



中译英题型训练1. Any student _, (被认为是违反了规定的) for example, by cheating, has to appear before a student court. 2. I think its high time we _ (把注意力转移到酒醉驾驶的危险上来) now. 3. Its no use _. (为犯下的错误而后悔)Just remember not to do it again.4. All flights being cancelled due to the severe snowstorm, many passengers _ (除了坐火车外毫无办法).5. Not having a good command of English can be _.(一个妨碍你实现目标的严重障碍)6. The value of houses in many big cities _ (翻了一番还多)since 1995.7. You _ (不应该在页边上写字)since the book belongs to the library.8. _,(在18世纪末就开始投入使用) this kind of energy had brought great convenience for human beings. 9. In no case _ (依靠父母)for all your life. 10. He doesnt dare to leave the house _.(唯恐被别人认出来)11. _, (由于挑食) he was not quite welcome when he was young. 12. He _, (对这里的人一定很熟悉)or he couldnt know everyones name here on his first day of arriving. 13. Id rather you _.(目前不要对此事发表任何评论)14. The concert usually takes place at the Peoples Square, _.(观众坐在地上)15. American women _ (被剥夺了选举权)until 1920 after many years of hard struggle. 16. But for _,(他们过高估计了房价) their investment of this year should have been profitable. 17. As an excellent graduate out of the university in August this year, he _ (就适应了工作环境)by this time of next year. 18. He _ (私下里可能会非常悲伤)though he is extremely cheerful in public. 19. Ten days ago the young man _ .(告诉老板说他打算辞职)20. The mother regretted that she had been so severe with her daughter, she _.(本应该忍住不发火的)21. Without that temporary working-site, the student _.(不可能按时完成设计)22. He is from a poor family, and has to _(向银行申请贷款)to finish his college education. 23. In general, _ (学生用于租房的费用)should be held to one-fifth of the total available for living expenses. 24. You should use your own judgment as to _(是开始工作还是攻读硕士学位)25. People had bought these houses under the illusion _.(房价会继续上升)26. Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent; _(总之, 我怎么夸奖他都不过分)27. Facing evidence beyond any dispute, she _.(供认偷了那台电脑)28. It is useful to be able to predict _.(价格在多大程度上影响供求关系)29. Were it not for their assistance, we _ (不会有资格)this honorable award right now. 30. Given _,(她不能辨别颜色) I am sure she is color-blind.31. Im _,(下定决心要完成任务) however hard it is. 32. It is obvious that this new rule is _.(毫无例外适用于任何人)33. As far as Chinese films are concerned, _.(没有人比他作出的贡献更大)34. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, even though _.(他们不需要遵循作息时间表)35. _, (无论遇到什么困难)well help one another to overcome them.36. It is vital that _ (募集到足够的钱)to fund the project. 37. It _ (直到天黑)she realized it was too late to go home. 38. Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert even if _.(这意味着排一整晚的队)39. The ability to store knowledge makes computers _.(与以往所发明的任何机器都不同)40. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave when _.(发生了一件事吸引了我的注意)41. The money is not sufficient to _(做所有需要做的事)42. Contrast may make something appear _.(比单独看的时候更漂亮)43. Many people _ (愿意冒那个险)in order to make big money.44. _,(到达之后的两周内) all foreigners had to register with the local police. 45. This famous company _.(在国内排名第五)46. Henry Fords introduction of the assembly line _.(大大减少了制造汽车的时间)47. Alice is a sensible person _.(从不做任何不合理的要求)48. You can have two courses for $10 in any one of these excellent restaurants, _.(其中大多数是本镇独有的)49. The chairman requested that the members _.(更认真地调查该问题)50. He was revising what he had written _.(以便使自己的想法更容易被理解)51. Had we _,(手头有足够的现金) we would have bought the apartment without hesitation. 52. _,(我们在学习中付出的努力越多)the better results we will get from it. 53. _, (不管你是20岁还是80岁)it is never too late to make every day interesting and inspiring. 54. In fact, it is advisable that _.(我们提前完成任务)55. He may be a little careless in his work but no one can _.(对他的领导能力提出质疑)56. Wed better struggle for the future _.(而不是为过去而懊悔)57. It is a waste of your life _.(如果只是为了赚钱而赚钱)58. _,(除了缺少经验) the crew faced various challenges during the production process. 59. I had _ (把找工作限制于)the IT industry and opportunities were limited. 60. Not only _ (这家工厂完成生产任务)last year, but it also doubled its output. 61. Young as he is, the child has developed the ability to look at things _.(从一个成年人的角度)62. We are a small class, which _.(是互动更加有趣)63. I appreciate _.(两年前给我的进修机会)64. I have to be careful of not falling into the trap of _.(把事情留到最后一分钟)65. Everybody, _,(不论其种族背景和宗教信仰是什么) has the right to go about his or her life free from threat and attack. 66. It is high time that you _(停止闲逛) and started looking for a job. 67. The time of day _(当你感觉最有精力的时候) is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak.68


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