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南京市金陵中学宋月红的学习心得和教学设计重视英语语法教学可以提高学生综合语言运用能力 自从2001年全日制义务教育、普通高级中学英语课程标准正式出台以来,各地对如何贯彻执行课标都做出了积极的响应,专家学者对其进了详尽的解读。课标强调:要特别着重培养学生用英语获取信息、处理信息和传达信息的能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力;还明确指出:英语课程改革的重点就是要改变英语课程中过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授的现象。这种要求和导向使曾经几乎“独占鳌头”的英语语法一下子落入冷宫,由此引发了近十年来的热烈讨论,争论主要围绕中学英语语法教学的必要性、英语语法教学法等。为了使这一问题能够得到更好的解决,各地教研部门组织开展了丰富多彩的公开课、观摩课。但是,英语语法在英语教学中的定位和策略需要科学的外语教学理论及语言学原理为依据,所以作为语言教师不能简单赶时髦地“淡化语法教学”。笔者从学生平时英语学习活动(如: 课堂里的发言回答问题、阅读、翻译、写作等)现象中发现,重视或系统学习过语法知识的学生在听力,口头表达、阅读、写作和翻译上成绩明显上升,在此想利用平时收集的学生学习和使用英语时出的一些错误来说明语法教学的重要性,对提高学生综合语言运用能力起着至关重要的作用。A deer eat leaves. He in the bedroom.My friend like watch football match. There are some student hold different opinion. There are some bread on the plate. Einsteins theory was proved right. The vegetables were sold well. Seeing from the top of the tower, the city look beautiful.- Your skirt looks nice?- Oh, Its old. I bought it two years ago.Many a boy like play computer games. I dont doubt whether he can do it or not. Where do you suggest should we have the meeting?Which train do you think should we take? Do you know where shall we have the meeting?He is possible to come to the party. It is sure he can do it. . 显而易见,学生在表达句意时自然地或机械性地使用了母语的句式, 因为受到母语语感的影响,在表达句意时对语言的加工过程可能是无意识的、隐性的。学生的这种“母语语感能力”是一个“绝对的、静止的、抽象的”概念,它的获得过程是自动的,无须意识努力去发现语言结构的规则,却可以在言语行为中准确地使用它们。母语语感是语言习得者以已有的语言经验即程序性知识转化为陈述性知识的自动化过程,更具心理的现实性, 而对于外语学得者而言,学习者的认知模式无论如何也离不开对语法结构和词汇意义的感知体验(高凤江)。“There are some student hold a different opinion.”一句非常典型,高中生经过那么多年的英语学习,在高考考试中还会出错,可见本族语的根深蒂固。学生会不知不觉地将母语的组并模式:有 一些学生 持 不同观点There are some students hold different opinion. 和英语的组并模式混淆,从而保留母语的语句特征。在国内,小学英语可能更重视孩子对外语学习兴趣的培养,初中更重视听说及句型的教学,学生学习外语时处于听、模仿、背诵等比较被动的状态,此时本族语的习得和外语的学得并没有明显的冲突。进入高中后,为了学会综合运用语言,才开始真正接受语法知识的系统训练。然而,随着年龄的增长,母语的习得已基本完成,此时两种语言混合在一起,这种干扰混淆给学生外语学习造成很大的困难。学生学习外语的初始状态都是母语语法,但是初始状态之后外语学习者会根据语言输入并通过UG的参数体系(parameters of UG 普遍语法参数)进行参数重新整合,最后习得外语输入的特征。而在英语教学中对语言知识进行系统地讲解无疑会加快这一过程的形成,最终使学生学会目的语中正确的组并模式,即: There are some students holding a different opinion. 或 There are some students who hold a different opinion. 或Some students hold a different opinion.学生学习英语的这些表象错误证明语法教学是十分重要和必不可少的,但在以往的英语教学中,由于语言教师对其把握的度存在问题,且语法教学方法陈旧,不能紧密跟随语言的时代发展变化,应给其一个正确科学的定位,笔者认为此乃普通高中英语课程标准之宗旨所在。M9 U2 Witnessing timeThis unit centres around the theme of protecting World Heritage sites and the introduction of some Greek words used in English. World Heritage and the stories behind them. Teaching aims1. Describing historic sites2. Describing historic events3. being able to read a newspaper article about the 4. acropolis and a travel guide to the Ming and Qing Imperial Tombs5. listening to a radio programme about the history of the Tower of London6. discussing the protection of World Heritage sites and talk to a tour guide7. write a letter about the Tower of London8. write a proposal to preserve an old buildingGrammarParticiple clausesSection One Welcome to the unit & the Reading “The Acropolis now” a. talk about the pictures on P.17, and let students know the pace of change in the modern world is becoming faster and faster, however, the need to preserve the worlds cultural heritage still matters a lot. (key words: Aegean sea; First Olympic Games, Athena and mythology, 2004 Olympic games, Elgin Marbles, the Acropolis )b. arouse students curiosity about weather it is a good idea or not to rebuild historic sites that have been damaged or destroyed. c. let students guess which modern buildings will be famous in 1,000 years to make the class interestingReading - The Acropolis now Step One Reading strategy: recognizing reference markersKey points: 1) to find reference markers such as it, she or they used to refer to the previous mentioned objects, person, group or idea 2) the use of these markers is to avoid repetition, a bad style.(Accordingly, students read the text and recept this)Step Two Fast reading - find the answers the three questions given.Detailed reading - analyze the frameThe frame of this newspaper article:Para.1 The Greek civilization made advances in various fields that have influenced the world for more than 2,500 years already, and will continue to do so.Para.23 The history of the Acropolis, the symbol of the capital city of Athens,is introduced and its present status as well. Para.4 After the independence the Greek government took measures and established a committee to undertake complete, professional restoration. Besides, people are called on to be educated based on the consensus that the best form of conservation is the prevention of damage from the ignorance and from peoples carelessness.Discussion As for us, when we travel to the historic sites, for example, the Tiananmen Square, what should we do so as to protect them? Try using the linking words. (Here the teacher can give some examples or show some pictures if the students have any difficulty.) On one hand, For one thing,On the other hand, For another,Finally, Besides,Attention Let students talk about their different experiences. Remind them to use some linking words and phrases in preparation for the later study of discourse markers.Homework 1. Finish Ex. C2 on P. 20 & P. 21 in the textbook. 2. Read the passage “Architecture in ancient Greece ”on the paper.Supplementary work (referring to Teachers Book -CD)Purpose of doing this: In order for students to consolidate what they have learnt from the newspaper article, the following texts concerning Greek architecture are definitely good choices, widening the students view in that field. Or encourage students to surf the Internet for more stories about GreeceAppendix: Architecture in ancient GreeceGreek life was dominated by religion and so it is not surprising that the temples of ancient Greece were the biggest and most beautiful. They also had a political purpose as they were often built to celebrate civic power and pride, or offer thanksgiving to the patron deity of a city for success in war. Greek Temple ArchitectureThe Greeks developed three architectural systems, called orders, each with their own distinctive proportions and detailing. The Greek orders are: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.DoricThe Doric style is rather sturdy and its top (the capital), is plain. This style was used in mainland Greece and the colonies in southern Italy and Sicily.Ioniche Ionic style is thinner and more elegant. Its capital is decorated with a scroll-like design (a volute). This style was found in eastern Greece and the islands.CorinthianThe Corinthian style is seldom used in the Greek world, but often seen on Roman temples. Its capital is very elaborate and decorated with acanthus leaves.Doric Order:Parthenon - temple of Athena Parthenos (Virgin), Greek goddess of wisdom, on the Acropolis in Athens. The Parthenon was built in the 5th century BC, and despite the enormous damage it has sustained over the centuries, it still communicates the ideals of order and harmony for which Greek architecture is known.Ionic Order:Erechtheum - temple from the middle classical period of Greek art and architecture, built on the Acropolis of Athens between 421 and 405BC.The Erechtheum contained sanctuaries to Athena Polias, Poseidon, and Erechtheus. The requirements of the several shrines and the location upon a sloping site produced an unusual plan. From the body of the building porticoes project on east, north, and south sides. The eastern portico, hexastyle Ionic, gave access to the shrine of Athena, which was separated by a partition from the western cella. The northern portico, tetrastyle Ionic, stands at a lower level and gives access to the western cella through a fine doorway. The southern portico, known as the Porch of the Caryatids (see caryatid) from the six sculptured draped female figures that support its entablature, is the temples most striking feature; it forms a gallery or tribune. The west end of the building, with windows and engaged Ionic columns, is a modification of the original, built by the Romans when they restored the building. One of the east columns and one of the caryatids were removed to London by Lord Elgin, replicas being installed in their places. The Temple of Apollo at Didyma - The Greeks built the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey (about 300 BC). The design of the temple was known as dipteral, a term that refers to the two sets of columns surrounding the interior section. These columns surrounded a small chamber that housed the statue of Apollo. With Ionic columns reaching 19.5 m (64 ft) high, these ruins suggest the former grandeur of the ancient temple. The Temple of Athena Nike - part of the Acropolis in the city of Athens. The Greeks built the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey (about 300 BC). The design of the temple was known as dipteral, a term that refers to the two sets of columns surrounding the interior section. These columns surrounded a small chamber that housed the statue of Apollo. With Ionic columns reaching 19.5 m (64 ft) high, these ruins suggest the former grandeur of the ancient temple. Corinthian Order(科林斯柱式):- most ornate of the classic orders of architecture. It was also the latest, not arriving at full development until the middle of the 4th cent. B.C. The oldest known example, however, is found in the temple of Apollo at Bassae (c.420 B.C.). The Greeks made little use of the order; the chief example is the circular structure at Athens known as the choragic monument of Lysicrates ( 335 B.C.). The temple of Zeus at Athens (started in the 2d cent. B.C. and completed by Emperor Hadrian in the 2d cent. A.D.) was perhaps the most notable of the Corinthian temples. AcropolisAcropolis in Greek means The Sacred Rock, the high city. All around the world the Acropolis of Athens is known as The Acropolis. There are many Acropolises in Greece but the Acropolis of Athens is the best known. The Acropolis is primarily dedicated to the Goddess Athena. But humans from the prehistoric era have populated the Acropolis and the caves around it. Situated in the middle of Athens, many myths, festivals and important events are connected to the sacred Acropolis. The Acropolis echoes the grandeur and the power of the Athenian empire. ParthenonWork began on the Parthenon, built on the Acropolis, in 447 BC to replace an existing temple which was destroyed by the Persians in 480 BC and cost 469 silver talents to build. The work began under the orders of Pericles to show the wealth and exuberance of Athenian power. The name of the building most likely came from a cult statue of Athena Parthenos housed in the eastern room of the building. This magnificent structure was built of ivory and gold and was sculptured by the renowned sculptor Phidias. As with most buildings on the Acropolis it was dedicated to Athena to thank the Goddess for their success. The Parthenon was finally finished in 432 BC and was to show the world the dominance and power of Athens. The vast majority of the money used in the construction came from the Delian League funds. The Delian League was a treaty between the Greek states in league against the Persian Empire. However two years before work started on the Parthenon, the Athenians had struck a peace treaty with the Persians ending the war, although the League continued to exist. It is believed that because of this the league stopped being a mutual defence against Persia but part of the Athenian Empire. This theory was reinforced when Athens moved the Leagues treasury from the Pan-Hellenic sanctuary at Delos to the Parthenon (Opisthodomos room). Not only was the Parthenon a magnificent structure to look at, but it also showed Athenian dominance over the rest of the Greek peninsula and that Athens was its Greek imperial master. SculptureGreek art and sculpture has had a profound effect throughout the ages. Many of the styles have been reproduced and copied by some of what the modern day audiences would class as some of the finest artists to have ever lived e.g. Michelangelo. Western art and sculpture derived from Roman art, while in the East, Alexander the Greats conquest gave birth to Greco-Buddhist art, which has even had an influence as far as Japan all of which stem from ancient Greek art. The Greeks used many different types of materials in their sculptures including stone, marble and limestone as these were abundant in Greece. Other materials such as clay were also used but due to their brittle nature very few have survived. Greek sculptures are very important as the vast majority of them tell us a story about Gods, Heroes, Events, Mythical Creatures and Greek culture in general. Many of the statues that have survived are actually of Roman origin. Like many people today the Romans had a deep respect for Greek sculptures and many were copied. If the Romans had not made these copies, many of the Greek Legends and stories that we know today would have been lost to antiquity. Greek sculptures are mainly divided into 7 time periods - Mycenaean Art, Sub-Mycenaean or Dark Age, Proto-Geometric, Geometric Art, Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic.Step ThreeLanguage points: 1. impact n. a . impact (of sth) (on sb/sth) v. impact (on/upon) sth e.g. Higher wages have already had a major impact on spending. The report assesses the impact of tourism on environment. Her fathers death impacted greatly (on/upon) her childhood years. More about it: have effect on have influence on 2. responsible “对负责,作为原因” e.g. The police are responsible for the preservation of public order and security. Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer. 因患肺癌而死亡者,约90%是吸烟所致。take / have / share / accept the responsibility for sth. / doing sth. 3. make advances / make progress 4. in particular / particularly * at a high altitude 5. associate with / link with / connect with 6. in honor of / in memory of 7. house vt. 8. seize control of take / establish / gain / get / take / win / lose control of keep / maintain / bring / get under the / ones control in / out of / beyond the / ones control seize an opportunity / markets / power 9. this kind of = of this kind 10. occur It occurs to sb. that+clause 11. transfer to transmit transform 12. recognize as 13. carry out (a plan / an order / an experiment ) / carry out 把拿出去14establish vt. (organize, begin , set up, start, found )establish a business 开业 / a scheme 制定方案/ domestic relations 建立外交关系 15undertake vt. (undertook, undertaken ) 承担;着手,进行;许诺,保证a. set about / begin sth. “着手做” b. decide / agree to do “ 决定或同意去做” undertake a task / a project / research / a study / an experimente.g. He undertook to pay the money back in six months. 16in preparation for / make preparations for 17. care about / for 18. generations to come / the coming generationsSentence structures 1. The Western or Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, as is Marathon, which is a long distance race named for a Greek messenger who ran from Marathon to Ahens to report a victory at the battle of Marathon in 490BC. 句中as is Marathon 是非限定性定语从句,as 为关系代词。如:e.g. *The beginning of the story is excellent, as is the ending, which leaves us much to think. 。其结尾也一样,* The film is so boring, as is its music. * I travel to London every year, as do most of my workmates.2. It was very convenient for everyone to get to and 3. The Acropolis is no different. “ 绝非” This is no accident. 这绝非偶然。4. In a gesture to help preserve history, the government establishedin a gesture to / in order to 5. After that, much progress was made in reconstructing the monument, particularly with the large amount of work in preparation for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.with + O. + prep./adj. (from a reference book)with + O. + to do/doing/done 1. She came into the room, with her nose red because of cold. 2. With the meal over, we all went home.3. The master was walking up and down with a ruler under his arm.4. The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand./with book in hand.5. With nothing left in the cupboard, she went out to get something to eat.6. With so many problems settled, the new manager was so excited.7. With the guide leading the way, we quickly found the way to the tourist attraction.8. The peasants have a good harvest with all the crops got in. 收割9. With everyone supporting us (现在分词)we can certainly succeed. 10. The man was brought in with his hands tied behind his back. (过去分词)11. Tom always sleeps with his eyes open.12. The boy ran out with nothing on.13. Dont talk with your mouth full. 14. With a lot of homework to do, he cant play the games.More exercises: Fill in the blanks according to Chinese and multiple choices:1. 门开着,他就离开了屋子。 He left the room with _. 2. 灯亮着,奶奶在椅子里睡得香甜。 With _, grandma slept soundly in the chair.3. 这个家伙两手交叉,站在那里。 The fellow stood there with _.4. 作业完成了,他们出去玩了。 They went out to play with _.5. 随着时间的流逝go by,我最终梦想实现了。 With time_, I finally realized my dream.(Keys: with the door open, with the lights on, with his hands cried, with homework finished, with time going by)Multiple choices:1) _so many essays _, he wont have time to go shopping this morning.A. With, to write B. As, to writeC. With, are written D. As, written (A)2) _ time permitting, we will visit the Summer Palace.A. In B. Wi


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