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温室效应产生的原因,温室效应是由于大气里温室气体(水气、二氧化碳、甲烷等)含量增大而形成的。 大气中二氧化碳等气体含量增加,就会使全球气温升高 。,气温升高,将导致某些地区雨量增加,某些地区出现干旱,飓风力量增强,出现频率也将提高,自然灾害加剧。更令人担忧的是,由于气温升高,将使两极地区冰川融化,海平面升高,许多沿海城市、岛屿或低洼地区将面临海水上涨的威胁,甚至被海水吞没。20世纪60年代末,非洲下撒哈拉牧区曾发生持续6年的干旱。由于缺少粮食和牧草,牲畜被宰杀,饥饿致死者超过150万人。 这是“温室效应” 给人类带来灾害的典型事例。,温室效应的危害,冰川融化,Industrialization in developed countries pusher of global warming Reports show that emissions resulting from human activities, in particular, the burning of fossil fuels, are increasing the worlds atmospheric concentrations of greenhouses gases to unprecedented levels. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, sulfur hexafluoride and per fluorocarbons, are gases that can keep part of the heat received from solar or geothermic sources within the earths atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is the most powerful greenhouse gas, which, according to scientific research, can stay in the atmosphere for 50 to 200 years, once it is produced.,What Is China Saying in Copenhagen? By STEPHEN J. DUBNER Climate officials from around the world have assembled in Copenhagen for two weeks to address global warming. Heres an interesting article from todays Guardian. Highlights: Chinas carbon emissions will peak between 2030 and 2040, the countrys science and technology minister Wan Gang told the Guardian as the global climate change summit began in Copenhagen.,各国人均碳排放对比,据联合国发布的数据,2006年中国人均排放二氧化碳4.6吨,美国人均排放二氧化碳19吨: 中国人均碳排放仅约为美国的五分之一。,摘自/world/special/gebenhagenqihou/,经济图表-工业国家的温室气体排放变化 The change in greenhouse-gas emissions in industrialised countries 工业国家的温室气体排放变化 THE volume of greenhouse gases emitted by 40 industrialised countries that report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change increased by 1% in 2007 and by 3% from 2000 to 2007. But measured from 1990, the base year for Kytoto protocol targets, emissions fell by 4%. Britain has improved by switching from coal- to gas-fired power stations. But countries with significant primary industries, such as mining or forestry, tend to emit far greater quantities of greenhouse gases. Australias emissions are greater than Frances, though its economy is much smaller. 根据联合国气候变化框架公约的报告,40个工业国家的温室气体排放量在2007年里增加了1%,与2000年相比,增加了3%。但是和1990年相比,排放量下降了4%,1990年是京都议定书设定目标的基准年份。英国已经将燃煤发电厂全部转为燃气发电厂。但是,以矿业或林业等第一产业为主的国家,其温室气体的排放量增加了。澳大利亚的经济虽不如法国,但是其温室气体排放量比法国高。 来源:联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC),部分工业国家的温室气体排放(图),Summary,As far as we are concerned, developed countries should be responsible for global warming. The earth is not developed countries, but everyones. So we should take measures to protect our environment right now. We cant


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