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提分专练(九).完形填空Jane walked into the hospital and shivered (寒颤). She did not like them because _1_ were always so cold, and everything in them was so white. Unwillingly, she _2_ her mother and father into her grandmothers room. Up to her chin in blankets, her grandmother looked small and _3_. Jane saw a tube in her grandmothers arm and all types of machines beside her.Her mother gently kissed her grandmother on the cheek, _4_ Jane was afraid to get too close. Her grandmother smiled at her and _5_ for her to come closer, and _6_ Jane walked over and took her grandmothers hand. “Hi, Sweetie,” said her grandmother. “Dont be _7_ by all these machines. Its still me.”The nurse came in to _8_ on her grandmother. She used a thermometer (温度计) to take her grandmothers _9_ and a stethoscope (听诊器) to listen to her heart. Jane found everything the nurse did for her grandmother extremely _10_. She asked about the medical instruments, and the nurse _11_ how they were used. Jane was all ears, examining each instrument carefully.The nurse was really _12_ toward her grandmother. She softened her pillows (枕头) and made sure she was _13_ comfortably. She supplied her with _14_, food, and reading materials. Jane could see what a positive _15_ the help and on her grandmother. She asked, “Do you enjoy being a nurse?” “Yes, I love taking care of people,” the nurse replied, “and I find it _16_ to watch people get better. Its exciting to be a part of all these different peoples lives.”As the nurse left the room, Jane _17_ at her grandmother and her parents. She was filled with excitement as she _18_ herself attending Nursing School and learning to care for sick people. For the first time, she didnt _19_ being in a hospital. She was starting to like the smell and the white walls of the hospital. They were _20_ of people trying to help other people.语篇解读:本文是一则故事。简起初厌恶去医院并且看望祖母时感到害怕,当一位护士耐心给她讲解一些医学器材,并且看到护士无微不至地照顾祖母后,逐渐喜欢上了医院并且想上护士学校学习照顾病人。1A.patients BnursesCdoctors Dhospitals解析:选D“She did not like them because _ were always so cold, and everything in them was so white.”这里指她不喜欢医院因为医院总是很冷清,而且里面的每样东西都是白色的。2A.followed BledCshowed Dinvited解析:选A“Unwillingly, she _ her mother and father into her grandmothers room.”这里是说简极不情愿地跟着她的父母进入了她祖母的病房。follow“跟着”;lead“带路”;show“显示”;invite“邀请”。3A.angry BkindCweak Dyoung解析:选C由后一句“Jane saw a tube in her grandmothers arm and all types of machines beside her.”可以推测出此时的祖母在病房,身体很虚弱。angry“生气的”;kind“好心的”;weak“虚弱的”;young“年轻的”。4A.so BorCfor Dbut解析:选D前句说她的妈妈轻轻地吻了她祖母的脸颊,后句说简不敢靠太近。两者表示转折关系,用but。5A.headed BlongedCgestured Dlooked解析:选C简的祖母朝她打手势示意让她靠近。head“朝行进”;long“渴望”;gesture“打手势”;look“看”。6A.rapidly BimmediatelyCsurprisingly Dhesitantly解析:选D这里说简很犹豫地向祖母那里走去并抓住她祖母的手。rapidly“迅速地”;immediately“立即”;surprisingly“惊人地”;hesitantly“犹豫地”。7A.frightened BunsatisfiedCdiscouraged Ddisappointed解析:选A祖母对简说不要被这些机器吓坏,我还是我。frightened“吓坏了的”;unsatisfied“不满意的”;discouraged“气馁的”;disappointed“失望的”。8A.visit BcallCmeet Dcheck解析:选D根据下文中的“She used a thermometer (温度计) to take her grandmothers _ and a stethoscope (听诊器) to listen to her heart.”可知,那位护士是给Jane的祖母做检查。check“检查”。9A.hand BtemperatureCblanket Dtube解析:选B由thermometer (温度计) 很明显推断出是量体温。take ones temperature“给某人量体温”,固定搭配。10A.meaningful BuselessCperfect Dinteresting解析:选D这里是说简发现护士给她的祖母检查的东西十分有趣。meaningful“有意义的”;useless“无用的”;perfect“完美的”;interesting“有趣的”。11A.explained BwonderedClearned Dpromised解析:选A由上文中的“She asked about the medical instruments”推知,护士给Jane解释一些医疗仪器怎么用。explain“解释”;wonder“想知道”;learn“学会”;promise“承诺”。12A.hopeful BspecialCattentive Dserious解析:选C由下文中的“She softened her pillows (枕头) and made sure she was _ comfortably.”可推知,那位护士对简的祖母很细心。hopeful“有希望的”;special“特殊的”;attentive“细心的”;serious“严重的”。13A.recovering BlayingCsitting Dresting解析:选D这里是说护士让祖母的枕头变软并确保她舒服地休息。recover“恢复”;lay“铺设”;sit“坐”;rest“休息”。14A.machines BwaterCpillows Dsupport解析:选B护士提供给祖母水、食物和阅读材料。根据空后的食物、阅读材料可知应是水。15A.behaviour BeffectCattitude Dexperience解析:选B这里是说简能够看到这些对她的祖母有多么积极的作用。behaviour“行为”;effect“影响”;attitude“态度”;experience“经验”。16A.tiring BpainfulCsatisfying Damusing解析:选C由下文中的“Its exciting to be a part of all these different peoples lives.”可知,这位护士对自己看到病人恢复感到很满意。tiring“累人的”;painful“痛苦的”;satisfying“令人满意的”;amusing“有趣的”。17A.stared BlaughedCwaved Dsmiled解析:选D这里指简向她的祖母和父母微笑。stare“盯着”;laugh“大笑”;wave“挥手”;smile“微笑”。18A.imagined BfoundCadmitted Denjoyed解析:选A当想象自己加入到护士学校并且学习照顾病人时,她充满了兴奋。imagine“想象”;find“发现”;admit“承认”;enjoy“享受”。19A.forbid BloveCmind Dregret解析:选C前面提到简不喜欢医院。“For the first time, she didnt _ being in a hospital.”这里则表示简第一次不介意在医院了。forbid“禁止”;love“爱”;mind“介意”;regret“遗憾,后悔”。20A.signals BsignsCmarks Dimages解析:选B“They were _ of people trying to help other people.”是指医院是试图帮助他人的标志。signal“信号”;sign“标志”;mark“标记”;image“图像”。.任务型阅读For the past 4,000 years of history since the Spring Festival began, the lifestyles of Chinese people have changed greatly, but the importance of celebrating this traditional festival in our lives has not faded. How do Chinese people all over the country celebrate? Lets take a look.Beijing: homes and eventsIn Beijing, people take the Spring Festival very seriously. Before Chinese New Year, people decorate their homes inside and out. They put door gods on their gates, put couplets (对联) on door frames and stick paper cutouts on the windows. The paper cutouts show many scenes involving animals and plants, such as plum blossoms and lions with balls. Red lanterns are hung in the rooms and New Year Pictures and the character F are put on the walls.It is common for people in Beijing to go to the temple fairs during the Spring Festival. Temple fairs began when groups of vendors (小贩) did business near temples when many pilgrims (香客) came to worship the gods during traditional festivals. And they have now turned into a regular event. At the fairs, you can find vendors selling food and handicrafts, performers acting wonderfully and vendors organizing games to play.Shaanxi: folk performancesIn Shaanxi Province, yangge is the most popular folk performance during the Spring Festival. It includes music, dance and handkerchief skills. It has its origins in planting rice and farming in the countryside in the north of China, hoping for a good harvest for the year.Almost every village in northern Shaanxi province has a yangge group. On Lunar New Years Day, after eating dumplings, the yangge group starts to pay New Year calls (拜年) from house to house. The leading performer has to be good at singing traditional songs and making up new songs about different occasions. When he sings, the others repeat his last sentence. The performance is simple and lively, showing the honest, happy personalities of the local people.Guangdong: flower sightsGuangzhou has been given the nickname of “Flower City” in China for its yearround flowers. The Spring Festival Flower Fair, which is held in Guangzhou every year, draws thousands of visitors from all over the world. During the festival, the streets of the city are filled with beautiful flowers. Kumquat (金橘) trees and peach blossoms are the most popular trees during this time. Looking like a gold ball, the kumquat in Chinese, sounds similar to many words that are thought to bring good luck. And people like buying the kumquat trees with the most leaves and fruits which mean success. Local artists show and sell their paintings and calligraphy (书法) works at the fair as well.Of all the many celebrations, the lion dance is always the biggest attraction to local people. It is performed on stage or on the street. The lions movements, together with firecrackers and loud music, are thought to scare away evil spirits and welcome good fortune. Celebrating the Spring Festival in China(1)_While the lifestyles of the Chinese have taken great (2)_ over the past 4,000 years, the celebration of this traditional festival has been (3)_ down from generation to generation.Areas BeijingPeople make a (4)_ home decoration when the Spring Festival is coming, including (5)_ red lanterns in the rooms, putting New Year Pictures and the character F on the walls and so on.People often go to the temple fairs during the Spring Festival, where one can buy food and handicrafts, enjoy wonderful (6)_ and play games.ShaanxiA folk performance, yangge, which (7)_ from planting rice and farming in the countryside in the north of China, is most popular among people during the Spring Festival.The simple and lively yangge performance reflects the locals are honest and happy.GuangdongNicknamed “Flower City”in China, Guangzhou holds the Spring Festival Flower Fair yearly, (8)_ to thousands of visitors worldwide.* Looking like a gold ball and sounding lucky, kumquat trees with the most leaves and fruits are on the shopping list, which are considered as a sign of (9)_ ; *Local artists also display and sell their works at the fair.The lion dance is the most (10)_ to local people and it is thought to frighten away evil spirits and welcome good fortune.答案:1.Introduction2.changes3.handed/passed4thorough5.hanging6.performances7comes/originates8.appealing9.success10.attractive.书面表达(2019无锡高三一模)请认真阅读下面短文,并按要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Consisting of language courses, sightseeing and international communication, study tours meet the demands of Chinese parents and students for a long and fruitful holiday, despite high costs of around 4,000 to 6,000 US. dollars. And this year saw the number of Chinese students, especially teenagers in middle school, going abroad for study tours increase by nearly 40 percent.For Chinese people, a trip to another country is particularly important. The Chinese education system does not allow for initiative or personal experiences. A foreign trip rewards them, teaches them and is a vital part of their personal development. If China wishes to continue expanding business throughout the world, it must encourage early interaction and understanding of other cultures.TedM (UK)Just for the short few days, after a rather long flight, they must be more tired than learning! Further, if learning could be completed within a short span of time, then school for over 12 years before taking the College Entrance Examination should be abolished!Ghostbuster (Expat in China)写作内容1用约30个单词写出上文概要;2用约120个单词阐述你对中国青少年出国游学的看法,并用23个理由或论据支撑你的观点。写作要求1写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3不必写


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