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围手术期抗感染药物 应用,历史上的今天,1945年8月17日 溥仪被苏军俘获,1949年8月17日 , 解放军攻占福州,1958年8月17日 北戴河会议掀起全民大炼钢铁运动,1968年8月17日 尼日利亚内战导致饥荒灾难,1998年8月17日 克林顿承认和莱温斯基有不正当关系,Question,1、如何使用是合理使用抗菌药物? 2、强调合理应用抗菌药物的意义何在?,2010年8月17日 我们一起讨论。,合理使用抗菌药物即: 在安全的前提下确保有效,是否进行抗感染治疗?(是感染性疾病吗) 用哪一类抗感染药物?(是细菌、真菌或其他病原体感染) 用哪一种抗菌药物?(是什么细菌引起的感染) 细菌对所选药物敏感吗?(近期当地耐药性监测结果如何) 用药剂量足够吗?每天一次还是分次给药?(药物PK/PD) 静脉用药还是口服治疗?(药物的生物利用度) 药物能达到感染部位吗?(盆腔、宫颈粘液药物的组织浓度) 病人的身体状况能承受这种药物吗?(肝肾功能等副作用) 没有更便宜但效果仍良好的药物?(药物经济学分析) 用1周就停药感染会复发吗?(用药疗程问题) 会引起二重感染吗?(对正常菌群的影响) 会出现耐药菌吗?(防细菌耐药突变浓度) ,临床上最困难的用药决策 抗感染治疗选择,抗菌治疗三角,抗菌药物,我国每年由于药品使用不当药品不良反应造成的死亡人数在20-50万人,而其中抗菌药物占40% 。 耐药菌株的增加,这也是造成我国抗菌药物使用剂量越来越大、一些炎症疾病治疗困难的重要原因之一 。 而与耐药菌株增加迅速相对应的残酷事实是研究一种新的抗菌药所需的时间的漫长,医学科研工作者在最好的研究条件下开发一种新的抗菌药需要10年的时间。,NDM-1, the newly discovered superbug gene,主要细菌病原菌的发现,年代 疾病 细菌名称 发现人 麻风病 麻风分枝杆菌 汉森(Hansen,G.A.) 炭疽病 炭疽芽孢杆菌 科赫(Koch,R.) 伤寒 伤寒沙门氏菌 艾博斯(Eberth,C.J.) 结核病 结核分枝杆菌 科赫(Koch,R.) 霍乱 霍乱弧菌 科赫(Koch,R.) 破伤风 破伤风梭菌 尼可奈尔(Nicolaier,A.) 肺炎 肺炎链球菌 佛兰克尔(Franenkel,A.) 脑膜炎 脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌 威克塞保(Weichselbaum) 食物中毒 肠炎沙门氏菌 格尔特内(Gaertner) 鼠疫 鼠疫耶尔森氏菌 北里(Kitasato,S.) 耶尔森(Yersin) 1898 痢疾 痢疾志贺氏菌 志贺(Shiga,K),科赫定理: 首先一种病原微生物必定存在于患病动物中。 其次这种病原微生物必能从寄生主体分离到,并能获得纯培养。 还有分离到的纯培养物接种到敏感动物身上,必然出现特有的疾病症状。,抗菌素的发展简史,Alexander Fleming Penicillin 1928 Nobel Prize, 1945,不久的将来,青霉素就将在世界普及。缺乏药品知识的患者很容易会减少剂量,不足以杀灭他体内的所有细菌,从而使菌种产生抗药性,抗菌素的发展简史,Gerhard Johannes Paul Domagk Sulfonamides 1935 Nobel Prize, 1939,抗菌素的发展简史,Selman Abraham Waksman Nobel Prize, 1952,streptomycin 1944,大规模筛选抗菌素的时代到来 此后在短短的一二十年间,相继发现了金霉素(1947),氯霉素(1948)、土霉素(1950)、制霉菌素(1950)、红霉素(1952)、卡那霉素(1958)等 从此,抗菌素研究进入了有目的、有计划、系统化的阶段 进入60年代后,人们从微生物中寻找新的抗菌素的速度明显放慢,取而代之的是半合成抗菌素的出现,抗菌素的发展简史,Penicillin 1941,Methicillin 1959,vancomycin 1958,linezolid 2000,PCase producing SA 1944,MRSA 1961,VRE 1986,Palumbi, S. R.,Science,293:1786-90,2001.,VRSA 2002,LRE 1999,抗菌药物的选择性压力 Selective Pressure of Antibotics,提 纲,手术部位感染(surgical site infection,SSI) 定义及诊断标准 手术切口分类 手术部位感染的细菌学 预防性应用抗菌药物的适应症 预防性药物的选择及使用方法,Epidemiology of SSIs,third most frequently reported NI 1416% among hospitalised patients 38% among surgical patients,Data from the United States Centers for Disease Control National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (CDC NNIS) system,Impact of SSIs on healthcare resources,a case control study involving 215 matched pairs of patients with and without SSIs Relative Risk: Death 2.2 (95% CI:1.1-4.5) Readmission 5.5 (95% CI: 4.0-7.7) ICU treatment 1.6 (95% CI:1.3-2.0) The median duration of hospitalisation:11 days VS 6 days. the median extra duration attributable to SSIs was 6.5 days (95% CI: 5-8).,Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1999;20:725 730.,提 纲,手术部位感染(surgical site infection,SSI) 定义及诊断标准 手术切口分类 手术部位感染的细菌学 预防性应用抗菌药物的适应症 预防性药物的选择及使用方法,are defined as infections occurring up to 30 days after surgery (or up to one year after surgery in patients receiving implants) and affecting either the incision or deep tissue at the operation site.,definition,Surgical Site Infections (SSIs),Types of SSI,SSI诊断标准,切口浅部感染 : (1)具有下列症状之一:疼痛或压痛,局部红、肿、热; (2)切口浅层有脓性分泌物; (3)切口浅层分泌物培养出致病菌;,SSI诊断标准,切口深部感染-累及切口深部筋膜及肌层的感染 (1)从切口深部流出脓液; (2)切口深部自行裂开或由医师主动打开,细菌培养阳性且具备下列症状体征之一:体温38,局部疼痛或压痛; (3)临床或经手术或病理组织学或影像学诊断发现切口深部有脓肿:,SSI诊断标准,器官腔隙感染: (1)放置于器官腔隙的引流管有脓性引流物; (2)器官腔隙的液体或组织培养有致病菌; (3)经手术或病理组织学或影像学诊断器官腔隙有脓肿;,提 纲,手术部位感染(surgical site infection,SSI) 定义及诊断标准 手术切口分类 手术部位感染的细菌学 预防性应用抗菌药物的适应症 预防性药物的选择及使用方法,手术切口的分类,I类清洁切口 II类可能污染的切口 III类污染切口,将手术切口分为三类:,IV,既往,手术切口的分类,甲状腺腺瘤切除术 乳腺纤维腺瘤切除术 无人工植入物的腹股沟疝修补术 经阴道子宫切除术 扁桃体切除术,按上述方法分类,不同切口感染率有显著不同 清洁切口感染发生率为1, 清洁污染切口为7, 污染切口为20, 严重污染感染切口为40 确切分类一般在手术后作出,但外科医生在术前应进行预测,作为决定是否须要预防性使用抗生素的重要依据。,提 纲,手术部位感染(surgical site infection,SSI) 定义及诊断标准 手术切口分类 手术部位感染的细菌学 预防性应用抗菌药物的适应症 预防性药物的选择及使用方法,各类手术最易引起SSI的病原菌,手术 最可能的病原菌 心脏手术 金黄色葡萄球菌、凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 神经外科手术 金黄色葡萄球菌、凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 血管外科手术 金黄色葡萄球菌、凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 乳房手术 金黄色葡萄球菌、凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 头颈外科手术 金黄色葡萄球菌、凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 腹外疝外科 金黄色葡萄球菌 、凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 胃十二指肠手术 革兰阴性杆菌,链球菌、口咽部厌氧菌(如消化链球菌) 胆道手术 革兰阴性杆菌,厌氧菌 (如脆弱类杆菌) 阑尾手术 革兰阴性杆菌,厌氧菌 (如脆弱类杆菌) 结、直肠手术 革兰阴性杆菌,厌氧菌 (如脆弱类杆菌) 泌尿外科手术 革兰阴性杆菌 妇产科手术 革兰阴性杆菌,肠球菌、B族链球菌,厌氧菌,手术 最可能的病原菌,经口咽部粘膜切口的大手术 金黄色葡萄球菌,链球菌、口咽部厌氧菌(如消化链球 菌) 胸外科手术 (食管、肺) 金黄色葡萄球菌、凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌、肺炎链球菌,革 兰阴性杆菌 矫形外科手术 (包括用螺钉、钢板、金属关节置换) 金黄色葡萄球菌、凝固酶阴性葡萄 球菌 、革兰阴性杆菌,各类手术最易引起SSI的病原菌,手术部位感染的细菌学,最常见的病原菌:葡萄球菌(金黄色葡萄球菌和凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌), 其次:肠道杆菌科细菌(大肠杆菌、肠杆菌属、克雷伯菌属等)。 SSI的病原菌可以是内源性或外源性的,大多数是内源性的。即来自病人本身的皮肤、粘膜及空腔脏器内的细菌。 皮肤携带的致病菌多数是革兰阳性球菌,但在会阴及腹股沟区,皮肤常被粪便污染而带有革兰阴性杆菌及厌氧菌。手术切开胃肠道、胆道、泌尿道、女性生殖道时,典型的SSI致病菌是革兰阴性肠道杆菌,在结直肠和阴道还有厌氧菌(主要是脆弱类杆菌),它们是这些部位器官腔隙感染的主要病原菌。 在任何部位,手术切口感染大多由葡萄球菌引起。,S. aureus,E. faecalis,宿州眼球事件,2005年12月11日,宿州市立医院,为10名患者做白内障手术。结果10名患者均出现感染情况,其中9人的单眼眼球被摘除。,P. aeruginosa,提 纲,手术部位感染(surgical site infection,SSI) 定义及诊断标准 手术切口分类 手术部位感染的细菌学 预防性应用抗菌药物的适应症 预防性药物的选择及使用方法,如何可以减少围手术期的感染?,Patient-related and procedure-related factors that may influence the risk of surgical site infections,容易导致手术部位感染的危险因素(1),病人因素 高龄、营养不良、糖尿病、肥胖、吸烟、免疫低下、其他部位有感染灶、已有不正常的细菌(如鼻孔葡萄球菌定植)、低氧血症,术前处理 术前住院时间过长、用剃刀剃毛、剃毛过早、手术野卫生状况差(术前未很好沐浴)、对有指征者未用抗生素预防,容易导致手术部位感染的危险因素(2),手术情况 手术时间长(3h)、术中发生明显污染、置入人工材料、组织创伤大、止血不彻底、局部积血积液、存在死腔和/或失活组织、留置引流、术中低血压、大量输血、刷手不彻底、消毒液使用不良、器械敷料灭菌不彻底,容易导致手术部位感染的危险因素(3),Preoperative Preparation of the patient (1) Where possible, identify and treat remote infections, and postpone surgery until such infections have resolved (1A) (2) Do not remove hair around the operation site, unless it will interfere with the operation (1A) (3) If hair is removed, this should be done immediately before the operation, preferably with clippers (1A) (4) Adequately control blood glucose in diabetic patients, and avoid perioperative hyperglycaemia (1B) (5) Encourage tobacco cessation (1B) (6) Do not withhold necessary blood products as a means of preventing SSIs (1B) (7) Require patients to shower or bathe with an antiseptic agent on at least the night before the operation (1B) (8) Thoroughly wash and clean around the incision site to remove gross contamination before performing antiseptic skin preparation (1B) (9) Use an appropriate antiseptic for skin preparation (1B) Hand/forearm antisepsis for surgical team members (1) Keep nails short and do not wear artificial nails (1B) (2) Perform preoperative surgical scrub for at least 2 5 min using an appropriate antiseptic. Scrub hands and forearms up to the elbows (1B) (3) After performing the surgical scrub, keep hands up and away from the body (elbows flexed). Dry hands with a sterile towel and don sterile gown and gloves (1B) Management of infected or colonised surgical personnel (1) Educate and encourage surgical personnel who have signs and symptoms of transmissible infectious illness to report conditions promptly to their supervisors and occupation health service (1B) (2) Develop well-defined policies concerning patient care responsibilities when personnel have potentially transmissible infectious conditions (1B) (3) Obtain appropriate cultures from, and exclude from duty, surgical personnel with draining skin lesions until infection has been ruled out or resolved (1B) (4) Do not routinely exclude personnel who are colonised with organisms such as S. aureus or Group A streptococci unless such personnel have been linked epidemiologically to dissemination of the organism in the healthcare setting (1B) Antimicrobial prophylaxis (1) Administer antimicrobial prophylaxis only when indicated and select agent according to efficacy against most common pathogens associated with a specific procedure (1A) (2) Administer initial dose intravenously, timed so that bactericidal concentrations are established in serum and tissues when incision is made. Maintain therapeutic concentrations in serum and tissue throughout the procedure until at most a few hours after wound closure in the operating theatre (1A) (3) Before elective colorectal operations, mechanically prepare the colon by use of enemas and cathartic agents. Administer non-absorbable oral antimicrobial agents in divided doses on the day before the operation (1A) (4) For high-risk caesarean section, administer prophylaxis immediately after the umbilical cord is clamped (1A) (5) Do not routinely use vancomycin for antimicrobial prophylaxis (1B),Intraoperative Ventilation (1) Maintain positive pressure in the operating theatre with respect to corridors and adjacent areas (1B) (2) Maintain at least 15 air changes per hour, of which three should be fresh air (1B) (3) Filter all air, recirculated and fresh, through appropriate filters (1B) (4) Introduce all air at the ceiling, and exhaust near the floor (1B) (5) Do not use UV radiation in the operating theatre to prevent SSI (1B) (6) Keep operating theatre doors closed except as needed for passage of equipment, personnel, and the patient (1B) Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces (1) When visible soiling or contamination with blood or other body fluids of surfaces or equipment occurs during an operation, clean affected areas with disinfectant before the next operation (1B) (2) Do not perform special cleaning or closing of operating theatres after contaminated or dirty operations (1B) (3) Do not use tacky mats at the entrance to the operating suite or theatre for infection control (1B) Microbiological sampling (1) Do not perform routine environmental sampling of the operating theatre. Perform microbiological sampling of operating theatre environmental surfaces or air only as part of an epidemiological investigation (1B) Sterilisation of surgical instruments (1) Sterilise all surgical instruments according to published guidelines (1B) (2) Perform flash sterilisation only for patient care instruments that will be used immediately (e.g. to reprocess a dropped instrument). Do not use flash sterilisation for reasons of convenience, as an alternative to purchasing additional instrument sets, or to save time (1B) Surgical attire and drapes (1) Wear a surgical mask that fully covers the mouth and nose when entering the operating theatre if an operation is about to begin or already under way, or if sterile instruments are exposed. Wear the mask throughout the operation (1B) (2) Wear a cap or hood to cover fully the hair on the head and face when entering the operating theatre (1B) (3) Do not wear shoe covers for the prevention of SSI (1B) (4) Wear sterile gloves if a surgical team member. Put on gloves after donning surgical gown (1B) (5) Use surgical gowns and drapes that are effective barriers when wet (i.e. materials that resist liquid penetration) (1B) (6) Change scrub suits that are visibly soiled, contaminated and/or penetrated by blood or other potentially infectious materials (1B) Asepsis and surgical technique (1) Adhere to principles of asepsis when placing intravascular devices or when administering intravenous drugs (1A) (2) Handle tissue gently, maintain effective haemostasis, minimise devitalised tissue and foreign bodies (e.g. sutures, charred tissue, necrotic debris), and eradicate dead space at the surgical site (1B) (3) Use delayed primary skin closure or leave incision open to heal by second intention if the surgical site is considered to be heavily contaminated (1B) (4) If drainage is necessary, use a closed suction drain. Place drain through a separate incision distant from the operative incision. Remove drain as soon as possible (1B),Postoperative incision care (1) Protect an incision that has been closed primarily with a sterile dressing for 24 48 h postoperatively (1B) (2) Wash hands before and after changing dressings and any contact with the surgical site (1B) Surveillance (1) Use CDC definitions of SSI without modification for identifying SSI among surgical inpatients and outpatients (1B) (2) For inpatient case-finding (including readmissions), use direct prospective observation, indirect prospective detection, or a combination of direct and indirect methods for the duration of hospitalisation (1B) (3) For outpatient case-finding, use a method that accommodates available resources and data needs (1B) (4) For each patient undergoing an operation chosen for surveillance, record those variables shown to be associated with increased SSI risk (e.g. surgical wound class, duration of operation, etc.) (1B) (5) Periodically calculate operation-specific SSI rates stratified by variables shown to be associated with increased SSI risk (e.g. NNIS risk index) (1B) (6) Report appropriately stratified, operation-specific, SSI rates to surgical team members. The optimum frequency and format for comparisons of SSI rates will be determined by stratified case-load rates and the objectives of local continuous quality improvement initiatives (1B),应用抗菌药物预防外科手术部位感染作用是肯定的。 但并非所有手术都需要。,适应症,类切口手术,类清洁手术,时间长、创伤大、一旦感染后果严重者(如开颅、心脏和大血管、骨关节、门脉高压症手术) 类清洁手术病人有感染高危因素(糖尿病,营养不良、免疫低下,高龄) 类清洁手术使用人工材料或人工装置的手术。 类清洁手术时间较短者尽量不用抗菌药物,类(清洁-污染)切口及部分类(污染)切口手术,主要是进入胃肠道、呼吸道、女性生殖道的手术。 严重污染的类切口及类切口,应治疗性使用抗菌药物,不属于预防,适应症,提 纲,手术部位感染(surgical site infection,SSI) 定义及诊断标准 手术切口分类 手术部位感染的细菌学 预防性应用抗菌药物的适应症 预防性药物的选择及使用方法,用什么? 怎么用?,上帝啊,求你给指点指点吧!阿门,休息二十分钟,what,选择抗生素时要根据手术种类的常见病原菌、切口类别和病人有无易感因素等综合考虑 原则上应选择相对广谱,效果肯定,(杀菌剂而非抑菌剂)、安全及价格相对低廉的抗菌药物。 头孢菌素是最符合上述条件的,心血管、头颈、胸腹壁、四肢手术首选一代头孢 进入消化道、呼吸道、女性生殖道的手术多用二代头孢,少数较复杂的大手术用三代头孢 氨基糖苷类有耳肾毒性,不是理想的预防用药 一般不用喹诺酮类药物(可用于经直肠的前列腺活检手术) 头孢1代是最基本的预防用药,病人对青霉素和头孢菌素类抗生素过敏者,针对G+球菌可用克林霉素,针对G-杆菌可用氨曲南,大多二者联合使用 有特殊适应证时,可以选用万古霉素,如证实有MRSA所致的SSI流行、风湿性心脏病合并心内膜炎需行开心手术、已知病人定植了MRSA等 器官移植病人,需使用覆盖面更广的抗生素,如添加-内酰胺酶抑制剂的-内酰胺类(头孢哌酮/舒巴坦、哌拉西林/三唑巴坦)、头孢4代,SSI发生过程,细菌(内、外源性)污染:早期容易清除 定植:细菌粘附于组织细胞表面但未大量繁殖,不易迅速清除 机制是:G-菌菌毛;G+菌胞壁上的磷壁酸;细菌表面的糖蛋白和多糖复合物;组织细胞表面的多糖丝状体 感染:细菌大量繁殖引起炎症,抗生素应该在 皮肤切开前半小时 或麻醉诱导开始时 使用,when,2847例选择性清洁或清洁污染切口 Classen DC, et al. NEJM 1992;326(5):281286,how,首剂用药时机极为关键 应在手术开始前2030 min开始给药,保证在发生污染前血清及组织中药物已达到有效浓度(MIC90) 在手术室给药而不是在病房给药 应静脉给药,2030 min滴完 常用-内酰胺类抗生素半衰期为12 h,若手术超过h,应给第个剂量,必要时还可用第次,抗菌药物的有效覆盖时间应包括整个手术过程和手术结束后4小时,总的预防用药时间不超过24小时,个别情况可延长至48小时。手术时间较短(


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