



What are they doing?一 AimsKnowledge aims: What are they doing?Theyre doing taijiquan.Enable the students to learn the four skill words::lets,interesting,thing,people,park,lake,row,boat,men,chess, dragon, hungry get on,lots of,look at2、Make the students observe things carefully and highlight their ability of using the language creatively.3、Emotion aims: Make the students love sports.二Key points and Difficult points:Key points: 1:句型“What are they doing? Theyre”,并能在情景中进行运用。2动词及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即ing形式.Difficult points:1实际情景中语言运用的能力。2动词ing形式.三Teaching tools:多媒体,录音机,挂图,象棋,水杯,动词和动词短语卡片和图片。四Teaching instrumentality:运用多媒体辅助教学。五Teaching steps:1Warm up 活动一:Sing an English song播放歌曲(课堂活动用书)What are you doing?的录音,让学生对这一句型有初步认识。活动二,口语练习 就学生所学过的内容进行日常交际,目的在于运用语言:T: How are you ? S:Im fine ,thank you. And how are you?T:Im fine, too.T: What are you doing?S:Im talking to you.2.Review活动三:词汇复习A利用课堂活动用书“lake, row a dragon boat, play chess, drink soybean milk, hungry”这六幅图,来让学生猜出图上的人们在干什么,同时也为了复习这些新单词,并让学生模仿这些动作,学生做动作,如,划船、下棋、喝豆浆、肚子饿等动作,使学生学得更容易。Teach:【chess】(look at my mouth and listen to me.)Students:【chess】 (yes ,you are good .) (竖起大拇指肯定)教学【hungry】单词时,(you say , you say , you say .边摸肚皮边学,有趣。)教学【park】时出示了美丽的公园图。教学【noodles】时让学生表演了吃面。教学【boat】时叫学生做划船动作B.教师说动词短语,学生做动作,扩充动词短语的练习,教师在黑板上写好两列词,让学生连线并进行问答练习。Match the phraseswatching a dragon boatplaying taijiquandrinking TVrow chessdoing soybean milk3.Presentation活动四,猜猜看T:展示课件,带领其他学生问“What are they doing?”S:用主要句型问答:“What are they doing? Theyre”T: Lets describe the pictures with the sentences in this lesson.活动五:句子接力学生五人一组,教师问各组的第一名学生hello,what are they doing?每组的第一名学生回答后转身问后面的学生:what are they doing? 依此类推,每名学生的回答不能与同组前面学生的回答重复,看哪个组最先完成游戏。T: hello,what are they doing? Talk about the pictures and then answer the question and ask the question one by one.S.T: Good boy, next one ,please活动六:试试看播放学生用书第一部分的录音,让学生完成听录音选图的练习。T: Listen to the type and answer the questions.1.They are rowing .2.They are playing .3.They are drinking .4.They are .(肚子饿的表情)活动七Lets play1做:“口型,猜句子”的游戏,教师指着黑板上的句子说:They are,提到动词短语时只作相应的口型,不发出声音,让学生看口型猜短语,把句子补充完整。2请两名学生上来,背对其他学生站好,台下任意一名学生问:What are they doing? 站在前面学生做动作其余学生回答:They are”活动八 Read and actT: Lets read and act. give you a few minutes to work in pairs看课本第一部分,学生两人一组问答练习,然后学生根据自己情况和准备好的图片,实物,改变对话内容,演习对话。让学生四人一组操练后,请几组学生上台表演。5.Summary活动,课堂活动用书,指导学生理解题目要求,Listen and number是按所听内容表明序号。让学生合上课本,描述每一幅图中的活动。Picture 3, doing taijiquan; Picture 5 rowing a dragon boat; Picture 6, playing chess; Picture 8, drinking soybean milk. 并用这些图中的动词短语用自已的话来描述出来。For example: in the park, there are lots of interestings things, some people are,some people are ,and some others are .Daming is hungry, he and Amy are going.六HomeworkRead the new words and the sentences.Describe the people in the par


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