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Module5 Unit1,Tell me the colours you know!,请快速说出下列单词的反义词。,big,small,tall,short,dirty,clean,new,old,expensive,cheap,long,short,heavy,light,你能用以上形容词描述下面的事物么?,This pen is_.,This is_.,This is _,I like the _ bag.,本节课学习用英语对事物的鲜明特征进行描述。,主语,+ be,+ adjective,Listen and answer!,1. Whats wrong with Linglings bag?,2. What will Ms Smart do?,Listen and answer!,1. Whats wrong with Linglings bag?,She cant take it to China.,Her bag is broken.,坏的,破的,go,old,breakfast,br,o,chicken,ken,Look and say.,This car is _.,broken,Look and say.,This window is _.,broken,Look and say.,These chopsticks _ _.,are,broken,Look and say.,His leg is _.,broken,Listen and answer!,Ms Smart will buy her a new one.,2. What will Ms Smart do?,At the shop,Listen, underline and answer!,1.How many bags are there?,3. What are they like?,2.What colour are they?,打开书,听音并画出答案。,1.How many bags are there?,There are 3 bags.,They are .,2.What colour are they?,black,green and red.,What is the black bag like?,This black bag is nice.,Its big.,But its heavy.,What is the green bag like?,This green one is light.,But its small.,What is the red bag like?,It has got wheels.,Itll be easy for her to carry .,carry 提,抱,扛,背,搬,Harry Potter sad cat,Quickly respones.,快速反应,Itll be easy for herhimit .,下周有几位明星要参加我校的艺术节活动.Lets see whether itll be easy for them.,Itll be easy for _ .,her,杨丽萍,Itll be easy for _ .,him,贝克汉姆,Itll be easy for _ .,them,S.H.E,Its got _ .,The _ will be easy for you .,bicycle,2 wheels,monocycle,bicycle,wh l,i:,- knee,- meet,ee,Listen and repeat.,How much is it? Which bag do they buy? What does Ms Smart say?,pound,found,How much?,多少钱?,英镑,find的过去式,Well take it.,You cant take it to china.,拿,拿走,= buy,Read read read,This green bag is heavy.,This bag is heavy.,This bag is green.,Itll be hard for her .,This red bag is light.,This bag is light.,This bag is red.,Itll be easy for him .,Its light.,The yellow pencils are broken. The blue pencils are new,The blue kite is big. The red kite is small.,The green bag is heavy. The red bag is light.,The white shoes are dirty. The orange shoes are clean.,Homework,1. 单词、词组、句子、课文写在作业本上。 2. 完成学案M5U1。 3. 介绍一下你喜欢的物品,描述它们的显著特征。,Guessing game.,Its a fruit.,Guess!,This fruit is long.,Its yellow.,Its a banana.,Try your best!,Its a/an .,Its a /an.,Thisis .,fruit food animal,Its got .,Its a/an .,Its a /an.,Thisis .,fruit food animal,Its got .,Its a/an .,Its a /an.,Thisis .,fruit food animal,Its got .,Its a/an .,Its a /an.,Thisis .,fruit food animal,Its got .,Homework,1. Copy and recite the text of M5U1. 2.Do AB P181、3 Finish the suggestion.,Listen and complete,1.blue,2.small,3.big,4.pink,These pencils are broken.,These pencils are yellow.,These yellow pencils are broken.,T


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