



一、 选择Unit11, This book (contains) all the information you need.2, The government (restricts) the number of foreign cars that could be imported.3, As a teacher you should not show (favor) towards any of your students.4, Traffic is (regulated) by police at every intersection.5, How much do you (charge) for this pair of shoes?6, We can (leave off) now and return to work in the morning.7, That matter can be left (over) until our next morning.8, I learned that he was (on) sick leave from a government office.9, It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had even set eyes (on).10, Each week he tried to set (aside) a few dollars of his salary.Unit211, All this ceremony is just (for show); it doesnt mean a thing.12 , Bill is afraid to (show his face) since Tom threatens to beat him up.13, She has been behaving foolishly; I hope you will (bring her to senses).14, The classroom is 30 feet (in length) and 20 feet in breadth.15, Im leaving this job because Im tried of being (pushed around).16, After the rain, the orchard seems to have (burst into) blossom overnight.17, The two men stood (glaring at) each other, while the crowd looked on with amusement.18, When you have any problems in your studies, you can always (look to) John for help. Unit319, Theodore Roosevelt was a (versatile) man ; he was successful as a statesman, soldier.20, The small town has (undergone) many changes during last 10 years.21, The old farmer (survived) his wife, living until 105 years of ages.22, Poor eyesight is a (handicap) to many students.23, The wheat crop will be (decimated) with strong spring rains.24, The various parts of the essays do not adequately (interrelate).25, Hot weather (multiplies) the bacteria in the milk rapidly.26, If something very substantial is not done next month , he cannot (retain) his office.27, We sent him an invitation but he (declined).28, The lifeguard pulled the (inanimate) body out of the pool.Unit529, If you are to be accepted as a member of the club you must (abide) by its rules.30, (Even if) you dislike ancient monuments, Warrick Castle is worth a visit.31, The cites will to be (deflated) and the population distributed in villages.32, He gave a (distorted) account of what has happened.33, His speech (fermented) trouble among the works.34, The criminal was told he would be (immune) from punishment if he said what35, If you (strain) the elastic band any more, it will break.36, The Egyptians (inhabit) an area equal to France and Spain combines.37, He is (by no means) considered to be a great explorer.38, It was a long time before scientists could (penetrate) the mystery of the atom.二、VocabularyUnit1 1、In the past formerly 2、 Include embrace 3、man-made artificial4、control systematically regulate 5、exactly precisely 6、undesired unwanted 7、irrelevant extraneous 8、 having intense feeling passionate 9、aim toward be targeted to 10、not far away at hand 11、be charged for be send forUnit21. His criminal activities were finally uncovered.2. Scienctist from the two countries concurred to develop the vaccine.3. Lightning usually accompanies thunder.4. The bad weather frustrated our hopes of going out.5. She believes that she is not a good mother because she does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children.6. He is always switching from one job to an another.7. He just smiled and dismissed the story as mere rumor.8. The sudden noise distracted his mind from his painful memories. 9. The story can be adapted for use in schools. 10. That is what we assume ,but it is not esay to find evidence to prove it.11. She tried to probe into my mind and discover what I was thinking.12. She is too ambitious to remain in a subordinate position for long in the company.Unit3 1、Containing many detailed parts and thus difficult to understand intricate2、Nearly correct but not exactly approximately3、A sudden shaking of the Earths surface earthquake4、Having many different kinds of skills or abilities versatile5、Standing apart, separate as is to be alone isolated6、The opposite in position; the other way around reverse7、In addition to; also as well as8、Depending on each other; necessary to each other interdependent9、Increase in number by giving birth to offspring multiply10、Eat something in order to stay alive or subsist live on11、Destroy completely kill off12、Not in its exact or accurate position out of true13、Provide with proper or necessary skills, knowledge etc. quality14、(not) in any way (not) at all15、As a result from a natural impulse or tendency spontaneouslyUnit4A.1、The meeting dragged on2、The party broke up3、We dropped by the club to see if Bill was there4、No matter what we talk about, Jim always drags in politics5、Britain has dropped behind Japan as a producer of cheap cotton fabrics6、Gradually his strength failed and he dropped behind in the race7、Scientists hope to break through8、Several friends dropped in9、A big fire broke out10、If you hadnt broken in,11、The cold winter dragged on12、Why must you always drag this subject in13、Please drop by 14、They dragged out15、The children seem to have been dragged up16、Several painters in the exhibition have broken with17、He tried to cope with the ever-increasing burden of his work, but finally he broke down18、He broke off19、It is difficult to break away20、Well, drop inB.Prime constantly intervals at arms length come off get over yield put into operation challenging resort to swarming with take inUnit51、Learn and discover (a fact that was hidden) find out2、A group of people living together by shared interests, religion, etc. community3、Change into something of different form or properties convert4、Have a clear meaning wake sense5、A state of very strong feeling, esp. of joy and happiness ecstasy6、Take the place of replace7、to some extent; somewhat more or less8、at the lowest estimate or figure at least9、not easily managed; hard to treat, relieve, or cure intractable10、understand; figure out the meaning of make out三、完形Unit1 even, as, that, won, annually, by, they, virtual, because, simply, across, still, exactly, concern, response, access, to, led, between, placeUnit2 viewed, almost, even, lower, means, reality ,become, like, grow, proving, status, afford, faced, necessarily, disciplined, longer, own, schedule, talking, until.Unit3 been, raise, spread out, dying of, began, caused, According to, up to, as, unusual, be linked to, of course, however, came into, ranging. Unit4 former, among, purpose, for, serves, strengthened, official, majority, heavily, similar, extends, through, limits, adds, familiar, ways, and, ability, as, means.Unit5 quantitatively, make up, at least, unlikely, even if, greater than, common-sense, turn out to be, increases, in the direction of, complains, the Theory of Relativity, close to, so far as, not only四,翻译:Unit11、一种真正的市场型理模式很快成为可能。在信息空间,我们将能够检验并完善所需要的管理制度-知识产权制度、服务内容与使用权的控制制度、个人隐私权与自由言论制度等。有些群体允许任何人加入,而有些则只允许符合这样或那样条件的人加入。能够自持的群体会兴旺发展(或许也会因为志趣与身份日趋特殊,而发展成为几个分支)。有些群体或因为成员失去兴趣,或因为成员被吓跑而不能幸存下来,他们将渐渐委琐消亡。Unit22、一旦问题得到理解,情况自然有所改善。那些通常因丈夫不倾听或不谈论每天发生的事情而感到被遗弃、感到丧失生活乐趣的女性会高兴的发现,她们的丈夫一旦知道了不起眼的谈话在女性关系中的地位后,正努力地在适应。如果丈夫不适应,妻子仍然能够得到安慰,因为她知道,对男人来说,这不是不亲密的表现。当妻子接受了男女存在区别这一事实后,便会去找自己的朋友或家人说一说话。那些不能够给予妻子谈话快乐的丈夫,也不应该觉得妻子提出了无理要求。仍然会有一些夫妻决定离婚,但起码他们的决定是建立在比较现实的期望基础上的。Unit33、在地球形成的初期,上面很可能没有我们今天称之为海洋和大气层之类的东西。4、在20亿到30亿年期间,一部分地球表面的水在太阳能的作用下,形成了结构复杂的化合物,这些化合物灵活多变,足以形成我们称之为“生命”的东西。5、整个星球是一种由无机部分和各种各样的有机生命构成的生命形式(正如我们自己的身体,既是由各种各样的有机部分构成,又是由骨骼中的无机晶体和血液中的无机水分所构成)。6、同样,从全球的规模考虑,砍掉一整片森林在总体上不会对地球生命构成威胁,但是这样做会对该地区的生态形式造成严重的影响,甚至会造成水的流失,从而引起地质结构的细微变化。7、如果排除外界的干扰,食肉动物


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