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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 2战710分GMAT考试晋级宝典:GMAT逻辑 在GMAT逻辑考试的备考过程中,考生需要用到的备考资料有哪些 ?怎样合理安排GMAT逻辑考试的备考计划?下面就来和大家分享一下71 0分考生的超详细GMAT考试备考心经,希望能够同学们备考GMAT逻 辑考试带来帮助。更多相关问题可咨询智课留学在线专家,如果有任何 意见和建议,也请联系我们。 CR的基础是RC,有些问题在读懂argument原文和选项之后就能很 快找出答案了。比如有道OG逻辑很可爱的问为啥在通向山顶的路上, 里程牌上的数字是越来越小的,问解释。读懂了以后简直就是小孩子过 家家才会碰见的题。像这种题,无方法可言啊。 再难点的题就是那种存在逻辑关系的题。标志是therefore 之类表 示因果关系的词。这类题目中大部分都是针对一个发展过程来说。典型 的就是一种plan-goal的题目。比如某公司提出个方法,问这个方法能 否实现啊之类的。 举例子如下: Scientists are discussing ways to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by increasing the amount that is absorbed by plant life. One plan to accomplish this is to establish giant floating seaweed farms in the oceans. When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel. Which of the following, if true, would indicate the most serious weakness in the plan above? (A) Some areas of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere do not contain sufficient nutrients to support large seaweed farms. (B) When a seaweed plant is burned, it releases an amount of carbon dioxide comparable to the amount it has absorbed in its lifetime. (C) Even if seaweed farms prove effective, some people will be reluctant to switch to this new fuel. (D) Each year about seven billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere but only about five billion tons are absorbed by plant life. (E) Seaweed farms would make more money by farming seaweed to sell as nutritional supplements than by farming seaweed to sell as fuel. 我把我是如何做这种题的方法写下: 先要筛选出如下信息:科学家要找出remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere的方法,那个方法是通过一个by来引出 的。这样的话可以很清晰的看出这个argument的一步步深入,存在一 个目的,为了目的,需要一个方法。然后有些话来告诉这样为何行得通 。同时要注意每个逻辑题干都是没有废话的,所以最后一句那个植物死 后如何如何可能会是个关键点。后期的答题中不要忽略这个地方。在这 样一个背景下,题目可以问的形式有很多,比如加强,假设,削弱之类 的。(复习后期要对一个题干同时思考若干个题型的解答方向)。那么如 果是加强:方向就是办法很行的通,选项里应该存在carbon 下降之类 的肯定方法成功的词。削弱题的话就会出现:这样做可能是carbon不变 。假设:这种方法不会产生carbon。可能会有人疑问,这些猜的答案 怎么可能会对呢?对不对的其实没关系的,关键是通过这种猜测培养对 正确答案的敏感。 如此不停地猜,不停地对或错,做CR的思路自然就 符合了GMAT的要求了。就像这个题,所有的猜测都是指向carbon量的 变化的。所以在选选项的时候基本就很有数了。 如果说这类题让人抓狂的话,那在OG上还有类就跟让人疯狂了。 上面的题有明显的逻辑关系。然而有些 看例子: Although the discount stores in Gorevilles central shopping district are expected to close within ? ve years as a result of competition from a SpendLess discount department store that just opened, those locations will not stay vacant for long. In the ? ve years since the opening of Colsons, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the location of every store in the shopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colsons. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? (A) Many customers of Colsons are expected to do less shopping there than they did before the SpendLess store opened. (B) Increasingly, the stores that have opened in the central shopping district since Colsons opened have been discount stores. (C) At present, the central shopping district has as many stores operating in it as it ever had. (D) Over the course of the next ? ve years, it is expected that Gorevilles population will grow at a faster rate than it has for the past several decades. (E) Many stores in the central shopping district sell types of merchandise that are not available at either SpendLess or Colsons 这题当时让我着实很伤脑筋后来发现CR中经常出现这种总体样 本关系的题。我也不太清楚这类题该起个啥名字。看我的分析过程吧。 这里的讨论的对象可能大多数人找的都是stores。但实际这里讨论 的是discount stores和非discount stores!它是分类了的这里很容 易被忽视。而这种分类的隐含着一个现实中特别容易出现的错误。类比 错误!形象说来就是别人做的好,那我一定也做得好! 所以对这种题,找出类与类之间的关系是做题的关键。 至于具体题型的做题方法lawyer大神讲的已经到了尽善尽美的地步 了大家可以从逻辑区的置顶帖里发现的。 实战中的情况:我的实战


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