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Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.单词闯关1.星期 n_ weekly adj.& adv._2人;个人 n_ personal adj._3improve v_ 改善 n_ selfimprovement n_4.meaning n_ 毫无意义的 adj._5discuss v_ 讨论n._6开始 v_ beginning n_短语互译1.改善我们的生活_ 2不同种类的_3关于;与有关系_ 4成为足球队的一员_5制订计划_ 6写下;记录下_7.make promises_ 8get back _9take up _ 10keep promises_11be able to do sth._ 12at the beginning of _句型在线1.然而,你对自己许下的承诺就叫作决心,其中最常见的一种就是新年计划。However, promises _ _ to yourself are resolutions, and _ _ _ kind is New Years resolutions. 2我们在新年伊始制订计划时,希望使我们的生活变得更好。When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we _ _ we are _ _ improve our lives. 3.许多决心与自我提高有关。 Many resolutions _ _ _ _ selfimprovement. 4尽管有差异,但大多数决心拥有一个共同的特点。_ there are differences, most resolutions have one thing_. 5有时这些决定可能太难而无法坚持。Sometimes the resolutions may be _ difficult _ keep.课文初探根据教材P45 2b 的内容判断正(T)误(F)。( )1. A resolution is a kind of promise.( )2. People like to make resolutions at the end of a year.( )3. The most common kind of resolution has to do with selfimprovement.( )4. Although there are different kinds of resolutions, most of them have one thing in common.( )5. People make resolutions because they think they can keep them.1. be able to 能够 观察 He was able to ride a horse when he was six years old. 他六岁时就会骑马了。 探究 be able to后跟_,用于表示能力,有时可以和_进行同义转换。 辨析 can与be able tocan只有现在时和过去时,即can和could,没有人称和数的变化。be able to根据句子需要可以用于任何时态,如was able to, will be able to等。She said she could play the piano. 她说她会弹钢琴。If we change our seats, you will be able to see the blackboard clearly. 如果我们换座位,你就能够看清黑板。活学活用1.(1)改为同义句Can you solve the problem? Are you _ _ solve the problem?(2)单项填空Finish your homework first, and then youll _ surf the Internet for half an hour. A. can Bneed C. be able to Dmay2. promise n. 承诺;诺言v. 许诺;承诺 观察 Most of the time, we make promises to other people.大多数时候,我们对其他人作出承诺。She promised me (that) shed try her best to help him.她向我保证尽她最大的努力帮助他。探究 promise既可作名词,意为“承诺;诺言”;也可作动词,意为“许诺;承诺”。拓展 和promise相关的常用短语:make a promise许下诺言 keep ones promise遵守诺言break ones promise违背诺言,说话不算数promise to do sth.答应做某事活学活用2(1)I am going to do exercise for an hour every day.Thats great. Hope you keep your _Ajoke Bpromise Chobby Drule(2)2017武汉Linda is not coming for the party tonight.But she _!A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised3. beginning n. 开头;开端 观察 When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. 我们在新年伊始制订计划时,希望使我们的生活变得更好。探究 beginning是由begin双写末尾的n之后,再加上名词后缀ing构成的,意为“开头;开端”。_是固定搭配,意为“在开始”。拓展 beginner 作名词,意为“初学者”;begin 的同义词为start。活学活用3.(1)单项填空2017六盘水The young lady is a(n) _. Give her more time, and she can do it better.A. player B. beginner C. stranger Dofficer(2)用所给词的适当形式填空2017盐城At the _(begin) of the concert, Tan Dun played a piece of music with water. 4.write down 写下;记录下 观察 This is a new word. Please write it down. 这是一个生词,请把它记下来。The teacher asked us to write down these words/write these words down first. 老师要我们先把这些单词写下来。探究 write down意为“写下;记录下”,是“动词副词”结构的短语。当_作宾语时,放在down后面或两词中间皆可;当_作宾语时,需要用代词的宾格形式,且只能放在两词中间。如:write down your namewrite your name down,意为“写下你的名字”。拓展 常见的“动词down”短语小结:活学活用4. I cant stand the noise here. Could you please _ the loud music? I will do it right now. A. look down B. put down C. write down D. turn down5. take up (尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做 观察 Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like有些人也许会说他们打算开始一项爱好,比如He took up writing after graduation.毕业后他开始从事写作(工作)。探究 take up表示“学着做;开始做”,尤其指做以前没做过的事或作为消遣的方式。take up后面可跟名词或动名词。拓展 (1)take up还有“占用”之意。My mother asked me to move the table out of the room because it took up too much room.我妈妈要我把那张桌子搬出房间,因为它占用了太多空间。(2)常见的take短语如下:take off起飞;脱掉take away拿走;带走take out掏出;取出take down写下;记下take place发生take turns按顺序;轮流take part in参加take care of照顾活学活用5. (1)2017徐州The lake is very bigit _ three quarters of the area.A. puts up B. sets up C. takes up D. picks up(2)2017莱芜The minute Nancy saw paper cutting, she fell in love with it and _ as a hobby.A. picked it up B. looked it up C. took it up D. cheered it up6. discuss v. 讨论;商量 观察 Discuss the question with your partner.跟你的同伴讨论这个问题。探究 (1)discuss为动词,意为“讨论;商量”,构成短语discuss with sb.(about sth.),意为“(就某事)与某人讨论/商量”。(2)discuss的常见用法:discuss 后面接“疑问词to do sth.”作宾语。We are discussing how to get to the airport.我们正在讨论怎样去机场。discuss后面接宾语从句。They discussed what they could do.他们商量了他们能做什么。拓展 discuss 的名词形式为discussion。活学活用6.The students in my class are _(discuss) how to make cakes now.1. Many resolutions have to do with selfimprovement.许多决心与自我提高有关。探究 have to do with意为“与有关”。该结构由“have something to do with”变化而来,与之类似的结构有have nothing to do with,意为“与无关”。活学活用1. What made Jim unhappy?Maybe it had to _ his exam results.A. help with Btalk with C. do with Dplay with2. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.有时这些决定可能太难而无法坚持。探究 tooto意为“太而不能”,该结构可以与“sothat”进行转换,that后面接否定句。The boy is too young to go to school. The boy is so young that he cant go to school. 这个男孩太小,不能去上学。活学活用2听到这个好消息时,她激动得无法入睡。When she heard the good news, she was _ excited _ _ _ sleep.When she heard the good news, she was _ excited _ she couldnt go to sleep.详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1. week; 每周的(地)2. person; 个人的;私人的3. 改进;改善; improvement; 自我改进;自我提高4. 意义;意思; meaningless5. 讨论;商量; discussion6. begin; 开头;开端短语互译1. improve our lives 2.different kinds of3. have to do with 4.make the soccer team5. make a plan 6.write down7. 作出承诺 8.回来;返回9. 学着做;开始做 10.遵守诺言11. 能够做某事 12.在开始句型在线1. you make; the most common2. hope that; going to 3.have to do with4. Although; in common 5.too; to 课文初探15 TF


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