个地方上的轴向位移的从前导轨,复数个多轴的连接头每头进行了第一和第二支导轨,第一和第二索引机制的替代连接头分别多轴的与第一和第二导轨多轴头连接为驾车前往角位移等处理,电梯机制从第一次和第二次侧导轨在一个地方移动钢轨的垂距提供更换多轴头之间的第一和第二支导轨。2.原有的类型描述这样的多轴头代替型机工具,是由通常为人所知的No.13923/86日本出版。与上述常规机床不同,搭车机制和转移机制的要求,是多轴头之间传递的第一和第二道轨和电梯机制,导致了一个复杂的施工。此外,一个空间必须被遗弃在第二个导轨更换多轴相应减少,导致储存一定数量的多轴头。3.总结已经发明的本发明已经完成这样的情况下,它是针对本发明的对象类型提供一个多轴头机床,所述头替换转移的机制多轴头之间的第一个和第二个道轨和电梯结构简化,同时也增加了一定数量的多轴头储存。根据本发明的一个组成部分,静止轨道的第一导轨和部分第二轨道的分歧是搭车轨道在在一个地方一个圆弧相应的举升机构,分别为举升机构组成一个电梯设备相互连接的电梯扶手第一和第二,电梯驱动导轨是指连接到电梯,都还有待提高,并降低了之间的第一个和第二个导轨。采用上述的建设,多轴头可以移动之间的第一个和第二个道轨和另外,当电梯轨道的第一导轨移到第二导轨,一个多轴头储存在第二个导轨是撤退出来。因此,同样数量的多轴主管能够储存在第一和第二支导轨。这就使得它能够增加适当的多轴头储存为比上年更佳和简化的安排替换运动。这是本发明的另一个对象类型提供一个多轴头替换机床所取代多轴取决于头是顺利的变化对该类型的作品,并提高了加工效率。这是本发明的进一步的对象类型提供一个多轴头替换机床其中所述的上升和降低多轴头运动的稳定性。上述和其他物体、主要特点和优点,从阅读以下的描述了优先化身会同绘图形,这项发明将变得明显。图纸同类体现本发明将简要描述如下图一:是一个可调式多轴头加工工具的全图;图二:是一个切面机床的角度,显示在1被简化部分;图三:是截取的图一中III的半切面图片;图四:是对图三一比一放大的截面图;图五:是截取的图三中箭头V所示的图片;图六:是对图四一比一放大的截面图;图七:是截取的图三中箭头VII所示的图片;图八:是截取的图七中箭头VIII所示的图片;图九:是截取的图三中箭头IX所示的图片;图十:对图三侧面的截图图片;图十一:对图三中XI的一比一放大的图片;图十二:是图三中的XII的一比一放大的图片;图十三:可调多轴头加工工具的外部图片;图十四:不同种类的可调多轴头图片。 图2 切面机床的角度,显示在1被简化部分图1 可调式多轴头加工工具的全图图3 截取的图一中III的半切面图片图4 对图三一比一放大的截面图图3 截取的图一中III的半切面图片。图5 截取的图三中箭头V所示的图片图6 对图四一比一放大的截面图 图8 截取的图七中箭头VIII所示的图片图7 截取的图三中箭头VII所示的图片 图9 截取的图三中箭头IX所示的图片图10 图三侧面的截图图片 图12 图三中的XII的一比一放大的图片图11 图三中XI的一比一放大的图片图13 可调多轴头加工工具的外部图片图14 不同种类的可调多轴头图片多轴头运作图形的分析电梯机制在降低60图14所示(五)向下移动的多主轴头,相应的第二导轨6,也向下移动的多主轴头C1到其立场相应的第一个导轨5。在这种情况下,一间多主轴头D3和指数臂第二个索引机制的关系是26 31顺序控制存储在99个同样,虽然多主轴头C1的相应机制的第二个索引的数据26 99的顺序控制存储在索引手臂协会与索引机制的第一个25 28。在一个由多主轴B2的加工,多轴头C2是从第二个引导降低到第一轨导轨5 6,以及由多主轴头B3的加工,多轴头C3是下调第二导轨6入第一个导轨5。此外白衣更换多轴箱C2和C3,多主轴头A2和A3为指导,从第一轨移动到第二个5导轨6。当一个工作复本的是经过加工的工作工务局运输,多轴箱的C1,C2和C3可以依次带入到加工位置MP的效果由个人多轴箱的C1,C2和顺序补体C3。在由多轴箱的C1,C2和C3等加工,多轴头D1和D2和D3是从第二个引导降低到第一轨指南6轨5提供一个工作将随后运送。例如,在由多主轴头C2的加工,多轴D2是降低到5首导轨,如图14所示。在这种情况下,多主轴D3是上面的第二个指导多轴头位于D2的轨道6。于是,当25索引机制,使经营加工完成后,由多主轴头C2的进入加工位置MP多主轴头体C3,第二个索引机制也运作方式,26到60方位取代,如图所示在图14。如果多主轴头C3是要以先进的加工位置国会议员到机器的工作厕所,然后电梯机制60解除运动,以提高多主轴头B3到第二轨操作指南6,而在同一撤退时从第二引导多轴头向上轨6格A1,如图14所示。此后,第二个索引机制运作方式,转26在图14所示的为60在一个方向相反的描述,参考图14所示,从而将多主轴头D3上电梯导轨10。10在这种条件下,降低电梯的机制使60多主轴头D3的第一要到5导轨在图14所示,降低。在这种方式的多轴箱A1到每一个地方,B1到B3中,C1到C3和D1至D3可以加工成所需的地位,影响到加工到国会议员提出。此外,由于多主轴头可放置,为后续加工。此外,由于多主轴头可放置,为后续加工,加工效率可提高。此外,由于多轴箱相同数量可以在第一和第二指导存储轨5,6,对多主轴头数,可以存储比以前更多的艺术。自导柱61 10成员是通过连接在电梯66和60 69大幅机制与基一整体的,也有可能支持一个稳定的方式垂直导柱61。此外,在电梯上升和下降60机制,支持13个铁路连接两个18岁以下的电梯导轨为指导的梳84和85,和连锁块的多轴箱A1至A3,B1的36到B3,C1到C3和D1to维生素D3是在头部引导会员86 87.的指导下,多轴箱A1至A3,B1至B3,C1到C3和D3的D1to被提出,并在稳定地降低。在上下电梯62对是相互关联的成员74通过连接,并连接到上电梯62链77一双绕在链轮上可旋转的导柱的上端支持61轮76个,权重的平衡链被连接到77。因此,电梯运行了62个可以在一个上升和降低其水平与稳定的方式维护和另外的态度,可以通过单动式驱动器驱动的动作方式63,在第一和第二个索引机制,25日和26日,大幅U形从事成员在38个被出售的武器28and指数每31领先结束,具有弹性偏置项目的形式领先结束,加上44和指导突起在45所提供的中央上部和下部的38个成员参与的部分,以及领先结束锁定36座,形成符合响应的导突起44和45,因此,轮廓的上升和下降运动对多轴箱A1至A3,B1至B3,C1到C3和D1至D3,订婚和锁块之间的36和28,31脱离接触指数手臂很容易实现,而且每时,国家可以从事坚决维护。可调多轴头型机床的的原理和作用1.可调多轴头型机床上加工单元组成的一对进退之间的原始位置和加工位置,第一个环形导轨包括一个可移动的轨道积分的动作说加工基地出售单位和一个静止轨道围绕加工单元说这是在说,原来的位置,第二个同心环形导轨与轴向偏移,在处理从一个地方说,第一导轨,一个多主轴头多元化的每个进行说第一和第二导轨,第一和第二个索引机制释放地分别连接到多轴箱上说,第一和第二驾驶导轨说多轴箱的角位移,和电梯处置机制,从侧面说,第一和第二指导偏移量表示,从一个地方移动轨铁路提供的多轴箱更换第一和第二之间说导轨,其中一个说:静止轨道的一部分被划分为一圆弧如电梯导轨在一个地方,相应地说道电梯机制,分别表示电梯机制包括连接到电梯的每一个电梯导轨的说,第一和第二导轨,解除驱动方式连接到电梯将被提高,降低了第一和第二之间说导轨。2.可调多轴头型机床的作用,还包括为提供一个信号后,多主轴头类型的不同信号发生器连接到的多轴箱,每年至少一个探测器在固定的位置相应的接收信号表示信号发生器的第一和第二导轨每处理,表示探测器被连接,用于控制所述第一和第二次指数序列的机制操作控制,说电梯机制来存储各个位置的多轴箱上说,第一和第二导轨在说顺序控制,以及用于检测的工作是要工作的新加工型探测器,探测器的工作表示被连接到一个控制面板,提供了一个预备动作到顺序控制信号,为新的移动工作多主轴头一首导轨既定立场。3. 可调多轴头型机床的作用,第一次和第二次是在导轨垂直间隔一定距离排列的互相之间的距离,除了表示对首先是导轨之间的配对相同,先说是导轨之间的第二导轨副,每上下电梯导轨副,同样是集成,通过相互支持的铁路。4. 可调多轴头型机床根据权利要求为指导不断上升和下降的升降机1或2,其中指导会员是固定地倾向于垂直扩展。5.一个可调多轴头型机床的作用,锁定对多轴头安装在每一个项目对各自的第一和第二导轨内,头部指导会员弃置在一个地方是对应于每个电梯导轨的说,是适应扩大垂直从事于上升和下降的升降机上升和指导等,后者降低时间锁定块。1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tool comprising a machining unit disposed on a base for advancing and retreating movements between an original position and a machining position, a first annular guide rail including a movable rail integral with the machining unit and a stationary rail to surround the machining unit which is located in the original position, a second annular guide rail disposed concentrically with and at a place axially offset from the first guide rail, a plurality of multi-spindle heads travellably carried on each of the first and second guide rails, first and second index mechanism releasably connected respectively to the multi-spindle heads on the first and second guide rails for driving such multi-spindle heads for angular displacement, and an elevator mechanism disposed sideways from the first and second guide rails at a place offset from the movable rails for providing replacement of the multi-spindle heads between the first and second guide rails.2 .Description of the Prior Art Such multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tool is conventionally known from Japanese Parent Publication No.13923/86. With the above conventional machine tool, however, a lift mechanism and a shift mechanism are required for transferring of a multi-spindle head between the first and second guide rails and the elevator mechanism, resulting in a complicated construction. In addition, a space must be left in the second guide rail for replacement of the multi-spindle, resulting in a correspondingly decreased amount of the multi-spindle heads stored.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention has been accomplished with the such circumstances in view, and it is an object of the present invention to provide a multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tool, wherein a mechanism for transferring of a multi-spindle head between the first and the second guide rails and the elevator mechanism is simplified, while increasing the amount of the multi-spindle head stored. According to the present invention, a part of the stationary rail of the first guide rail and a part of the second rail are divided as a lift rail in a circular arc at a place corresponding to the elevator mechanism, respectively, and the elevator mechanism comprises an elevator connected to each of the lift rails of the first and second guide rails, and lift-drive means connected to the elevator which is to be raised and lowered between the first and second guide rails. With the above construction, the multi-spindle head can be moved between the first and second guide rails and moreover, when the lift rail of the first guide rail is moved to the second guide rail, one multi-spindle head stored on the second guide rail is retreated outwardly. Therefore, the same number of multi-spindle heads can de stored on the first and second guide rails. This makes it possible to increase the amount of multi-spindle heads stored as compared with the prior art and to simplify the arrangement for replacing movement. It is another object of the present invention to provide a multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tool wherein the multi-spindle heads are smoothly replaced depending upon a variation in the type of works, and a machining efficiency is improved. It is further object of the present invention to provide a multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tool wherein the rising and lowering motions of the multi-spindle head are stabilized. The above and the other objects, features and advantages of the invention will become apparent from reading of the following description of the preferred embodiments taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. Extend vertically between the second guide rails 6 and are fixed to support plates 19. this stabilizes the rising and lowering motions of the elevators 62.between the index arms 28 and 31 which are in their position corresponding to the lift rails 10 and 18,a head guide member 86 is fixed to the support plate 19 to extend vertically and adapted to be fitted to the leading end of the locking block 36 for guiding of rising and lowering movements of each of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1 to B3,C1 to C3 and D1to D3 and further, a head guide member 87 is fixed to the connecting member 69 to extend vertically above the index arm 31.The head guide members 86 and 87 stabilize the rising and lowering motions of the locking block 36 and thus each of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1 to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3Referring back to fig.4,detectors 88 and 89 are mounted on the support plates 14 integrals with the sationary rails 8 and 9 in the first upper guide rail 5 for detecting the type of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 locate in positions corresponding to the movable rail 7 and the lift rail 10,and a singal generator 91 is mounted on each of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1 to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 for generating a singal depending upon the type when it is located in opposition to the detectors 88 and 89.Referring to fig.5, a detector 90 is mounted on the support plate 19 integral with the sationary rail 17 of the second upper guide rail 6 for receiving a signal in opposition to the signal generator 91 of one of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 locate in positions corresponding to the movable rail 18.Referring to fig.13,multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tools M are constructed in the above manner ,Each pair of the machine tools M is disposed at a plurality of ,e.g, five maching stations s1,s2,s3,s4 and s5 so as to machine from the opposite sides a plurality of ,e.g, four types of works WA,WB,WC and WD intermittently transported .More specifically ,a conveyor 95 is disposed in an endless manner to pass the machining stations s1 to s5 successtively at opposite sides of the conveyor 95 at a place corresponding to each of the machining stations s1 to s5A plurality of pallets 96 are placed on the conveyor 95 ,so that one of the plural types of works WA,WB,WC and WD which is placed onto the pallet 96 in a loading station Si which is set at a stationary location before entering each of the machining stations s1 to s5.also ,an unloading station so is set at a stationary location after passing each of the machining stations s1 to s5,so that each of the works WA,WB,WC and WD which has been machined at each of the machining atations s1 to s5 is unloaded from the pallet 96 at the unloading station so ,moreover ,the unloading pallet 96 circulates to the loading station si ,A work detector 97 is disposed at the loading station si for detecting which work WA,WB,WC and WD is supplied to the loading station si ,so that a signal resulting from the detection in the work detector 97 is delived into a total control pannel 98. on the other hand ,a sequence control 99 and a CNC system are added to each of the machine tools M,so that a signal indicative of the type of the work which has been supplied to the loading station si is transmitted from the total control planel 98 to each of the sequence controls 99In each of the machine tools M, it has been detected which multi-spindle head A1 to A3,B1 to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 is engaged with either of the index arms 28 or 31 ,through reading-out of a signal from the generator 91 by the detector 89,90, and date therefor have been stored in the sequence control 99.signals indicative of command to read-out the multi-spindle head and of machining command are delivered from the CNC system 100 into the sequence control 99 ,whereby comparison of these signals with the data stored in the sequence control 99 causes a desired multi-spindle head to move toward the machining position MP ,in this case ,when a desired multi-spindle head is located on the first guide rails 5 ,the operation of only the first index mechanism 25 causes such head to move toward the machining position MP ,but when a desired multi-spindle head is located on the second guide rails 6, the operation of the elevator mechanism 60 and the second index mechanism 26 cause such desired multi-spindle head to be brought down onto the first guide rails 5 and then , the first index mehanism 25 causes such head to move toward the machining position MP.Signals indicative of the type work and indicative of the numbers of the stations and steps from the loading station Si to a selected station are delivered as reference commands from the total control panel 98 into the sequence control 99 ,whereby multi-spindle heads to be prepared are searched by comparison of the reference command signals with the data stored in the sequence control 99 and are caused to sequentially move toward the first guide rails 5 by command from the sequence control 99 .The operation of this embodiment will be described below in conjunction with FIGS ,14(a)to14(j).suppose that the multi-spindle head A1 to A3and B1 to B3 have been placed successively on the first guide rails 5 ,while the multi-spindle heads C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 have been placed successively on the second guide rails 6,as shown in FIGS ,14(a),for example ,when works WA,WB,WC and WD are intended to be delivered in this order and subjected successively to three steps of srilling ,tapping and reaming in a certain machine tool MIn this case ,the multi-spindle head A1 is brought into the machining position MP to effect drilling of a work WA and then ,the multi-spindle heads A2 and A3 are sequentially brought into the machining position MP to effect tapping and reaming of the work WA in sequence Thereafter with the transporting of a work WB ,the multi-spindle head B1 is brought into the machining position MP as shown in FIG.14(b) to effect drilling of the work WB ,Because the multi-spindle heads C1,C2and C3 for a work which will be subsequently transported are located on the second guide rails 6 at this time the multi-spindle head C1 is moved from the second guide rails 6 to the first guide rails 5 during machining by the multi-spindle head B1.That is ,the multi-spindle heads A1 and D3 which are in their positions corresponding to the lift rails 10 and 18 are raised to the upper limit positions by the elevator mechanism 60 ,as shown in FIG.14(c).this causes the the multi-spindle heads A1 to move up to a position corresponding to the second rails 6 and also causes the multi-spindle heads D3 to retreat upwardly from the second guide rails 6 ,in this case ,the data for the retreated multi-spindle head D3 is erased from the sequence control 99 ,and data for the multi-spindle head A1 from the Signal generator 91 is read out in the detector 90,whereby a relationship between the index arm 31 in the second index mechanism 26 and the multi-spindle head A1 is newly stored in the sequence control 99.Then,the multi-spindle heads C1 to C3,D1,D2 and A1 are driven by the second index mechanism 26 to be angularly displaced through 60 in a clockwise direction along the second guide rails 6,as shown in FIG.14(d). Consequently, the multi-spindle head C1 is brought into a position corresponding to the lift rails 18.Thereupon, the elevator mechanism 60 is lowered as shown in FIG.14(e) to move down the multi-spindle head D3 to its position corresponding to the second guide rails 6 and also to move down the multi-spindle head C1 to its position corresponding to the first guide rails 5. In this case , a relationship between the multi-spindle head D3 and the index arm 31 of the second index mechanism 26 is stored again in the sequence control 99,while the data for multi-spindle head C1 corresponding to the second index mechanism 26 in the sequence control 99 is stored in association with the index arm 28 of the first index mechanism 25.Such motion is done in the same manner even at machining by the multi-spindle heads B2 and B3. At machining by the multi-spindle B2, the multi-spindle head C2 is lowered from the second guide rails 6 onto the first guide rails 5, and at machining by the multi-spindle head B3 , the multi-spindle head C3 is lowered from the second guide rails 6 onto the first guide rails 5. Moreover for replacement whit the multi-spindle heads C2 and C3,the multi-spindle head A2 and A3 are moved from the first guide rails 5 to the second guide rails 6.Thus , when a work WC has been transported after machining of the work WB , the multi-spindle heads C1 , C2 and C3 can be sequentially brought into the machining position MP to effect sequential machinings by the individual multi-spindle heads C1 , C2 and C3.During such machining by the multi-spindle heads C1, C2 and C3, the multi-spindle heads D1,D2andD3 are lowered from the second guide rails 6 onto the first guide rails 5 to provide for a work WD which will be subsequently transported.For example ,during machining by the multi-spindle head C2, the multi-spindle D2 is lowered onto the first guide rails 5,as shown in FIG.14(f). In this case , the multi-spindle D3 is located above the multi-spindle head D2 on the second guide rails 6.Thereupon, when the index mechanism 25 is operated t


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