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Administrative Law Dr. He Chen ,Chapter 7: Administrative Coercion,General Introduction Compulsory Administrative Measure Compulsory Execution,7.1 General Introduction,7.1.1 concept Administrative coercion refers that administrative subject imposes compulsory measures on the personal freedom, property and so forth of counterpart in order to realize administrative aim.,7.1.2 range The range of administrative coercion includes compulsory administrative measure and compulsory execution, while the two have severe distinction:,1) their premises are not completely the same compulsory execution must be premised on the counterpart responsible for some kinds of duties, while compulsory administrative measure must not require the counterpart to be responsible for some kinds of duties, administrative organs could adopt it by themselves under certain conditions, such as prompt administrative coercion.,2) their aims are different the aims of compulsory execution are to force the counterpart to perform duties, while compulsory administrative measure is to ensure normal order of administrative management, to stop illegal act, to prevent the evidence from being damaged, to keep from harms happening, to control the larger danger.,7.1.3 administrative coercion and other relevant concepts administrative coercion and compulsory measure of administrative litigation(诉讼) the latter can be applied only by court in the activity of administrative litigation, administrative coercion and administrative penalty The natures The purposes The legal consequences The applicable frequencies The results of action, administrative coercion and rehabilitation-through-labour,一种观点认为,劳动教养是限制人身自由的行政强制措施。这种观点的主要依据是:,1957年国务院公布的关于劳动教养问题的决定第2条明确了“劳动教养是对于被劳动教养的人实行强制教育改造的一种措施,也是对他们安置就业的一种办法。” 1982年国务院转发公安部修订的劳动教养试行办法第2条规定,“劳动教养是对被劳动教养的人实行强制教育改造的行政措施,是处理人民内部矛盾的一种方法。” 国务院(1980)56号国务院关于强制劳动和收容审查两项措施统一于劳动教养的通知中规定,“从目前执行情况来看,强制劳动的对象和收容审查的对象同劳动教养的对象基本相同,没有实质性的区别。现在规定,将强制劳动和收容审查两项措施统一于劳动教养。”,另一种观点则认为,劳动教养是一种行政处罚,是对于实施了较严重的违法行为,但尚不够刑罚处罚中最为严厉的一种。原因是:,1983年公安部修订的劳动教养试行办法(以下简称办法)除了对劳动教养的对象作了扩大,对劳动教养条件出现了“不够刑事处分”的提法。办法还取消了原送请劳动教养的单位、家长、监护人请求领回自行负责管教的,劳动教养机关也可以酌情批准和表现良好有就业条件的,经劳动教养机关批准,可以另行就业的有关规定,取而代之以由人民武装警察担任监护,将原来作为强制教育、安置就业的场所向监狱性质靠拢,给劳动教养罩上了惩戒色彩。,1987年1月1日起施行的中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例中对卖淫、嫖宿暗娼以及介绍或者容留卖淫、嫖宿暗娼的;赌博或者为赌博提供条件的;制作、复制、出售、出租或者传播淫书、淫画、淫秽录像或者其他淫秽物品的,都规定处拘留、罚款或者依照规定实行劳动教养,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 公安部公复字(1998)3号认为应将治安管理处罚条例中第33条“依照规定实行劳动教养”理解为:对于赌博或者提供条件的,以及制作、复制、出售、出租或者传播淫秽物品的行为,除了应予治安处罚外,情节严惩又不够刑罚的,可以实行劳动教养。因此,劳动教养完全从行政强制措施中脱离出来,而成为介于行政拘留与刑事处罚间的人身罚。 以后大量的法律法规或者司法解释都把相当一部分较严重的违法行为规定由劳动教养机关实行教养。,劳动教养制度存在的问题: 法律依据不充分 ; 与我国其他法律制度存在较大矛盾 和我国参加的国际人权公约相冲突 劳动教养法律规范缺乏统一性,执法存在随意性,7.2 Compulsory Administrative Measure,Compulsory Administrative Measure refers to the temporary compulsory control measure on freedom of the person or property which administrative subject authorized by law takes during investigating cases.,What kind of normative documents can create compulsory administrative measures? Whats the procedures of compulsory administrative measures? There is no Law of Administrative Coercion in China till now,开江县对两所房屋召开行政强制拆迁听证会 /t?di=49128052_49128056&pos=12&word=%D0%D0%D5%FE%CC%FD%D6%A4,7.3 Compulsory Execution,7.3.1 definition Compulsory Execution refers to those specific administrative acts when in the administrative relationships the counterpart bares legal duties but refuses to perform, administrative organs or court resorts to compulsory measures to force him to perform or to let other person take his place to perform in order to reach the same purpose.,7.3.2 manners substitution performance The administrative organs entrust the third person to take the place to perform duties, then the counterpart bear the expenses., pecuniary(金钱上的) sanction for specific performance After administrative organs made the decision of money payments obligation, if the counterpart failed to carry out their duties, administrative organs may impose and additional fine at some rate of the amount of the duty., transfer the relevant deposit, sell by public auction or sell off the sealed-up or distained property,7.3.3 compulsory execution system 我国目前的行政强制执行体制是: 1)以人民法院享有普遍的、最终的行政强制执行权为原则,以少数行政机关享有有限的、专属的行政强制执行权为例外,以行政机关对其作出的行政处罚决定的间接强制执行措施为补充; 2)行政机关的行政强制执行权必须由法律、行政法规明确规定,没有法律、行政法规规定的,必须申请人民法院强制执行。目前我国仅有公安、税务、海关等少数行政机关享有行政强制执行权。,Discussion: 截止到2004年底,我国现行法律中有62部对行政强制作出了规定,其中51部法律规定了行政强制措施,24部法律规定了行政机关的强制执行。现行行政法规中有72部对行政强制作出了规定,其中规定行政强制措施的有61部,规定行政机关有强制执行权的有22部,同时规定行政强制措施和行政机关的


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