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(之活动介绍类),高考专项:,Basic writing,1. 活动介绍的写作一般使用将来时或一般过去时, 第一句往往要清楚说明活动举办的意义和内容,时间和地点,考生应该注意表达时间和地点的介词使用。 2. 活动安排的应用文多属于通知类, 其给出的中文提示往往隐藏主语, 考生可以考虑使用祈使句或者被动语态。,(2009年深圳二模) 为迎接6月5日“世界环境日”,学校学生会准备举行一次以环保为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下内容写一个书面通知, 欢迎大家积极参与。 写作内容,例题导写 认真审题。活动安排属于应用文范畴, 写作的时候一般使用将来时或者祈使句。这一类应用文最重要的是把活动的目的、时间、地点、报名方式等信息清楚地传达给大家, 并且最后呼吁大家参加活动。,信息重组。第一个句子表述活动的背景、目的和内容。第二句是交待清楚活动举办的时间和地点。第三句是报名的方式和报名的截止日期。第四句是评奖方式。最后一句则是号召大家参加活动。 1.学生会将要举办一次演讲比赛,主题为“保护环境,节约能源”,目的是增长环保知识和提高英语口语。,2. 演讲比赛将在6月5日星期五下午4: 00-5:30, 教学楼五楼演讲大厅举办。 3. 参赛者需要在5月25日前在studentcenter 163.com上报名。 4. 比赛将评选出一等奖3名, 二等奖6名, 三等奖12名。 5. 希望大家积极参与比赛。,翻译句子。将分好的五组信息翻译成英语, 并各自用一句话来表达。 词语翻译 翻译或完成下例短语。 句1: (1)增长环保知识: _ _,gain / enrich / increase our knowledge about the environment,(2)保护环境: _ (3)节约能源: _ (4)表示目的的短语: _ _,protect our environment,save energy,句2: (5)在6月5日星期五下午4: 00-5: 30:_ 4: 00 p.m. _5: 30 p.m., _ Friday June 5th (6) 教学楼:_,on,from,teaching/classroom building,to,(7) 在五楼:_ the 5th floor (8) 演讲大厅:_ 句3: (9) 参加比赛的人:_ _,on,the lecture hall,(10) 在5月25日前:_ May 25th (11) 在上:_ (12) 报名:_,sign up for / enter for,before,at,句4: (13) 三个一等奖: _ 句5: (14) 欢迎参加:_ _,three first prizes,难句翻译 翻译下列每组句子并合并成一句。 句1:(1) 为了增长我们的环保知识, 提高英语口语, 学生会将要举办一个演讲比赛; (1)The Students Union is going to organize an English-speaking contest to increase our knowledge about the environment and improve our spoken English. (2) 演讲的主题是“保护环境, 节约能源”。 (2)The theme of the contest is: “Protect our environment and save our energy”.,合并: The Students Union is going to organize an English-speaking contest, the theme of which / whose theme is: “Protect our environment and save our energy” to increase our knowledge about the environment and improve our spoken English. (定语从句),句4: (1)大赛将评出多个奖项。 (1) Lots of prizes will be delivered for the contest. (2) 将会有3个一等奖, 6个二等奖和12个三等奖。 (2) There are three first prizes, six second and twelve third ones.,合并:Lots of prizes will be delivered for the contest, including three first prizes, six second and twelve third ones.(介词),Notice World Environment Day is approaching, so the Students Union is going to organize an English-speaking contest, whose theme is to Protect our environment and save our energy so as to increase our knowledge about the environment and improve our spoken English. The contest will be held in the Lecture Hall on the 5th floor in the teaching building from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., on Friday June 5th.,Those who want to participate in the contest are supposed to sign up at studentcenter 163. com before May 25th. Lots of prizes will be delivered for the contest, including three first prizes, six second and twelve third ones. Dear fellow schoolmates, you are warmly welcome to be there and thanks for your participation. The Students Union,能力提高 1. 为了提高我们的环保意识, 我们将会邀请中山大学的李教授给我们开展一个关于环境问题的讲座, 他将会给我们讲述近年来广州的环境污染问题。,In order to arouse our awareness of environmental protection /With the purpose of arousing our awareness of environmental protection, we will invite Dr. Li from Sun Yat-sen University to give us a wonderful lecture about the environment problem and /where he will also tell us about the pollution of environment in recent years in Guangzhou.,2. 我们很荣幸请来了何教授在本周五下午4: 00-5: 00给我们讲述关于中西方文化差异的讲座, 讲座将会在学校体育馆开展。,2. We have the great honor to have invited Professor He to give us a wonderful lecture about the differences between eastern and western cultures this Friday afternoon, which will be held in the school stadium between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.,3. 请大家做好笔记, 这次讲座将会帮助我们为下周的演讲比赛做好充分的准备。,Everyone should make full notes, because this lecture can help us make good preparations for the coming speech competition next week. / Everyone should make full notes in this lecture, which can fully prepare us for the coming speech competition next week. / Everyone should make full notes in this lecture so that he can be fully prepared for the coming speech competition next week.,4. 所有的学生将要在本周六早上8:30在学校门口集合。,4. All the students should gather at the gate of our school at 8:30 a.m.,你们学校正在开展读书月活动, 英语科组举办了一个名为“青春校园”的英语写作大赛。假设你是这个活动的组织者, 请你根据以下内容写一个书面通知, 欢迎大家积极参与。,写作内容略,参考范文 In order to promote the campus culture, our school is going to hold an English writing activity called “Youth Campus”, which also aims to arouse our interest in learning English and develop our ability in English writing. Anyone who is interested in it can attend the lecture given by Mr. He at 3:00 p.m. on Nov. 2nd in the school auditorium hall, where students can learn a lot of writing skills and ask Mr. He questions about writing.,Students are encouraged to enter for the writing competition. The participants should send their own compositions to 1431163.com before Nov. 20th and they can also know more details at . cn / comp. Every student are welcome to join us, and dont miss the deadline.,精华点评,这篇通知的内容比较多, 考生在写作的过程中要先思考信息点的划分和句子的连接。如活动的目的有三点, 如果考生用in order to把三点都囊括了, 这个句子就会头重脚轻, 显得累赘, 因此范文用了一个定语从句which aims to do.来解决这个问题, 使句子显得更灵活。,为了避免句型结构的重复, 考生可以考虑句子的不同表达法。在鼓励学生参加活动的三个句子中, 本范文用的句型都是不一样的, 如第二句的 “Anyone who is interested in it can.”(定语从句)和第三句的“Students are encouraged to.”(被动语态)。,你们学校将要组织所有高三学生在本周末参加一次郊游活动。假设你是这个活动的组织者, 请你根据以下内容写一个书面通知。,参考词汇:黄埔古港 Ancient port Whampoa黄埔军校 Whampoa Military Academy,参考范文 To help us get relaxed as well as knowing more about the history and culture of Guangzhou, our school is going to organize a trip for all the senior three students. We should gather at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. this Saturday, April 2nd, and then take a bus to Ancient port Whampoa.,We will have a visit to the ancient port and the museum, which have witnessed the development o


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