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专业英语课程标准课程名称:专业英语课程代码:3030001课程类型:专业课学分:4计划学时:64实践课时比例:50%主要授课方式: 课堂讲授考核方式:考查适用专业:采购与供应管理先修课程:实用英语、采购管理实务、现代物流基础1. 概述 物流专业英语主要介绍物流专业英语方面的内容,是物流管理专业的一门专业课程。学生通过学习本门课程,可以了解物流领域的最新信息,掌握物流专业英语词汇,能够进行国际物流单证的填写和录入。成为知晓跨国物流运作、物流国际合作的外向型物流管理人才。1.1课程的性质 专业英语是现代物流专业的一门必修课,是一门集现代运输、信息网络、仓储管理、产品后道加工、营销策划等诸多内容的一门多学科、多领域的综合性管理学科。1.2课程设计理念专业英语课程设计的指导思想:遵循学生的专业认知规律,以认知行业、认识岗位、接受职业理念到养成基本职业素质的逻辑顺序,设计课程内容。适合包装技术与设计专业(物流技术方向)的人才培养目标,突出培养既熟练掌握英语又能从事对外工作的复合型人才。在课程内容实施过程中,紧密联系专业实际,使用项目导向、任务驱动等教学方法,融工作内容于课程内容,融社会能力和方法能力的培养于学习过程。旨在充分调动学生学习的积极性与主动性,激发学生深入学习本专业知识的热情,提高其英语的听、说、读、写能力。 1.3课程开发思路以学生的职业能力培养为重点,以行业企业的实际要求为导向,适应新时代的发展要求,充分体现职业性、实践性和开放性。物流是一个大工程,需要学生对物流有全面的认识。物流专业英语是采购与供应管理的专业课,对学生的就业有重要的影响。针对学生的特点,需要加强学生的专业基础,安排64个课时的学习,结合社会的最新现状,能够让学生对物流有更深刻的理解,同时提高学生的学习兴趣。2.课程目标本课程是为培养学生进行对外物流业务的能力,尤其是与外资企业交流和沟通能力而设置的课程,完成该课程学生将熟练掌握有关国外的一些物流知识,和具备从事现代物流管理业务操作的能力。21知识目标1. 了解国际物流发展的趋势;2. 理解英语常见句式;3. 掌握常用物流专业英语词汇;4. 掌握国际物流单证的填写方法。22能力目标1. 能够识别基本的物流专业英语词汇;2. 能够阅读英文物流专业资料;3. 能够正确填写和录入国际物流单证;4. 能够进行日常因为物流业务文书。23素质目标1. 具备自主学习专业知识的能力;3. 具备独立的调查、分析与整理资料能力;4. 具备团队合作能力;5. 能够正确评价自己与他人的能力。3.课程内容和要求根据专业课程目标和涵盖的工作任务要求,确定课程内容和要求,说明学生应获得的知识、技能与态度。学习情景工作任务知识要求技能要求学时安排1. Logistics1.1 The Definition To learn about the production and changes of logistics;enterprise; To grasp the functions and effect of logistics. To know the logistics; To know the basic functional elements of logistics;361.2 Components of a Logistics System To understand the fundamental component of logistics; To understand the mode of operation of logistics To identify the basic logistics words; Be able to read the materials about logistics。32.Packaging2.1 Packaging MaterialsTo understand the packaging materials To distinguish packaging materials382.2 Packaging TechnologyTo learn about the packaging technologiesTo be acquainted with packaging technologies32.3 Packaging InnovativeTo learn about the advantages and disadvantage of present packagingTo develop advanced packaging 23. Transportation3.1 Transportation FacilityTo learn about the definition and facility of transportationTo know the importance of transportation;383.2 The Transformation modes To learn about the types of transportation;Be able to select the proper types of transportation;23.3 Transformation Management To grasp the characteristic of transportation;To aim at effective transportation34. Inventory Management4.1 The Classification of WarehouseTo learn about the classification of warehouseTo learn about roles that inventory plays in the supply chain;284.2 Warehouse of equipmentTo grasp the methods of inventory planning and management; Be able to perform the warehousing activities;34.3 Inventory ManagementTo grasp the methods of the warehousing activities;To make out the meaning of efficient warehouse management. Be able to manage the inventory;35. Information Management5.1 Information LogisticsTo learn about the logistics information; To know the logistics information;285.2 Information WorkTo understand the details of logistics information management;To know the logistics information management;25.3 Information SystemTo grasp the mode of logistics information management.To choose the right mode of logistics information management。25.4 Information TechnologyTo grasp the information technologyTo use the information technology in logistics26. Container Logistics6.1 Container SystemTo grasp the definition of container systemTo master the effect of container system286.2 ContainerTo grasp the different kinds of containersTo recognize containers26.3 Container LogisticsTo grasp the definition and advantages of container logisticsTo master the freight cost of container logistics47. Distribution Center7.1 Distribution CenterTo learn about the meaning of the distribution; Be able to calculate the cost of distributionTo know the meaning of reasonable transportation。Be able to design the distribution center。367.2 The ABC Catering Services Ltd.To learn about the ABC Catering Services Ltd.To learn the good points from it38. Logistics Document8.1 Business Correspondence To learn about the concept of logistics documents; To grasp the types of logistics documents; Be familiar with the types of logistics documents;388.2 E-Logistics DocumentTo learn about the E-logistics documentBe able to do E-logistics documents;38.3 Financial StatementsTo learn about Financial StatementsBe able to manage the logistics documents2机动4合计644.课程实施和建议4.1教学方法和教学手段411教学方法:物流英语课程遵循语言类专业的学科规律,根据物流岗位的需求调整、更新教学内容,确立了“以英语为手段,以实践为主线”的课程教学模式。授课方式包括理论讲授、案例分析、习题课、课内、校内、校外实训实习等。应用多媒体手段,以模拟法、案例法、交际法等方式,突出物流的业务流程,力图提高学生在物流业务中各环节中英语的应用能力。412教学手段在教学手段方面,应用多媒体教学,逐步采用现代化教学手段,充分利用实训室、相关软件等资料提高教学效果。在此基础上进一步开展模拟教学、案例教学等教学方法。 4.2教学评价学习情景工作任务知识要求评价方式评价比重1. Logistics1.1 The Definition To learn about the production and changes of logistics; To grasp the functions and effect of logistics. To know the basic functional elements of logistics过程性评价:提问、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、简答等4%8%1.2 Components of a Logistics System To understand the fundamental component of logistics; To understand the mode of operation of logistics Be able to read the materials about logistics过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、简答等4%2.Packaging2.1 Packaging MaterialsTo understand the packaging materials; To distinguish packaging materials过程性评价:提问、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、案例分析题等5%14%2.2 Packaging TechnologyTo learn about the packaging technologies;To be acquainted with packaging technologies过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题等5%2.3 Packaging InnovativeTo learn about the advantages and disadvantage of present packaging;To develop advanced packaging 过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考选择题、问答等4%3. Transportation3.1 Transportation FacilityTo learn about the definition and facility of transportation;To know the importance of transportation过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、填空等5%12%3.2 The Transformation modes To learn about the types of transportation;Be able to select the proper types of transportation过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、简答题等3%3.3 Transformation Management To grasp the characteristic of transportation;To aim at effective transportation过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题等4%4. Inventory Management4.1 The Classification of WarehouseTo learn about the classification of warehouse;To learn about roles that inventory plays in the supply chain过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、填空等5%14%4.2 Warehouse of equipmentTo grasp the methods of inventory planning and management; Be able to perform the warehousing activities过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题等5%4.3 Inventory ManagementTo grasp the methods of the warehousing activities;To make out the meaning of efficient warehouse management;Be able to manage the inventory 过程性评价:提问、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、问答题等4%5. Information Management5.1 Information LogisticsTo learn about the logistics information;To know the logistics information过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、简答等4%15%5.2 Information WorkTo understand the details of logistics information management;To know the logistics information management过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、填空等4%5.3 Information SystemTo grasp the mode of logistics information management;To choose the right mode of logistics information management过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题等4%5.4 Information TechnologyTo grasp the information technology;To use the information technology in logistics过程性评价:提问、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、简答等3%6. Container Logistics6.1 Container SystemTo grasp the definition of container system; To master the effect of container system过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、简答题等4%15%6.2 ContainerTo grasp the different kinds of containers; To recognize containers过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、填空等5%6.3 Container LogisticsTo grasp the definition and advantages of container logistics;To master the freight cost of container logistics过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题等6%7. Distribution Center7.1 Distribution Center To learn about the meaning of the distribution; Be able to calculate the cost of distribution;Be able to design the distribution center。过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题、填空题等5%8%7.2 The ABC Catering Services Ltd.To learn about the ABC Catering Services Ltd.;To learn the good points from it过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题等3%8. Logistics Document8.1 Business Correspondence To learn about the concept of logistics documents; To grasp the types of logistics documents; Be familiar with the types of logistics documents过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、选择题等5%14%8.2 E-Logistics DocumentTo learn about the E-logistics document;Be able to do E-logistics documents;过程性评价:提问、案例分析、课后作业;总结性评价:卷考判断题、


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