



PART V WRITING,The following are two excerpts about perfection. Read the two excerpts carefully and write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize the main arguments in the excerpts, and then 2.express your opinion on perfection, especially on whether aiming for perfecting matters in whatever you do. You can support yourself with information from the excerpts. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your article on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.,Headmistress tells pupils not to fret about exam Pupils should not worry about their exam results because no one will remember them in years to come, the head of a leading girls school has said. Judith Carlisle, headmistress of Oxford High School, said there was no point fretting over GCSEs because no one will “give a damn” bout results and because they dont reflect character. She is running a “Death of Little Miss Perfect” initiative at the private school to combat perfectionism in her students. “Perfectionism is only captured in a moment its not achievable longer term,” she said. “It undermines self-esteem and then performance.” Miss Carlisle said that students dont always need to aim for 100 per cent, and if they do need an A grade to attend their university of choice, its not necessary to get the highest A possible. She said: “It matters, but sometimes it probably wont matter. Its important the girls are not going for things that if they dont get it, it will destroy them. Exams arent who they are its what they do on that day.” She said: “Theres unhelpful perfectionism as opposed to high standards. Its not that were aiming to undermine high standards it will actually help you achieve higher standards.”,THE PURSUIT OF PERFECTION The pursuit of perfection is a strategy for motivating organizations to innovate and reach levels of improvement and performance not previously seen as possible. Leveraging the pursuit of perfection as a strategy was developed and refined by quality leaders such as Bob Galvin and Paul ONeill, and it has led to success in industries including health care, telecommunications, and manufacturing. Prior to serving as U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Paul ONeill was one of the most successful industrial leaders of the 20th century. As CEO of Alcoa from 1987 to 1999, he proposed and demanded a radical goal: zero work-loss incidents. No one would be hurt working at Alcoa. Alcoa moved toward perfection, becoming the safest industrial company in the world as well as the most successful aluminum producer in the world. Paul ONeill has developed a revolutionary kind of leadership one that centers around the pursuit of perfection.,Recently, the pursuit of perfection has stirred much controversy. Some people believe that we shouldnt care it so much because no one will remember us after a few years and the results dont reflect character. As far as I am concerned, aiming for the perfection can motivate organizations to innovate and reach levels of improvement and performance not previously seen as possible. First of all ,the pursuit of perfection can will lead us to excellence and release our highest potential. As CEO of Alcoa from 1987 to 1999, Paul ONeill proposed and demanded a radical goal: zero work-loss incidents. What is more. A mildly humorous story told us the importance of aiming perfection These story mocks and in their implicit way tells us that the pursuit of perfection can make a better result and more achievements This was especially true that aiming perfection is of great importance in ones success. To conclude, whil


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