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,Lesson 12,The Palace Museum,制作人:王琼利,Part 1,Camera and film,The Palace Museum,We are going to the Palace Museum today. I want to take my camera.,Jenny,Camera,This is a camera . I can show you.,This is a camera,They are cameras.,film,Film goes in the camera.,This is film.,These are films,I am putting film in my camera.,She is taking a picture.,He is taking pictures.,May I take your (a) picture ?,Part 2,At the Palace Museum,Read the passage then answer the questions:读课文,然后回答下面问题,How is the weather today ? 2. What colour is the sky ? 3. What colour is the Palace Museum ? 4. Is it beautiful ? 5. How old is the Palace Museum ? Is it old ?,Sunny,Blue,Red and Yellow,Yes, it is.,500years.,Yes, it is.,6. Does Danny want to take a picture ? 7. Are cameras easy ? 8. Is it easy for Danny ? 9. May I help Danny ? 9. Whats the matter with Danny ?,Yes, he does.,Yes, they are.,No. its hard.,Yes, you may.,Danny hurts his nose.,轻松课堂,这些单词我认识(选择填空) A B C D ( ) 1. came_ _ re ra ro ri ( ) 2. pict_ _ _ ure are ere ore ( ) 3. h_ _ p al el ea ol ( ) 4. s_ _ ny an on un en ( ) 5. h_ _ t ur ar er or,我是纠错小能手(找错并正):,May I help you take the picture ?(


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