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Unit4 Making the Newsoffer sb sthprovide sb with sthprovide sth for sbdo some research (on sth) 作调查,研究work experience 工作经历 enthusiasm for the job 对工作的热情 unforgettable moments 难忘的时刻be to do 表将来be about to do 不能与表示将来概念的时间状语连用eg: We are about to start tomorrow. ()go out on a story= go out to cover a story 出去采访新闻 on + 名词 与 come/go 连用,表目的,去做某事a professional photographer 一位专业摄影师 take photographs 拍照片by profession 作为职业eager: be eager to do sth 渴望做某事be eager for/ about/ after sth be eager that +从句 concentrate on= be absorbed in 聚精会神 later on 之后take a course at university 在大学专修一门课程be of +抽象名词= 形容词be of interest= interesting be of importance= importantacquire all the information you need to know 获得你需要的所有信息have a nose for a story 对新闻有非常敏感的“嗅觉”have a nose for 具有探查或发现某事物的能力 have an eye for 对有鉴别能力have an ear for 对听觉灵敏find out the missing part of the story 查明新闻遗漏部分tell the whole truth说出全部真相 depend on依赖a trick of the trade 行业诀窍get sth straight 使某事准确无误accuse sb. of sth= charge sb. with sth指控某人做某事get the wrong end of the stick 完全搞错了this is how the story goes 事情是这样的so as to为了 (不能放在句首)be supposed to have done 理应做过某事arrange an interview 安排采访get a scoop 抢独家新闻case:in case +句子 以防,万一in case of +n/n短语 以防,万一in no case 决不(放在句首要部分倒装)in any case 不管怎样in this/ that case 如果这样/那样by accident= by chance 偶然,无意 deliberately = on purpose = by design故意defendagainst/ from 防卫以免于seldom, rarely, hardly, barely, scarcely 很少,几乎不 ahead of 在之前;超过set to work= get down to work着手工作 此处work 均为名词,to 均为介词wasted words or phrases 无用的话design the main headline and smaller heading 设计主标题和副标题polish the style 润色语言风格write a good front page article 写一篇很好的头版文章be processed into negatives 被印制成胶片last of all最后work on 从事printing process 印刷过程make/ fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会have no intention of doing sth 没有意图做某事avoid doing; admit doingWhat are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have?一个好的新闻记者需具有什么品质?Not till you are more experienced!等你积累一些经验才行!Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.周阳决不会忘记他在中国日报报社第一天上班的工作任务。What the first day would be like, and how you would feel if you were to work for a famous newspaper or company?此句为对将来时态的虚拟相关时态 从句形式 主句形式表现在 过去式;were would/could/should/might +v原表过去had +v-ed would/could/should/might +have done表将来 过去式;were to do; should +v原 would/could/should/might +v原 美国习惯用语第八讲 to be led by the nose under your nose 今天我们要讲的习惯用语是和鼻子,也就是和nose这个字有关系的。鼻子是我们的嗅觉工具,也是我们的呼吸器官,是人体的一个重要组成部份。英语里有不少成语和俗语等习惯用语都和鼻子有联系的。比如to follow your nose是一直走的意思,或者是随着你闻到的味道去找什么东西,或什么地方。又比如to pay through the nose是指付出很高价钱。 在这次节目里,我们要介绍另外两个和鼻子有关的习惯用语。第一个是 to be led by the nose。To be led by the nose是一种很不愉快的经历。它的意思就是一个人全部在别人的控制之下,就像一头牲口被人用绳子牵着鼻子走一样。那末to be led by the nose在一般情况下的用法是怎么样的呢?下面这句话就是一个例子: 例句-1:Eds wife is a strong-minded woman and leads him around by the nose. 这句话的意思是:“埃德的太太是一个个性很强的人,埃德简直就是被她牵着鼻子走。” 下面我们再来举一个例子。这是一个爸爸在给他的儿子提供一些忠告: 例句-2:Remember, Son, dont let other people lead you around by the nose. Youll get along a lot better in life if you use your own judgment and do what you yourself think is the right thing. 这位爸爸说:“儿子,你可千万要记住不要让别人牵着你的鼻子走。要是你能用你自己的判断力,做你认为是对的事,那你的日子会过得好得多。” 下面我们要讲的一个词汇是 under your nose。举个例子来说吧:有一个人突然发现自己的眼镜找不着了,他到处找,楼上、楼下,找遍了家里每个角落还是找不到。最后,他的太太给他找到了。那眼镜就在他坐着看书的椅子旁边。他太太就会说: 例句-3:See, they were right under you nose all the time. 她说:“瞧,你的眼镜一直在你的鼻子底下。” Under your nose的意思也就是一样东西离你很近,但是,你就是没有看到。 我们再举个例子来说明under your nose的用法: 例句-4:Did you read in the paper how bold that robber was at the art museum? He cut three paintings from their frameds and walked out with them right under the nose of the guards. 这个人


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