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广州市小学英语第四册第一单元教学设计 天河区云山小学 徐苏燕、梁小薇、王俊贤、朱月尘单元的总体概括|:(云山小学徐苏燕)单元设计思路: 对单元的知识布局进行重新安排,对其进行整体宏观地设计,以生日会贯穿整个单元的教学,把知识的重点、难点(例如:How old ?句型及现在进行时的概念等)镶嵌在教学过程中。通过任务型教学、滚雪球式的教学,打开学生的记忆大门,激发他们的创造性思维,培养综合语言的运用能力。使学生学到的知识达到融会贯通,真正的达到学以致用。因此我们采用由生活的话题引入主题,从故事的教学入手,为学习新知识打开一个入口,先让孩子们感受到话题的氛围和语言,再学习重点的对话和知识点,为学生的学习降低了坡度,在每课的教学中通过游戏,歌曲,情景对话,任务的完成,使学生熟悉语言、习得语言、运用语言。 Language skill:1. Can talk about peoples age.2. Know how to gain some information about other people.3. Some kids can use present continuous tense.4. Can make birthday cards and birthday presents. Language focus on:1. How to get information of the people you want to know.2. Gain the main ideas of present continuous tense. Affection:Know how to love our friends and parents. Strategies采用各种手段创设情景,使学生在情景中习得语言,进行语言的交际.通过滚雪球式的教学,滚动复习以往所学过的有关生日的单词和句型,使知识达到融会贯通.并以任务型教学为主线,让学生在完成任务中习得和掌握知识. Culture了解各国过生日的风俗习惯. 教学媒体电脑,金太阳光碟,录象,照片,图片,实物 单元的内容及课时分配 第一课时:了解本单元的主题,对生日晚会有个整体的概念,学会介绍生日会中的食物和参加的人物。渗透询问人物的句型:Who?和问年龄的句型:How old?并学习U3的故事,为主课的学习打好铺垫。 任务型教学:学生介绍自己生日会中的食品和参与的人员。 滚雪球式的教学:引导学生介绍人物时,可以采用上学期学到的关于描述人物的语言。 综合作业:画一幅生日会图,学生对食物和人物进行文字描述。第二课时 学生对现在进行时有基本的概念 能够用进行时描述生日中人们在进行的动作。 任务教学:学生能综合描述参加生日的人的外貌特点、会询问年龄、并能描述人物的动作。 滚雪球式教学:人物的综合描述,和学生归纳总结以前学过的动词词组,并渗透到现在进行时的练习中去。 综合作业:做一份生日礼物,并进行描述。第三课时 学习U2 My Birthday 能模仿课文编对话。 任务:模拟生日会,编对话。 综合作业:把所编的关于生日会的对话写下来。第四课时 学习U1 Dims Age 学生能够描述、谈论照片 任务型教学:分享寒假的相片,学生自编对话谈论这些相片。 滚雪球式的教学:复习以前所学过的Family Tree 综合性作业:模仿课文编对话。第五课时 做有关的练习(问年龄,进行时等) 举办一些综合运用语言的活动 (举办生日会,举办生日会或假期的照片展等。)第六课时 复习巩固本单元的重点知识 学习Sound Families.第一课时 云山小学徐苏燕教学特色:通过贴近学生生活的照片和话题,引出新单词和以前所学过的关于谈论人物的句型,使知识的导入水到渠成.把故事放在第一课时是为了给 U1,2语言知识的学习做好铺垫,让学生在故事中先熟悉主题知识,减轻了重点课文的学习坡度Content:1.Words:teenager, birthday present, candle, birthday cake, baby, old person, adult, party hat, child2.U3 Lets go furtherTarget: Have a clear idea of a birthday party. Remind some names of food we have for our birthday party and learn some new ones. Learn new words: teenager, birthday present, candle, birthday cake, baby, old person, adult, party hat, child Can understand the story and enjoy it.Language focus on: Children have a main idea of a birthday party. Can identify the words: baby, child, teenager, adult, old person.Teaching process:Introduce the topic Show some pictures of winter holidays and ask the children to talk about the food and drink they had in the holiday and the people they met .And teacher try to induce the children to use “Whos ? Who are ? How old?”to ask questions about the pictures. Show some pictures of a birthday party, then ask the students “What do we have for our birthday party?” “Who can you see in the party?” Then present the word cards: baby, child, teenager, adult, old person, let the children identify the difference of these persons and read out these words. Teacher ask students what you give for your friends birthday. After the children finished answering the questions. Then teacher presents the new words: birthday cake, birthday card, party hatto children and show them the pictures. Use pictures to teach the children some new words concern with the birthday partyLearn the story Introduce the story. “Today is Bobbys birthday, lets sing the song “Happy Birthday” to him. Sing the song “Happy Birthday”And teacher ask a question: Today is Bobbys birthday, but why is he unhappy.Invite the kids to listen to the story. Kids answer the question. Then teacher play the disk again and ask children to understand the story more. Learn the story picture by picture. Performance of the story Teacher ask the kids “What do you think happens at the end of the story”, let the children discuss in groups. Present the ending.Development Talk about your birthday party with your partners.Sum upWhat did you learn from this story?HomeworkDescribe your birthday photos or vedio.教学后记: 在本堂课的教学中我印象最深的有两点:一是孩子们对贴近自己生活的话题饶有兴致,都很踊跃举手发言二是孩子们大多是非常优秀的表演者,在故事的角色扮演中有很强的表演欲望,能让文本的故事活起来 第二课时 云山小学 梁小薇教学特色本节课利用多媒体课件导入新课,呈现Ann的party,让学生身临其境,视觉及听觉有个全新的感受。况且生日会这个topic比较贴近生活,学生很感兴趣。通过图片展示单词,并加以动作帮助学生形象记忆。再由单词过渡到句子的练习,使得词不离句,为后面的对话做铺垫。Teaching contents :Work with language and Fun with Language 1. Language knowledge:1)Can listen, speak and read the new words2)Can talk about the people with the sentence He She is now。2. Language skills:1) Be able to have a birthday party in English2) Can describe the actions in the birthday party.3) Get the main ideas of present continuous tense.3. Emotion attitude:To tell the pupils greeting the people on birthdays4. Learning strategiesTo train the pupils abilities of communication, greeting people on birthdays , to develop listening, speaking and skills.5.Culture awareness:To know different culture background between the east and west. ,To know about the difference of the birthdays in the other countries.6. Teaching emphasis:1.New words 2).Get the main ideas of present continuous tense. 7. Teaching Difficult Point: 1. The new word .2. Use the present continue tense to describe the actionTeaching ProcessStep 1. Warm up Show some pictures of the famous persons and ask the children to talk about them. .And teacher try to induce the children to use “Whos ? Who are ? How old?”to ask questions about the pictures. Step 2 Presentation:a) Show Anns photo and introduction :Today Ann is very happy. Because today is her birthday. What is she doing on her birthday?b) Let the students watch a video of a situation in. Anns party ,then find out What is happening in the party?c) Teach the word “ card, candle ,party ”with the pictures.d) Let the students recall whats Ann doing? in the video .Teach the words “give, cut ,eat ,blow” by the actions and the phrasesgiving her a birthday presentand so on.e) Show the video again , Teach the drills “Whats she doing? Whatre they doing”? Then ask and answer the questions in pairs by video.T: Look ,What is Ann doing ? or What are they doing for Ann?S: Giving her a birthday present.Step3. : Practice.Play a guessing game: One pupil come to the blackboard to do the action(Look at the paper that the teacher gives .Such as :singing a birthday song ,eating something ,and so on), anther pupil guessing the words and describing himher with the drills a 、HisHer name is .b 、He She looks youngbeautifulhandsomestrong . c 、He She is aboutyears old. D 、He She isnow.Step4. Development Have a birthday party .Divide the class into six groups and each group have a birthday party for one pupil.Step5 Homework1、 Copy the new words2、 Draw a birthday cake you like and describe it. 教学后记: 本节课采用了兴趣情景活动的教学法,利用计算机辅助教学,学生对单词掌握的比较好,有关生日中的动作也比较熟悉,但对现在进行时的概念还没有理解,导致在操练时有时会漏掉ing形式。+第三课时 云山小学 梁小薇教学特色:本节课通过与师生的交流创设真实的语境及形式多样的任务活动,培养学生的自主合作学习的能力以及综合语言运用能力Teaching contents : Unit Two Dialogue Language knowledge:u Can listen, speak and read the new words and the dialogueu Can response the people with the sentence Thank you so much。 Language skills:u New words: birthday so computer game forget really joke happy birthday something excited thank you so much u Be able to understand the text and read it in correct phonicLanguage focus on:u Children have a main idea of a birthday party. Can identify the words: birthday so computer game really happy birthday Can act out the dialogueTeaching process:Step1 Warm up u Talk with the students at the beginning of the class(2) Hello, what is your name ?(3) How old are you?(4) How old is your father?(5) How old is your mother?(6) Do you like to have a birthday cake ?(7) Would you like to have a party on your birthday? Step2 Presentation1、 Show some pictures of a birthday party, then ask the students “What do we have for our birthday party?” “Who can you see in the party?” 2、 Teacher tells students that today is our good friend Sues birthday, .so she is very happy and excited(Present Sue), and teach the word excited .by the simple drawing. 3、 Ask the questions. What presents will you give to Sue? What can you say to her?4、 After the children finished answering the questions. Then teacher presents the new words: birthday cake, computer game to children and show them the pictures. Teach Thank you so much .by talking with the students.5、 Sing the song “Happy Birthday”6、 Show some pictures of the birthday party, and talk about the birthday presents. Learn the new words “ really forget something joke”.7、 Show the video of Yongxians birthday party, then tell the children today is Yongxians birthday. Ask some questions about it.8、 Present the first part of the dialogue.9、 Show the picture and ask children why Yongxian give the present to his grandfather. Then invite the children to listen to the rest part of the dialogue.Step3 Practice10、 Read the dialogue. in groups 11、 Act out the dialogue.Step4 Consolidation12、 Listen to the tape and number the pictures.13、 Answer the questions.Step 5 Development14、 Make a dialogue in groups about birthday party.Step6 Homework15、 Read and copy the dialogue16、 Write down the dialogue。教学后记上完这节课,我发现学生对生日礼物及晚会特别感兴趣,所以他们在学这个对话时很轻松,学生结合自己的生活,使知识学习与生活实践密切联系在一起,从而提高了学生的学习效果。 第四课时 云山小学王俊贤Content: U1 Dims AgeTargets:Can listen, speak and read the new words: holiday, photo, year, years old, look, younger, tell, ,sing, truth, To tell you the truth.Understand and be able to read and say the dills:How old is he/she? He/She is years old. He/She looks Can understand and read the dialogue.Language skills:Children can ask questions about someones age.Children can talk about people of different ages.Can understand the text and read it in correct phonic.Some children can act out the dialogue.Some children can make a new dialogue.Emotion attitude:To tell the children taking care and helping others in need. Learning strategies: To train the childrens abilities of communication, be polite to ladies, to develop listening, speaking and reading skills.Culture awareness: To know different culture background between the east and west.Teaching emphasis:New words and the dialogue.Drills: How old is he/she? He/She is years old. He/She looks Teaching difficulties point:New words and the dialogue.Drills: How old is he/she? He/She is years old. He/She looks Teaching aids:Multimedia, a recorder, some pictures.Teaching procedure:Step 1:Warm-upGreetings and sing the song: “How old are you ?”Show some pictures and remind the children the situation of the new year party, and speak out what we met. The teacher try to induce the children to use “Whos ? Who are ? How old?”to ask questions about the pictures.Ask some kids to draw some articles we use for the new year party, then try to say them out in English. (Review the family tree.)Step 2:PresentationLook at the pictures and read out the words with the teacher.Ask the kids to take out the photos of the new year party, then let the students watch the screen and try to ask some questions.Lead the kids use these drills to ask questions: Whos? Whats job?How old?The teacher try to present the sentence: Are you ?Present the picture of the dialogue and then tell the children that alient Dim went to Jiamins house, and look at the photos of Jiamins family, What are they talking about? Lets listen and see.The teacher ask some questions about the dialogue then invite the kids to listen to the tape again, then try to answer the questions.Watch the dialogue again, try to understand the dialogue.Step 3:PractiseRead the text after the tape. Then read in groups/choral/roles.Read out the dialogue in groups, and help each other.Use this time to help the unable students.Kids sum up the key points of this lesson.Step 4:Development Act out the dialogue.Make a new dialogue(about the persons name, age, job, feature, hobby) and act it out .Step 5:HomeworkListen to the tape and make a new dialogue.教学后记: 本节课的教学设计从学生的学习生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、参与、合作与交流的学习方式,采用任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。在教学过程中我采用了以学生为中心的教学方法,使学生在整个学习过程中一直处于一种积极的主动的学习状态,即:学生与学生之间、教师与学生之间始终处于互动、合作的状态,以期达到在用中学和学中用的境界。 第五课时 云山小学王俊贤Song and rhyme ,PracticeTeaching Aims:Language knowledge:Can sing a new song and read a chant.Can review the words: holiday, photo, year, years old, look, younger, tell, ,sing, truth, To tell you the truth.Can review the drills:How old is he/she? He/She is years old. He/She looks To review vocabulary and expression describing peopleLanguage skills:To consolidate expressions used to talk about people.Children can ask questions about someones age.Children can talk about people of different ages.Emotion attitude:To tell the children taking care and helping others when they are in need. Affect:To tell the children dont ask the ladys age. Its a secret.Learning strategies: To train the childrens abilities of communication, be polite to ladies, to develop listening, speaking and reading skills.Culture awareness: To introduce culture and know different culture background between different countries.Teaching emphasis:Can sing a new song and read a chant.Children can ask questions about someones age.Children can talk about people of different ages.Teaching difficulties point:Can sing a new song and read a chant.Children can ask questions about someones age.Children can talk about people of different ages.Teaching aids:Multimedia, a recorder, some pictures, exercises paper.Teaching procedure:Step 1:Warm-upGreetings and sing the song: “My family”.play a guess game to review the words: (holiday, photo, year, years old, look, younger, tell, ,sing, truth, To tell you the truth.) and dills:(How old is he/she? He/She is years old. He/She looks ).Step 2:PresentationAct out the dialouge.Look at the pictures and say out the verb phrases.Look at the actions and guess what they are doing.Look at the pictures of some persons and try to describe his/her appearance.Show “the little woman” of the song, and ask the kids to describe this woman.Listen to the song.Sing after the tape.Show the funny fellow Mr Yellow, and talk about him.Listen to the rhyme about him.Read in pairs.Step 3:PractiseSing the song “the little woman”and read rhyme “Mr Yellow” in groups/choral/roles. Take out the exercise paper and finish it with the groups member.Family member:Name: Age:Job:Feature :Hobby:Use this time to help the unable students.Kids sum up the key points of this lesson.Step 4:Development Take out the winter holidays photos and make a new dialogue with with the groups member. (about the persons name, age, job, feature, hobby)Have a “Winter holidays photo show” Step 5:HomeworkDraw a picture of “Winter holidays photo show” and make a new dialogue (about the persons name, age, job, feature, hobby), then write it down on the paper.教学后记:本节课的教学设计从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,引导学生形成灵活多样的学习方式。或许由于紧张,刚开始授课的时候,学生不敢发言,声音小,课堂气氛不够活跃,我立刻采取了一些应对措施:让学生坐着发言,消除紧张心理;多用鼓励性语言。我没有直接指令学生:Please speak loudly,而是从另一个角度鼓励他们:You are brave! You can answer my questions loudly.渐渐地举手发言的人多了,声音也大了。利用看唱歌、做游戏这些有趣的活动形式,激发兴趣。注意自己的教态,让学生感受到真诚、平等和关爱。课的开始,我就说:Id like to be your friend. Would you like to be my friends?让学生感到我们是平等的。学生积极参加每一项活动,师生互动,配合默契。 第六课时 云山小学 朱月尘Content:本课是整个单元的复习课,本课书知识点素材取之于生活,与学生的习惯贴近。所以本课的学习内容较容易被学生接受,学习环节饱满而不枯燥,学生能学以致用。About kids|:四年级的孩子对英语学习的兴趣已经具有一定程度,但是仍然不能主动能动地在生活中运用所学;不会变所学习的为所拥有的;换一种说法就是未学会在主观思维中把二者


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