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Unit 3 Food and Drink,Lesson 7 Shopping for Food,Period 2,中滩中学 宋佳栗,How much are the potatoes?,Theyre 7 yuan 60 a kilo.,How much is the beef?,Its 2 dollars and 99 cents a pound.,How much are the apples?,Theyre 1 pound 20 a kilo.,How many do you want?,Ill take six.,How many pounds do you want?,Ill have three pounds.,How many kilos do you want?,Ill have two and a half kilos.,Review,bill,1.The _is 2.5/kg. The _ for two kilos is $5.00. 2.I only have a 20 _ _, so I cant give you any _. 3.Do you have any _? I dont have my wallet with me.,change,dollar,money,total,unit price,Complete the sentences.,s,Heres 20 dollars. Heres your change.,give and get back money,Finish with much or many.,1. How _ is the ham? 2. How_ are the apples? 3.A: How_ do you want? B:Five. 4.A: How_do you want? B:One kilo.,much,much,many,much,1. How much_ the bananas? 2. The chicken_ $2.5 a kilo. 3.Excuxe me. How much_the potatoes? 4.The beef _$3.99 a kilo.,Finish with is or are.,are,is,are,is,A:Can I help you? B:Yes. How much is/are the ? A:Its/Theyre . B:How much/many do you want? A: B:Heres a dollars bill. A:Thank you. Heres your change.,Fill in your table.Role-play a dialogue in pairs.,Finish Exercise 2


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