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Unit 7 Where would you like to visit ?,Section A Period 2,Words & Expressions (P54) touristy spotlight consider lively Eiffel Tower Notre Dame Cathedral church convenient underground,游客很多的; 游客常去的 公众注意中心 考虑; 思考; 认为 活泼的; 活跃的 (法国巴黎) 埃菲尔铁塔 (法国)巴黎圣母院 教堂 便利的; 方便的 地下的,Words & Expressions (P54) general in general wine translate pack light wonderful,一般的; 概括的; 全面的 通常; 大体上; 一般而言 葡萄酒; 酒 翻译; 解释 把打包; 把装箱 轻的 奇妙的; 极好的,TRAVEL SPOTLIGHT: PARIS,巴黎夜景,巴黎圣母院,Notre Dame Cathedral,Eiffel Tower,艾菲尔铁塔,塞纳河 Seine,凯旋门 the Arch of Triumph,时装之都,香水之都,浪漫之都 香榭丽舍大街 Champs Elysee,艺术之都 左岸文化,咖啡馆,拿铁,购物天堂,街角橱窗,老佛爷百货商场,游船,TRAVEL SPOTLIGHT: PARIS,3b,Circled: one of the liveliest cities in Europe it has some fantastic sights, including its usually convenient to take the underground train to most places one thing that is not expensive is wine!,Underlined: It doesnt have any beaches or mountains can cost a lot of money quite an expensive place many people dont like to speak English,Answer these questions after you read the article about Paris.,Where is Paris? Are there any beaches? What is the most famous sight in Paris? Do Frenchmen speak English? If you go to Paris, how will you visit the city? What do you think of Paris?,consider doing the capital of one of in the world be convenient to do in general,Make some sentences using these phrases.,_ _ _ _ _ _,Pairwork,3b,Practice the conversation below. Then make new conversation with the information in the box.,A: where would you like to go, Kathy? B: Id like to go to Kunming. A: Isnt it supposed to be very hot? B: Yes, it is. Im only going to pack light clothes. But Kunming is also beautiful, and it has lots of wonderful sights.,Sample conversation 1: A: Where would you like to go, Kathy? B: Id like to visit Hong Kong. A: Isnt it supposed to be very crowded? B: Yes, it is. But Hong Kong is also very interesting and it offers us a lot of entertainments.,Sample conversation 2: A: Where would you like to go, Kathy? B: Id like to visit Mexico City. A: Isnt it supposed to be very relaxing? B: Yes, it is. But Mexico city is also exciting. We have a lot of things to do.,Sample conversation 3: A: Where would you like to go, Kathy? B: Id like to visit New York. A: Isnt it supposed to be very touristy. B: Yes, it is. But New York is fascinating, and it has lots of wonderful galleries.,Sample conversation 4: A: Where would you like to go, Kathy? B: Id like to visit Sydney. A: Isnt it supposed to be very expensive? B: Yes, it is. But Sydney is also beautiful and it has lots of fantastic beaches.,4,Think of a city you know. Make a list of things you like and things you dont like about the city. Then talk to your partner about it.,1. For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? 为什么不考虑一下到新加坡去度你的下一个假期? (1) why not = why dont you 意思是“你为什么不”用于表示提议、劝诱等,“why not?”结构中,not后接动词原形。,Explanation,e. g. Why not come and see me tomorrow? = Why dont you come and see me tomorrow? 明天来找我怎么样? (2) consider是动词,意为“仔细考虑,深思熟虑”,后面可接名词、从句、副词,接动词时要用v-ing形式。 e.g. We considered his suggestion. 我们仔细考虑了他的建议。,He is considering studying abroad. 他正在考虑出国留学。 We considered how we should help them. 我们仔细考虑应该如何帮助他们。 Consider carefully before you decide. 你要慎重考虑后再决定。,(3) 句中的 visit 是动词, visit 还可作名词。 visit作动词时, 既可作及物动词, 也可作不及物动词, 表 “访问, 拜访, 探望”。 e. g. Im going to visit my uncle tomorrow. 我打算明天去看望我叔叔。, visit 作名词时,意为 “访问,参观,观光”。后接介词to短语时,表示 “在某处的访问(观光)”。 e. g. This is my first visit to Sweden. 这是我第一次到瑞典游览。,2. Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe. 巴黎是法国的首都,并且是欧洲最美 丽的城市之一。 one of+最高级+名词复数, 意为 “最的之一”。 Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.,3. Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money. 乘出租车游巴黎会花掉一大笔钱。 cost指东西值多少钱,主语一般是所买的东西等名词。,Spend 主语是人, take 主语是物或是 it 做形式主语, cost 主语是物。 1) spend的主语必须是“人”,宾语可以是钱,精力,时间等,其后用on (for) +名词或用 in (可省略) +动名词形式,不接不定式。e. g. He spent a lot of money for his new car.,He spends much money on books. Mr. Li spends a lot of time (in) helping his students with their English. 2) take可用于表示花时间、金钱、勇气等。e. g. It took the workers three years to build the bridge. 建这座桥花了工人们三年的时间。,3) cost可用于表示花时间和金钱, 其主语一般是“物”或“事”, 表示“耗费”。 e. g. The book costs him one dollar. 这本书用了他一美元。 Homework costs the children much time. 家庭作业要花孩子们许多时间。,4. So unless you speak French yourself, its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you. 所以除非


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