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,Emotional Intelligence and why it is the Key to Leadership Success.,Colm Foster Executive Coach UCD Smurfit School,Phillip Matthews Director UCD Smurfit School,Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Leadership Success Presenter: Colm Foster Moderator: Phillip Matthews,AGENDA,What is Emotional Intelligence? Why is Emotional Intelligence important? How to develop Emotional Intelligence skills 25-30 minutes Questions and Answers 10-15 minutes,The need for Emotional Intelligence in Leadership,People cannot be managed into battle they have to be led,All people have leadership potential and responsibility,What have emotions got to do with this?,Turbulent times are high stress and emotion laden,The role of emotions in how we form impressions of the world around us,0,Pleasant,Unpleasant,High,FEELING,Low,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0,ENERGY,Brainstorm Inspire,Error Check Problem Diagnosis,Attack,Consensus Reflect,Joy,Anger,Sad,Content,The impact of emotions at work,Copyright ; ,IDENTIFY,USE,UNDERSTAND,MANAGE,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,What emotions are you, and others, experiencing?,How are these emotions directing and impacting thinking?,What caused these emotions? How might these emotions change?,How do you manage your emotions and others emotions?,Emotional intelligence is a measure of how well we deal with emotional issues,Mayer, Salovey & Caruso,Im interested in the concept, but wheres the evidence of success?,Strong links between EQ and business outcomes: Sales performance ( Met Life) Recruitment (US Air Force) Team work (cohesion and performance) Conflict resolution Negotiation outcomes Communication effectiveness,Can EQ be learned / improved ?,Improving EQ is possible but involves behaviour change Cognitively simple but behaviourally complex (common sense is not common practice) Behaviours are not learned cognitively, they are learned viscerally requires a different approach Requires self-awareness, EQ based feedback and motivated, purposeful action (over a sustained period) Leadership development is a life long journey,But, what can I start doing today?,Pay more attention to noticing emotions in yourself and others identify your blindspots Increase your emotional bandwidth stay with uncomfortable emotions for longer Increase your understanding of the role of emotions Include emotional information in action / scenario planning,FURTHER READING & USEFUL LINKS The Emotionally Intelligent Manager Caruso & Salovey, Emotional Capitalists, Martyn Newman Descartes Error, Antonio Damasio,QUESTIONS & ANSWERS,Thank you for your participation today. For more information on our High I


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