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高考二轮复习 语法系统讲解 二、名 词,一、分类 (Classification),A:专有名词 (Proper nouns),B:普通名词 (Common nouns),Countable nouns (可数名词),Uncountable nouns (不可数名词),Individual Nouns (个体名词),Collective Nouns (集体名词 ),Abstract Nouns (抽象名词 ),Material Nouns (物质名词 ),二、数(Number),A: Singular number (单数) B: Plural number (复数),(1)一般的词,包括元音字母加y结尾的词,直接 在词尾加s (2)以-s, -x, -ch, -sh结尾的词在词尾加es (3)以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i再加es (4)以f或fe结尾的词,应变f或fe为v再加-es,1.规则名词单复数变化:,2. 不规则名词单复数变化:,(1)单复数同形:sheep, deer, fish, means, species, species, works(工厂), aircraft, spacecraft, Chinese, Japanese, Swiss (2)改变字母:man -men, woman -women, policeman -policemen, saleswoman -saleswomen, foot -feet, tooth -teeth, goose -geese, Mouse -Mice , abacus -abaci (或abacuses), phenomenon -phenomena 另: penny (pence或 pennies) (3)增加字母: child -children, ox -oxen,(4)以o结尾的词: 加s: photo, radio, piano, zoo, studio, bamboo, tobacco, kangroo 加es: tomato, potato, hero, Negro, dingo 另:zero (zeros或 zeroes) (5)以f或fe结尾的词: 直接加s:roof, proof, belief, chief, gulf, 变f为v再加es:life, wife, knife, half, leaf, wolf, thief 另外:handkerchief (handkerchiefs或handkerchieves) beef(beeves菜牛 、beefs怨言;牢骚),3. 名词单复数的特殊情况:,(1) 集体名词只用作复数:police , cattle , people , poultry, the youth (2) 集体名词用作不可数名词: clothing, jewellery, furniture, luggage (baggage), machinery, wealth (3) 集体名词视具体情况而定单复数: family, class, population, staff, crew, couple, public, group, team, party, club, company, government, committee, audience, enemy (4) 只有复数形式的名词: clothes, trousers, jeans, twins, glasses, compasses, scissors, handcuffs, pincers, goods ,thanks, wishes, wages, tears, troops, forces, resources,(5) 以s结尾但不表示复数: mathematics, physics, politics, statistics, news, woods(森林), works(工厂) (6) 有没有s结尾意义不同: glass glasses, cloth clothes, work works, sand sands, snow snows, water waters, wood woods, goodgoods, time times(时代), paper papers(论文), green greens(青菜), custom customs(海关), spirit spirits(酒精,情绪), light lights(灯), experience experiences(经历), arm arms(武器), iron irons(镣铐,熨斗), compass(指南针) compasses(圆规), (7) 姓氏后加s并带冠词,表一家人或夫妇俩: the Greens ;the Chengs,(8) 合成名词的复数形式: 将合成名词中的主体名词变为复数: looker(s)-on, passer(s)-by, mother(s)-in-law 将最后一部分变为复数: grown-up(s), go-between(s) (中间人), good-for-nothing(s) (无用之人) 含boy, girl, lady等的合成的名词: 它们始终为单数,其后的名词则用复数形式。 如: boy students, girl friends, lady drivers 含man或 woman的合成名词: 它们随其后名词单复数的变化而变化。如: a man doctor, two men doctors,(9)名词只能用复数形式的短语: do exercises (做操) take notes (做笔记) take turns (轮流) make repairs (搞修理) change trains (改换火车) make friends with (交朋友) shake hands with (握手) as follows (如下) in rags (衣衫褴褛) in dozens (成打的),(9) 名词单复数形式意义相同的短语: make faces / a face(做鬼脸) Have talks / a talk with sb.(与某人交谈) Play jokes / a joke on (拿开玩笑) Make contributions / a contribution to (为做贡献) (10)名词单复数意义不同的短语: Have a word with sb. (与某人说句话) Have words with sb. (与某人吵架) Make cloth (织布) Make clothes (制衣),三、名词的格 (Case),A:通格(Common case): 主格 (Subject case) 宾格 (Object case) B:所有格(Possessive case),1. s属格: 原则上只用于表示有生命的人或物的名词。如: the teachers book; the horses tail 然而,时间、距离、太阳、地球、月亮、江河、 海洋、船只、国家、城市、团体机构等名词也 可以用s属格。如:todays newspaper; the citys transportation, 一般的名词,包括不以s结尾的复数名词, 在词后加s。如:the childrens book 以s结尾的复数名词的所有格形式只在词后加。 如:the teachers office 以s结尾的专有名词的所有格,既可加s 也可加。如:Engels(s)letter 两者或两者以上共有的所有格形式只在后者用 所有格形式,如:Tom and Mikes room 若表示分别拥有时,则要在每个名词后用 所有格形式,如:Toms and Mikes rooms,2. of属格: 多用于无生命现象的名词, 也可用于有生命现象的名词;当一个名词有较长的定语时,就只能用of短语来表示所有关系。 如:the cover of the book; a toy of Li Pings younger brother 3双重属格: 既有s的属格,又有of的属格。通常s属格表示所有关系,of属格表示部分与整体的关系。如:a friend of my fathers; a book of Toms 4.表示“某人自己的”的属格: 用of ones own表示,不可用of反身代词。 例如:This is the house of my own.,四、名词的性 (Gender),Masculine(阳性): actor, waiter, master, prince, lad, hero 2. Feminine(阴性): actress, waitress, mastress, princess, lass, heroine 3. Neuter(中性): teacher, worker, monkey, sheep, tree, crop,五、名词在句子中的作用 (Function),精选练习题 1.The Chinese people _. A. is a great people B. are a great people C. are great people D. are great peoples 2. Something was wrong with _car , but luckily they knew how to fix it . A. Jims and Toms B. Jim and Toms C. Jims and Tom D. Jim and Tom 3.He is a friend of _. A. Kates fathers B. Kates father C.Fathers of Kate D. Kate fathers 4.The news of Victories _got round quickly. A. is B. are C. have been D. /,5. The rich _not always happy. A. are B is C. have D. has 6.Your trousers _dirty , you must _washed. A. is, it B are, it C. is , them D. are , them 7. He, including his parents, _this novel. A. like B . likes C. are like D. is like 8.There are three _in our class. A. Zhous B. Zhous C. Zhous D. Zhouss 9.The bridge is _. A. ten-metres B. ten metre C. ten-meters D. ten metres 10.Mother made a new skirt with two meters of _. A.clothes B, cloth C.dress D.cloths,11.If these trousers are too big , buy a small _ A.one B. copy C. pair D. set 12.He dropped the _and broke it . A. cup of coffee B. coffees cup C. cup coffee D. coffee cup 13. Lets have a _break. A. ten minutes B. ten-minutes C. ten minutes D. ten minutes 14._should be strict with _. A. Teachers, a student B. The teachers, students C. Teachers, students D. Teachers, a student 15.They played in the _for an hour, and when they returned , they found their goods _stolen. A. sand, were B. sand, was C. sands, were D. sands, was,总之,名词是人、动物、事物、地方、状态、品质或动作的名称。 它可以表示具体的东西,也可表示抽象的东西。下面斜体字都是名词: 1John is my friendMy children love their teachers(人) 2The dog is running after a rat(动物) 3This school is g


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