



/ / / /农机具推广与蔬菜种植技术Agricultural extension and vegetable planting technology 农机新机具、新技能在蔬菜培养和加工中的推行运用 这些年,农机化新技能在蔬菜的出产领域已得到广泛的运用: New agricultural machinery, new skills in vegetable cultivation and processing of the application of these years, agricultural new technology has been widely used in vegetable production areas: 种子处置机械化。完结了种子加工、包衣和包装机械化。节水灌溉自动化。先后开发和引入先进国家的温室灌溉设备,节水作用非常显着。耕整地机械化。小型耕整地机械的的推行,使广阔菜农从深重的体力劳动中摆脱出来。育苗精准化。经过播机完结蔬菜定穴育苗,也是精准农业的一个重要内容。低温保鲜储藏。经过自动化控制系统完结蔬菜低温保鲜和储藏。农机化技能在蔬菜业出产过程中得到遍及运用,农机部分以此为突破点,大力推行与本地相适应的蔬菜出产机械化技能。 Seed processing machinery. The end of seed processing, coating and packaging machinery. Water saving irrigation automation. Greenhouse irrigation equipment has developed and the introduction of advanced countries, water-saving effect is very significant. Tillage machine. Miniature tillage machine implementation, make broad farmers from the heavy manual labor. Seedling precision. After the end of vegetable seedling sowing machine fixed points, is also an important content of the precision agriculture. Low temperature storage. After the end of automation control system of low-temperature preservation and storage of vegetable. Agricultural production is generally use skills in the process of vegetable industry, agricultural machinery parts as a breakthrough point, vigorously promote and adapt to the local vegetable production mechanization skills. 小型耕整机在蔬菜出产中得到推行和运用小型耕整机体积小,重量轻,田间经过性好,配上多种功用的作业机具,可完结犁地、整平、开沟、起垄、培土、移栽等多项作业。格外合适蔬菜地和设备培养温室的大棚耕耘。从2006年开端,南盘江镇农机部分开端推行小型耕整机,当前在蔬菜基地得到运用,有合盛微耕机、嘉耕微耕机、宗申微耕机等3家厂商的4种类型的小型耕整机。 Miniature tillage machine in vegetable production in the promotion and application of miniature tillage machine has the advantages of small volume, light weight, good field after, with a variety of functions of the machine, can be completed, ditching, ridging plough, leveling, ridging, transplanting and many other operations. Particularly suitable for vegetable cultivation in greenhouse cultivation in greenhouse and equipment. From the beginning of 2006, the town of agricultural machinery parts start out small tillage machine, the current in the vegetable base is used, a small Gengzheng 4 types of Hesheng Weigeng machine, Jia tillage cultivator, Zongshen micro-farming machine 3 vendors. 低温储藏保鲜技能的推行,促进了蔬菜的采后增值蔬菜首要以鲜销为主,因为受储藏保鲜才能的约束,产后腐朽损耗和贱价兜售表象严峻。为下降鲜菜归纳丢失,反季节蔬菜培养区域通常在海拔800 m以上,年平均气温在20以下,天然冷源相对充分,所种的胡罗卜、白罗卜、大白菜等蔬菜对需要储藏的温度较高且较耐储藏。上级农机部分宣扬运用苯板做保温层,大棚膜做隔汽防潮层,库容在3050 m3,辅以功率在39 kw的小型制冷机组,在充分利用天然冷源的基础上,使微型简便仓库保持低而安稳的低温环境。 Low temperature storage technology promoted, promote the vegetable post-harvest value-added vegetables first to the sale of fresh, because constrained storage ability, postpartum decay loss and low price selling phenomenon serious. For fall vegetable induction loss, season vegetable cultivation area is usually in the above 800 m, the annual average temperature of 20, natural cold source is relatively full, the carrot, white radish, cabbage and other vegetables of high temperature storage needs and more resistant to storage. The superior agricultural part about using benzene board do heat preservation layer, greenhouse film do vapour moistureproof layer, storage capacity in 30 50 m3, with power in small refrigeration unit 3 9 kW, based on full use of natural cold source, the mini warehouse keep low temperature low and stable. 推行枯燥、脱水加工机械,向深加工开展跟着大家物质生活水平的进步,大家对果蔬高保鲜活、高养分、无污染的天然食物的需要越火急。蔬菜脱水深加工,是一项疾速、高效、牢靠、有用的新式现代农业产业化开展项目,并且在短时间内简单构成规划,辐射力强。首要经过对蔬菜清洁、常温风干、切片、蔬菜真空腌制、蔬菜真空包装、蔬菜巴氏灭菌、灭菌后风干来完结。 The dull, dehydrated processing machinery, to deep processing along with the development of living level of all material progress, we need to keep fresh fruits and vegetables high, high nutrient, no pollution of the natural food more urgent. Dehydrated vegetables processing, is a rapid, efficient, reliable, useful modern agricultural industrialization projects, and in a short time, simple structure, strong radiation. Mainly through to clean vegetables, dried at room temperature, slicing, vegetables, vacuum packaging, vacuum pickling vegetables vegetables pasteurization, sterilization after drying to the end. 当前,农机化技能在蔬菜业的推行运用尚处于初级阶段,要环绕高产、优质、高效3个重要方针,进步蔬菜业的机械化水平,是农技、农机部分的重要任务之一。 At present, agricultural skills in vegetable industry implementation is still i


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