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中考英语词形转换1. able (a.) - ability (n.) - enable (v.) enable sb. to do sth. be able to = can2. absence (n.) - absent (a.) be absent from3. across (prep.) - cross (v.)cross the road / walk across the road4. act (v.)-active(a.)-activity (n.)-action (n.)-actor / actresstake an active part in take action5. add (v.)-addition (n.)in addition to = besides = whats more6. advice (不可数)-advise (v.)some / a piece of advicetake sbs adviceadvise sb. to do sth. 7. age (n.)-aged (a.) the aged8. agent (n.) - agency (n.)9. agree (v.) - disagree (v.) - agreement (n.)agree with sb.10. head (n.) - ahead (a./ad.) (在前,提前)11. live (v.) - alive (a.) - living (a. 活的) - lively (a. 活泼的) - life (n.)stay alivea living thingsave ones life ( lives )12. allow (v.) - allowance (n.) allow sb. to do sth 被动形式 be allowed to do sth.mustnt = be not allowed13. alone (a.) - lonely (a.)14. amaze (v.) - amazing (a.物) - amazed (a.人)be amazed at sth.15. America (n.) - American (a./n.) the United States of Americathe United States of America / the USA / the USan American some Americans16. amuse (v.)(娱乐) - amusing (a.) - amusement (n.) amusement park (露天游乐场)17. angry (a.) - anger (n.) - angrily (ad.)be angry with sth.18. already (肯) / yet (否) 与现在完成时连用He has already finished his homework. He hasnt finished his homework yet.19. apologize (v.) - apology (n.) make an apology to sb.apologize to sb. for sth.20. appear (v.) - disappear (v.) - appearance (n.)21. argue (v.) - argument (n.)22. arrive (vi.) - arrival (n.)arrive in / at sp. arrive home / thereget to sp.(vi.) get home / therereach sp. (vt.)reach home / there23. art (n.) - artist (n.)24. Asia (n.) - Asian (a.)25. attend (v.) attendant (n.) (随从, 服务员)attend a meeting ( class, school.)take part in ( 活动 sports meeting , after school activities)join (组织 the Party, the army, WTO.) join sb.join sb. in sth.take an exam / a testenter for (报名参加) 26. attentive (a.) - attentively (ad.) - attention (n.)pay attention to27. attract (v.) - attraction (n.) - attractive (a.) tourist attractions28. Australia (n.) - Australian (a./ n.)an Australiansome Australians29. awful (a.) - awfully (ad.) 30. bath (n.) - bathe (v.)- bathroomhave / take a bath31. beauty (n.) - beautiful (a.) - beautifully (ad.)32. beg (v.) - begging - beggar (n.)33. begin (v.) - beginning (n.) begin to do sth. / begin doing sth.at the beginning of 34. breath (n.) - breathe (v.) hold ones breath35. bright (a.) - brightly (ad.) - brightness (n.)36. Britain (n.) - British (a.) England (n.) - English (a./n.) - Englishman an Englishmansome Englishmen37. build (v.) - rebuild (v.) - building (n.)38. busy (a.) - business (n.) - businessman / businesswoman (n.)be busy with sth.be busy doing sth.39. both (两者都) neither (两者否定)all (三者或三者以上都) none (三者或三者以上否定)both and (复数)neither nor (两者都不)either or (不是就是)not onlybut also (不但而且)40. Canada (n.) - Canadian (a./n.)41. care (n./v.) - careful (a.) - carefully (ad.) - careless (a.) - carelessness (n.)42. celebrate (v.) - celebration (n.)43. certain (a.) - certainly (ad.)44. change (v./n.) - changeable (a.) - exchange (v.)45. chemical (a./n.) - chemistry (n.)a chemical changea chemistry teccher46. child (n.) - children (pl.) - childhood (儿童时代)Childrens Day47. China (n.) - Chinese (n./a.) - china (n. 瓷器)48. choice (n.) - choose (v. chose , chosen )49. city (n.) - citizen (n.)50. clean (v./a.) - cleaner (n.)51. clear (v./a.) - clearly (ad.)52. close (v./a./ad.) - closed (a.)53. cloud (n.) - cloudy (a.)54. collect (v.) - collection (n.) a collection of 55. comfort (v.) - comfortable (a.)56. communicate (v.) - communication (n.)communicate with sb.57. complete (a./ vt.) - completely (ad.)58. congratulate (v.) - congratulation (n.)Congratulations!congratulate to sb. on sth.59. convenient (a.) - inconvenient (a.) -convenience (n.)60. cook (v. / n. 厨师) - cooker (n. 炊具)61. correct (a.) - correctly (ad.) - incorrect (a.) - incorrectly (ad.)correct (v.) - uncorrected (a.) an uncorrected mistake62. count (v.) - countable (a. 可数的) - countless (a. 无数的)63. cross (v.) - across (prep. ) - crossing (n.)cross the road = walk across the road64. custom (n.) - customer (n. 顾客) - customs (n. 海关)65. cycle (v.) - cyclist (n.)66. danger (n.) - dangerous (a.)be in danger67. die (v.) - dead (a.) - deadly (a. 致命的) - death (n.) - dying (a. 奄奄一息的)68. decide (v.) - decision (n.)decide to do sth. decide not to do sth.make a decision69. decorate (v.) - decoration (n.)70. deep (a.) - depth (n.) in depth71. develop (v.) - developing (a.) - developed (a.) - development (n.)72. different (a.) - differently (ad.) - difference (n.)be different from the same as73. difficult (a.) - difficulty (n.)be in difficulty74. discover (v.) - discovery (n.)75. discuss (v.) - discussion (n.)have a discussion76. draw (v.) - drawing (n.)77. driver (v.) - driver (n.)78. easy (a.) - easily (ad.)79. east (n./a.) - eastern (a.)80. educate (v.) - education (n.) - educational (a.)81. electric (a.) - electricity (n.) -electrical (a.)electric fansan electrical engineermake electricity82. either (也, 否定句末) too / as well (也,肯定句末)also (也, 句中) 用于倒装结构的”也”so + 助动词+主 (肯)neither / nor + 助动词+主 (否)83. engine (n.) - engineer (n.)84. enjoy (v.) - enjoyable (a.) - joy (n.)enjoy oneself = have a good timeto ones joyenjoy doing sth. 85. enter (v.) - entrance (n.)enter sp. = come / go into sp.the entrance to sp.86. environment (n.) - environmental (a.)87. Europe (n.) - European (a./n.) a European country88. excite (v.) - exciting (a.物) - excited (a.人)89. exhibition (n.) - exhibit (v.)90. expense (n.) - expensive (a.)91. explain (v.) - explanation (n.)92. fail (v.) - failure (n.)fail to do sth.93. farm (n.) - farmer (n.)94. favour (n.) - favourite (a.) do sb. a favourdo sb. a favour = give sb. a helping hand95. female (n.) - male (n.)96. fill (v.) - full (a.) be filled with be full ofbe filled withbe full of be crowded with97. final (a.) - finally (ad.)98. fire (n.) - fireman (n.) - firework (n. 焰火)99. fish (n./v.) - fisherman (n.)100. fly (v.) - flight (n.)101. fog (n.) - foggy (a.)102. follow (v.) - following (a.)103. fool (v. /n. 傻子) - foolish (a.)104. foot (n.) - feet (pl.)105. foreign (a.) - foreigner (n.)106. forget (v.) - forgetful (a.) - unforgettable (a. 难以忘怀的)107. France (n.) - French ( a./n.) - Frenchman (n.)108. free (a.) - freely (ad.) - freedom (n.)109. freeze (v.) - freezing (a.) - frozen (a.) freezing weather frozen food/ river110. friend (n.) - friendly (a.) - friendliness (n.) - friendship (n.) be friendly to sb.111. frighten (v.) - frightened (a. 人) - frightening (a. 物)112. fun (n.) - funny (a.) What great fun! 113. gentle (a.) - gently (ad.) - gentleman (n.)114. Germany (n.) - German (a./n.) - Germans (pl.)115. gold (n.) - golden (a.)116. good - better - best117. graduate (v./n. 大学毕业生) - graduation (n.)118. green (n./a.) - greenery (n. 绿化)119. grow (v.) - growth (n.) grow up120. happy (a.) - happily (ad.) - happiness (n.)- unhappy121. hard (a./ad.) - hardly (ad. 几乎不)work hardrain hard / heavily122. harm (n.) - harmful (a.)123. head (n.) - headache (n.) - headline 9n.) - headmaster (n.)124. health (n.) - healthy (a.) - unhealthy (a.) healthy - healthier125. hot (a.) - heat (n. / v. 加热)126. heavy (a.) - heavily (ad.)a heavy rainrain heavily127. high (a.) - height (n.) - highrise (n.)128. help (v./n.) - helpful (a.) - helpless (a.)help oneself to sth.help sb. with sth.help sb. (to) do sth.cant help doing sth.129. history (n.) - historical (a.)130. home (n.) - homeless (n.)131. honest (a.) - dishonest (a.) - honesty (n.) - dishonesty (n.) an honest boy132. hungry (a.) - hungrily (ad.) - hunger (n.)133. important (a.) - importance (n.)134. India (n.) - Indian (a./n.) an Indianan Indian boy135. individual (a.) - individuality (n.)136. interest (n.) - interesting (a.物) - interested (a.人)be interested in show interest in 137. introduce (v.) - introduction (n.)138. invent (v.) - inventor (n.) - invention (n.)139. invite (v.) - invitation (n.)invite sb to sp.invite sb. to do sth.140. Italy (n.) - Italian (a./n.) an Italian an Italian football player141. Japan (n.) - Japanese (a./n.)142. kind (a.) - kindness (n.)143. knife (n.) - knives (pl.)144. know (v.) - knowledge (n.) - knowledgeable (a.)145. late (a./ad.) - later (ad. 后来, 以后)146. library (n.) - librarian (n.)147. life (n.) - lives (pl.) - live (v.) - living (a. 活的) - alive (a.) - lively (a 活泼的)148. like (v.) - dislike (v.)149. locate (v.) - location (n.)be located in / on / at / to = lie in .150. long (a.) - length (n.)151. loud (a.) - loudly (ad.)152. love (n./v.) - lovely (a.)153. luck (n.) - lucky (a.) - luckily (ad.) - unlucky (a.) - unluckily (ad.)154. main (a.) - mainly (ad.)155. manage (v.) - manager (n.) manage to do sth = succeed in doing sth.156. many - more - mostmany(可数名词) much (不可数名词)a lot of / lots of (可数/ 不可数)157. medicine (n.) - medical (a.)158. meet (v.) - meeting (n.)have a meetingat the meeting159. memory (n.) - memorize (v.)160. message (n.) - messenger (n. )161. mix (v.) - mixture (n.)162. month (n.) - monthly (a.)163. mouse (n.) - mice (pl.)164. move (v.) - moving (a. 动人的)165. music (n.) - musical (a. / n.) - musician (n.)166. nation (n.) - national (a.) - nationality (n.) - international (a.)167. nature (n.) - natural (a.)168. near (prep./a.) - nearby (a./ad) - nearly ( ad. 几乎)169. need (v./n.) - necessary (a.) - unnecessary (a.)need sth. (vt.) dont / doesnt need sth.need to do sth. (vt.) dont / doesnt need to do sth.need do sth. ( 情态动词) neednt do sth.170. neighbour (n.) - neighbourhood (n.)171. new (a.) - news (n. 不可数) - newspaper (n.)172. noise (n.) - noisy (a.) - noisily (ad.)173. north (n./a.) - northern (a.)174. office (n.) - officer (n.) - official (a.)175. operate (v.) - operation (n.) operation on sb.176. organize (v.) - organization (n.)177. own (a./n./v.) - owner (n.)178. paint (v./n.) - painter (n.) - painting (n.)179. pass (v.) - p


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