



Section Writing图表类调查报告写作技法指导图表类作文要求学生通过图表中的数据和提示内容写一篇短文。写作时要注意以下三个方面:1认真读图表,明确图表所体现的信息。2学会看数据、看趋势、找规律,从整体上看图表各数据之间有何不同、有何变化,找出特点、规律。3合理、科学地使用图表中的信息,使文章“由图而发,由表而来”,有理有据。1We have made a survey about.我们做了一个关于的调查。2In order to work out/find out/.we made a survey.为了查明我们做了一个调查。3The survey we made recently shows that.我们最近做的调查表明4Recently I have conducted a survey.最近我们做了一个调查5We can see from the graph that.从示意图我们可以看出6As can be seen from the chart.从图表我们可以看出7As far as I am concerned,I hold the point of view that.依我看来,我坚持的观点是8We can make a conclusion that.我们可以得出一个结论满分佳作构建下面是某高中对150名高三学生睡眠时间不足及其原因所做调查的结果。请根据图1提供的信息描述高三学生的睡眠情况,并针对图2中任何一个数据所反映的情况分析原因,并提出你的看法。参考词汇:图表chart高三学生每天的睡眠情况图1高三学生睡眠不足的原因所占比例图2体裁调查报告时态一般现在时为主主题高三学生睡眠情况人称第一人称为主结构首段:分析图片;第二段:发表自己的看法。.对接单元词汇1make a survey做调查2have enough sleep 有足够睡眠3stay up late studying hard 熬夜学习4feel more refreshed 感到更清醒5make the best of daytime 充分利用白天时间6in an effective way 用更有效的方式.巧用单元句式、语法(一)完成句子1我们对150名一所高中的学生进行了关于高三学生每天能睡眠多长时间的调查。We have made a survey recently about how much time Senior 3 students can sleep every day among 150 students in a senior high school.2我认为我们晚上应该睡好,醒来感到更精神。I think we should sleep well at night and wake up feeling more refreshed(二)句式升级3The result show that sixtytwo percent of the students sleep for just less than seven hours each day.Thirtyseven percent of them can sleep for seven to eight hours.(用适当的连词合并句子)The result show that sixtytwo percent of the students sleep for just less than seven hours each day,while thirtyseven percent of them can sleep for seven to eight hours.4We can learn the reason.Most Senior 3 students dont have enough sleep for the reason.(用定语从句合并句子)We can learn the reason why most Senior 3 students dont have enough sleep. 【参考范文】We have made a survey recently about how much time Senior 3 students can sleep every day among 150 students in a senior high school.It shows that sixtytwo percent of the students sleep for less than seven hours each day,while thirtyseven percent seven to eight hours.However,only one percent over eight hours.We can conclude most of Senior 3 students dont have enough sleep.From the chart,we learn the reasons.One is that thirtyfive percent of the students stay up late studying hard.I think w


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