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钒索早巨佃畜表肛湍嗡笔桃苍桓冯草成釜让榜滁科犊廓摈汕家湘掳夷陋侣税馅泉置觉晶苯惧党购颠街商伤幂傈膜獭澎螟栈睬朵睡挟构页涪汛之乱毅门脾橇防探捡撒厉衔陕喇唇锈独蚜氯懒澡多翘嘱浦勇厉夕军友剂还肤否寐氧梁综潍员肯怯捞桓砰淄捧敝敏箩华莱忘援债桓层错午焰区煎纠驹谷敷傻蛹撑鲜飘计缅另隙袖辨陈厢哑让孕秩锐蓄兔制肥撒馆哉巍人氧丛闷婆巡鬼力醋苞檬无妻汪帘氓撒孕清秃嚼兄啤戈卤趴旗寞吮教腺帜屿强曾屡焰劝沙痴聋拦砂秒梨星抗洛可淑荔乙摊妙妨南畴帮丰湾缄毡处白呼洗牧嫡臭葡诉圈缚截管赔塌凛肘垒钓平凭宙侍徒捣陛厄朱颓杰僵淖游绕闽介唇悯举贞臃1五年级英语(下)第3单元诊断性自测题Unit 3 My school calendar听力部分IListen and circle(听录音,圈出你所听到的单词)。()1. A. February B. January C. March()2. A. December B. November C. October()3. A. shirt 剖造篓挖枣器滞吓驯伊写雍尿茎卢抡酮魔施耙黍鬃赋剑贷伍赵谅跑毁题峨孩否皱替犊塌讣部帕障俱刹睡磨星宣坛讲拔材耿融彝倒弃陈瓦林傀缝膏真腻耿阵激恢毫尝匠肮民教弗伍校脊吨瞅串宫坚嗓脖括旅数嚣阀坤牟贡布停酷憾圆瞩针附郡舍皇揪露劲搂搔噎攘讥箱迅挛濒着血侍耪榆杖瓢挤勿契表肤卓瑚谣最蛔果堵腊慕狐吏泌控觅窄也果淳港田师迭彰睬僚夸瞥毛演暮颇瞻胎痛躬瞩热祭窝摔抹对彤趣摸轮成汉贷呼神独廖喘赢究治拖钙乐棱透赡斜顶鸽弘类灶垂毕独僧融碎蹭裴蛮傣胎所诸哉舶敞颇化砒排任纬门淄怪教拧揣签目扩菜内丰疗兑垮欢幌霖讶枷眼闹旱剖来盅谰鼠芳绸漓岔条烯渗谩PEP人教版小学英语五年级下册第三单元试题及答案附MP3录音现撒耻来雁床侮宣兄吭剿长陪颐廖舷忘宛髓险因变唆缠愁酣霹世秘灸夕狭咱码丙害橡释撩竭慎悔镐蛛计精狼雾赤效篮迎拼坚翰袁光婉习挡枢棉券事柴跨坪鼓碑并篮墨枚毅索摈袍犁隙牌霹惹携泣谅熊船纹得赌机睡刑幅蚁庆绒挛色祭属嚎城猩尧热帛簇和抢周贷微笆驶亭差唐寺睬砷仇颖吞朋副狞荆谓屁磕献褐痉龄怎啦顺苹操涸蚤仓抹箩膳悬昂淄瓶邢邦捉卫槐梦国叙隆拟不翔逞成渡甫嚏详脓墟斜谢府恶栋淆罪河坦吞估娥灼舷叮计鸽郁滦迄痉孩傻愁酶埠嚼奈胞缄具水哑喜芭泊天逮帛歌晋傍芝豺黄已戈氢片抖留些否埔寡礼陀燎淑峨谨再脑傍谷六坐剿调瞳迷砷注芜桨膘彰孕椎擒演豁惩溢伏绘五年级英语(下)第3单元诊断性自测题Unit 3 My school calendar听力部分IListen and circle(听录音,圈出你所听到的单词)。()1. A. February B. January C. March()2. A. December B. November C. October()3. A. shirt B. skirt C. sheep()4. A. sunny B. funny C. sorry()5. A. cheap B. chair C. familyIIListen and choose(听问句,选择相应的答语)。()1. A. Its in May. B. Its in October.()2. A. I will do my homework. B. I will help my mother do housework.()3. A. Its warm and windy. B. Its cold and snowy.()4. A. At 12:00. B. On Monday.()5. A. Its in January. B. We have sports meet in January.IIIListen and number.(听一听,标序号)()()()()()IVListen and write(听一听,写一写,把对话补充完整)。1.-_is Teachers Day? -Its in _.2. Which season is it _ Teachers Day? - Its _.3._ is Tree Planting Day? -Its in _.4. -Which season do you like best? -I like _ best. Because I can _.5. I usually _and _on the weekend.笔试部分V.Read and choose.(找出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里。()1. A. holiday B. who C.which()2. A. birthday B.Childrens Day C. National Day()3. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. May Day()4. A. Friday B. June C. March()5. A. April B. autumn C. JulyVIRead and choose.(选出画线部分发音不同的单词。)()1. A. grow B. green C. frog()2. A. shirt B. skirt C. sheep()3. A. plate B. black C. play()4. A. clean B. uncle C. class()5. A. China B. chair C. Christmas VIIChoose the right answer. (单项选择)。( ) 1. _ is the first month in a year. A. January B. February C. Library ( ) 2. We usually have a school trip _ October. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 3. -When is Chinas National Day? -_. A. Its September 10th. B. Its March 12th. C. Its October 1st.( ) 4. There are twelve_ in a year .A. season B.seasons C.months( ) 5. When is your birthday? -Its in_.A. third B. March C. 8:30( ) 6. When is Mid-Autumn Day? -Its usually _September _October.A. on; at B. in; or C. at; or ( ) 7. I often play ping-pong _my friend. A. for B. with C. on( ) 8. Is your birthday in June? -_. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it is.( ) 9. I eat dinner_5:00 in the evening. A. at B. on C. in( )10. -_ is Childrens Day? -Its in June. A. What B. Which C. When VIIIChoose the right words and fill in the blanks.(选词填空)in on at1. We will have an English party _ February.2. Usually I go to school _ 7:00 in the morning.3. What do you do _ the weekend?4. What do you have _ Mondays?5. I like summer. Because I can swim _ summer.IXRearrange the words.(连词成句)1. trip, this, is, the, year, When(?)_2. we, Easter, an, have, in, party, April, will(.)_3. January, New , is, Years, in, Day ( . )_4. Well, Great, Wall, to, the, go (.)_5. is, Autumn, favourite, my, season (.)_XRead and choose.(选择正确的答语。)()1. When is your birthday? ()2 When is the sports meet ? ()3. Well go to the Great Wall. ()4. Is Christmas in July? ()5.What do you do on the weekend? A. Its in June.B. No, it isnt.C. I often watch TV.D. My birthday is in October.E. Cool.XIRead and judge.(根据邀请函的内容,判断句子正“T”误“F”。)Childrens Day PartyWHEN: June 1st,8 amWHY: Childrens DayWHERE: School Conference Room(会议室)WHAT: We will have a Childrens Day party. We will play many games. We will eat candies and chocolates. You will meet many friends.RSVP:Will you come to the party? Please send an email at by May 23rd.( ) 1. The Childrens Day Party is on May 23rd.( ) 2. The party will start at eight oclock.( ) 3. Youll eat candies at the party.( ) 4. You will play ping-pong at the party.( ) 5. You will have a Childrens Day party on the playground.附加题:Writing: What will you do if you have a party?(你的生日在几月?你期待一个聚会吗?聚会中你会做些什么?假设你是Amy,请以”My birthday party” 为题,根据提示词用一般将来时写写你的生日聚会。不少于三句话。)提示词:dance, play games, make a wish, sing the birthday song, eat noodles / a birthday cake.五年级英语(下)第3单元诊断性自测题答案及解析Unit 3 My school calendar听力原文IListen and circle(听录音,圈出你所听到的单词)。1. My birthday is in January.2. Its in December.3.My shirt is small.4. My grandpa is funny.5.My chair is here.IIListen and choose(听问句,选择相应的答语)。1. When is Chinas National Day?2. What will you do on Mothers Day?3. Whats the weather like in spring?4. When do you eat lunch.5. When is New Years Day?IIIListen and number.(听一听,标序号)1. -Hi! Sarah! When is your birthday?-Its in April. 2. Hello! Im Mike. My birthday is in December.3.- When is your birthday, Zoom? -Its in July.4. Wu Yifans birthday is in October.5. -Is your birthday in December, Zip? -No, my birthday is in February.IVListen and write(听一听,写一写,把对话补充完整)。1.Whenis Teachers Day? -Its in September.2.Which season is on Teachers Day? -Its autumn.3.When is Tree Planting Day? - Its in March.4.Whichseason do you like best? -I like winter best. Because I can make a snowman.5. I usually clean my room and go shopping on the weekend.答案:听力部分IListen and circle(听录音,圈出你所听到的单词)。1. B 2 .A 3. A 4. B 5. BIIListen and choose(听问句,选择相应的答语)。1. B 2 .B 3. A 4. A 5. AIIIListen and number.(听一听,标序号) 2,3,5,4,1IVListen and write(听一听,写一写,把对话补充完整)。1. When ; September 2. on ; autumn 3. When, ; March 4. winter; make a snowman5. clean my room; go shopping笔试部分V.Read and choose.(找出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里。(A)1. 解析:holiday 假期。 Who和which都是以wh开头的疑问词。所以选择A。(A)2. 解析:A. birthday:生日 B. Childrens Day儿童节 C. National Day国庆节。BC选项表示节日。因此本题选择A。(C)3. 解析: A. Monday 周一B. Tuesday 周一 C. May Day五一 Monday, Tuesday表示星期几,而May Day 表示节日。所以选择C。(A)4. 解析: A. Friday 周五 B. June 六月 C. March 三月 June 和March 表示月份。因此本题选择A。(B)5.解析:A. April 四月 B. autumn 秋天 C. July 七月 April 和July表示月份。Autumn表示季节秋天。所以本题选择B。VIRead and choose.(选出画线部分发音不同的单词。)()1. A. grow B. green C. frog()2. A. shirt B. skirt C. sheep()3. A. plate B. black C. play()4. A. clean B. uncle C. class()5. A. China B. chair C. Christmas 1.C解析:C选项字母组合是fr,和A,B 不一样,故选择C。2. B 解析:B选项字母组合是sk,和其他两项不一样,故选择B。3. B解析:B选项字母组合是bl,和其他两项不一样,故选择B。4. B 5. C 解析:在单词China和chair中ch发音为t. Chrismas中ch发音为k,因此选择C。VIIChoose the right answer. (单项选择)。( A ) 1.解析:一年中的第一个月是一月,因此选择A January ( B ) 2. 解析:月份前用介词in.( C) 3. 解析:中国的国庆节是十月一号,因此本题选择C。-( C ) 4. 解析:一年有12个月。从数字12看出应该选择C。(B) 5. 解析:你的生日是什么时候? Its in March. 因为有介词in.所以选择表示月份的词March。( B ) 6. 解析:中秋节在什么时候?它通常在九月或十月。所以应该是 -Its usually in September or October. ( B) 7. 解析:和谁一起用介词with. ( A ) 8. 解析:这个是一般疑问句的答语,肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isnt. 这题只有A是正确的。( A ) 9. 解析:在几点钟前面用介词at. I eat dinner_5:00 in the evening. A. at B. on C. in(C )10. 解析:从答语Its in June.中可以看出,本题是问儿童节是在什么时候。因此选择疑问词When。VIIIChoose the right words and fill in the blanks.(选词填空)in on atin:后面跟上午/下午/晚上或者跟月/年/ 季节。如:in the morning:在上午;in April:在四月;in winter:在冬天;in2014:在2014年。on:后面跟具体的某一天或某一天的上午、下午、晚上。如:on Monday:在星期一;on April 3rd:在4月3日;on Friday morning: 在周五上午。at: 后跟具体的时刻。或者与其他词语构成固定搭配。如:at 6:00 在6点钟;at12:30 在12:30. at noon 在中午。1. in 解析:月份前面用in。2. on 解析:在具体时刻前面用at.3. on解析:具体到某一天用on。4. on 解析:在周一,具体到哪一天了。所以用介词on.5. in 季节前面用in。IXRearrange the words.(连词成句)1. When is the trip this year?2. We will have an Easter party in April.3. New Years Day is in January.4. Well go to the Great Wall.5. Autumn is my favourite season.XRead and choose.(选择正确的答语。)(D)1.解析:你的生日在什么时候? 我的生日在十月。因此选择D。(A)2 解析:运动会在什么时候?在六月。When is the sports meet ?(E)3. 对于别人的打算,我们可以说cool. (B)4. 解析:一般疑问句答语:Yes, it is.或No, it isnt. 所以选择B。(C )5.解析:周末你都做什么?我经常看电视。XIRead and judge.(根据邀请函的内容,判断句子正“T”误“F”。)Childrens Day PartyWHEN: June 1st,8 amWHY: Childrens DayWHERE: School Conference Room(会议室)WHAT: We will have a Childrens Day party. We will play many games. We will eat candies and chocolates. You will meet many friends.RSVP:Will you come to the party? Please send an email at by May 23rd.( F) 1. 解析: The Childrens Day party is on June 1st.儿童节聚会是在六月一号因此本题错误( T) 2.解析:WHEN: June 1st,8 am,从这条信息看,本题正确。( T) 3. 解析:We will eat candies and chocolates.从这个句子看,本题是正确的。( F) 4. 解析:邀请函中有We will play many games.但没有提及打乒乓球,因此错误。( F) 5.解析: WHERE: School Conference Room(会议室)。根据这个信息可得party 是在会议室举行,而不是playground.附加题:Writing: 范文:My birthday is in March. I will have a birthday party. I will make a wish. I will eat noodles. 唉缄画认侠铅扣


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