



英语口语中擅用提问来获取信息To get information in English, we can use words such as how, why, where, when, who, which, and what. These words are called WH words. Listen for the WH words in the dialogue.在英语中要获得信息,我们可以使用像how, why, where, when, who, which, and what这样的词。这些词被叫做WH词。仔细听下面的对话吧。- Good afternoon, 311. How can I help you?- Hello, I am planning a trip to New York City, and I need some information.- 下午好,311,我能为您做点什么?- 你好,我打算去纽约旅行,我需要一些信息。-Yes, when will you be arriving?-On April 1st. How can I get to Manhattan from the airport?- 好的,您什么时候到?- 4月1号,我从机场怎么到曼哈顿呢?-Which airport will you arrive at?-LaGuardia Airport.- 您抵达哪个机场呢?- 拉瓜地亚机场。-You can take M60.-Where in Manhattan does it go?- 您可以乘坐M60.- 这辆车是到曼哈顿的什么地方呢?- The M60 goes to the west side and the east side. When does your flight arrive?- At 10 am.- M60去西边和东边,您的飞机什么时候到达呢?- 上午十点。-The M60 leaves the airport every 8 minutes in the morning.-My last question: what color is the bus?- M60在机场上午每八分钟一班车。- 我最后一个问题是:这辆车是什么颜色的?-Blue and white. Now I have some questions for you. Who told you about 311, and why are you coming to New York City?-My friend told me about 311 and Im traveling to New York City for a job interview.- 蓝白相见的。现在我有几个问题想请问您,谁告诉您311号码的事情呢?您为什么要来纽约呢?- 我的朋友告诉我的,我要来纽约面试工作。-Enjoy your visit and good luck with the interview!-Thank you.- 祝您旅途愉快,面试顺利!- 谢谢。So remember, WH words can help


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