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《part b》课件小学英语陕旅版三年级起点六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)(11)_第5页
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UNIT 3 Whos That Man?,Talk about your idols . ( 偶像),He is from Beijing . He is 28 years old. He is a wonderful swimmer and he can play the piano very well.,Answer the questions:,1. What did Liu Wei want to be? 2. What happened to him at the age of nine? 3. What did he learn when he lost his arms? 4. What did he do in 2006? 5 . How long did he play the piano in a day?,1. What did Liu Wei want to be?,He wanted to be a football player.,.,I want to be_.,Little Liu Wei wanted to be a football player.,2.What happened to him at the age of nine?,He lost his arms.,But at the age of nine, he lost his arms. He had to do everything with his feet.,那是1998年,春节刚过没几天,刘伟和3个小伙伴在家附近玩捉迷藏游戏,他家附近有一个简陋的配电室,墙是用土砌的,很矮,一翻就能进去,里面的电线裸露在外面。他和同伴玩捉迷藏,当他往墙上爬的时候,低矮的砖墙一下子倒塌了,他摔在10万伏的高压线上,当即不省人事。经过医生诊断,刘伟的双臂肌肉由于遭受电击都已坏死,必须尽快进行双上肢截肢手术。,3.What did he learn when he lost his arms?,He learned to swim and did it very well.,He learned to swim and did it very well. But at the age of nineteen, he had to stop because it was bad for him.,就在他为奥运会努力的时候,高强度的体能消耗导致了免疫力的下降,患上了过敏性紫癜。医生告诉母亲,必须让刘伟放弃训练,否则将危及生命。,在2002年武汉举行的全国残疾人游泳锦标赛上,刘伟一举夺得了两金一银;2005年、2006年连续两年获得了全国残疾人游泳锦标赛百米蛙泳项目的冠军。那时,刘伟对母亲许下承诺:在2008年的残奥会上拿一枚金牌回来。,4.What did he do in 2006?,He started to play the piano with his feet.,In 2006, he started to play the piano with his feet.,How difficult(困难的) it was! But he made it.,5.How long did he play the piano in a day?,He played seven or eight hours a day.,He played seven or eight hours a day. Now he plays it very well.,listen the story again.,In 2006, he started to play the piano with his feet. How difficult it was! But he made it. He played seven or eight hours a day. Now he plays it very well.,Little Liu Wei wanted to be a football player.,But at the age of nine, he lost his arms. He had to do everything with his feet.,He learned to swim and did it very well. But at the age of nineteen, he had to stop because it was bad for him.,Read the story again.,Practice: Try to retell the story.,Little Liu Wei wanted to be a At the age of nine, he . He had to. He But at the age of nineteen, he had to In 2006, he started to with . How difficult it was. He played a day. Now he plays it .,What have you learned from Liu W


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