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天一大联考 20182019学年高中毕业班阶段性测试(四)英语考生注意:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将考生号条形码粘贴在答题卡上 的指定位置。2_回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦 干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有2分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19. 15.B.f9.18.C.9.15.答案是C。1. What does the man want?A. A door.B.A key.C. Some milk.2. What is the woman probably doing?A.Taking a picture.B.Enjoying a fountain.C. Climbing mountains.3. What advice does the woman give the man?A.Run fast.B.Take mild exercise.C. Run slowly for long.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.ghost.B.A film.C. A story.5. What is the man most probably?A.policeman.B.A teacher.C. A doctor.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中.所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers doing?A.Preparing for a meal.B.Making some dishes.C. Talking about a recipe.7. What do the speakers need to buy?A. Cheese and potatoes.B.Onions and pepper.C. Mushrooms and butter.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What is the party for?A. Johns birthday.B.Christmas. C. Johnswedding.9. What do we know about the man?A. He11 go to the party with the woman.B. He has told Anna to keep a secret.C. He looks forward to visiting the woman.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Who is making the telephone call?A. Lewis Brothers,B.Oliver Martin. C. Mark Hanson.11.What has the man failed to receive?A. The price lists.B.The brochures. C. The invitation cards.12. When did the man place the order?A. About 15 days ago.B.About 30 days ago. C. About 40 days ago.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Grandpa and Granddaughter.C. Boss and secretary.14. What does the man think of the typewriter?A. Slow.B.Unreliable. C.OK.15.What once caused the loss of papers?A. There wasapower cut. B.The batteryrandown.C. The computer was taken away.16.How did the man finish the paper?A. He used a typewriter.B. He used a word processor.C. He used a computer.听第10段材料/回答第17至20题。17. What is the talk about?A. SpokenEnglish.B.Practical English. C. Listening English. 18. How many activities does the speaker suggest?A. Two.B.Three. C. Four.19. Why does the speaker recommend reading books?A. It is a popular way to improve one s English.B. It is interesting and books have different levels.C. It is the most beneficial to English learning.20. What does the speaker think of watching the news in English?A. It is too boring to secondary school students.B. It is more useful to advanced English learners.C. It can help students learn how to use body language第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AGreat American Song ContestContest Rules & Entry : This annual event is designed for amateur and semi-pro (半职业)songwriters only. Songwriters who earn over $10,000 annually from song publishing royalties(版税)do not have qualifications. Amateur and semi-pro songwriters from all nations of the world are invited to participate in the Great American Song Contest. Song lyrics(歌词)may be in any language. Please include an English translation. All participants will be sent an entry confirmation and a judging schedule when their songs are received and processed. This year s deadline is March 5, 2019. Online submissions must be received by this date. Mailed submissions must be postmarked (盖由P戳)by this date.岭An entry fee of $30 is required for each entered song. After the first two entries,the entry fee drops to $25 for each additional song. If the same song is entered in multiple categories,each requires a separate entry fee.Prizes & Benefits ; Grand Prize Winner receives $1,000 in cash; each First Prize Winner receives $500 in cash. In addition, all winners receive a free membership to TAXI Independent A&R Company $300 value! Unlike those highly competitive “big cash prize” contests, which receive 20,000 to 30,000 entries each year but reward only a few, the Great American Song Contest offers a clear benefit to everyone who enters. Songwriters can get their songs heard and get feedback from knowledgeable music-industry professionals. That s because the Great American Song Contest offers this opportunity and unique guarantee:All participating songwriters receive written opinions on their songs from experienced music-industry professionals!21. What can we know from the contest rules?A. Song lyrics must be written in English only.B. All songwriters can not take part in the contest.C. All submissions must be received by the deadline.D. Not all participants will receive a judging schedule.22. How much should a songwriter pay for his three entries?A. $75.B. $80.C.$85.D.$90.23. What,s an advantage of the Great American Song Contest?A.More cash for every prize.B.Quicker confirmation.A larger number of entries.D.Written comments onentries.B I work for a big store and today a group of soldiers came into the store on their way to Bridgeport. A customer came to me and said that she wanted to pay for all that the soldiers wanted to buy. All of them! She asked how it could be done so that she could be anonymous (匿名的). I told her that she could buy a gift card and that I would open up a register and just ring all of them up on one ticket. She agreed and wondered how much of a card to buy, $500 or $600. Looking around and seeing that they were just buying sandwiches and drinks, I thought that was too much. She ended up purchasing one for $300 and said if there was anything left, she would come back in at a later date to pick it up. I opened a register and announced for all soldiers to come through check stand No. 1. The customer quickly left the store. As the young men and women began to come through with their purchases, they all had their wallets out and I got to tell them that all their purchases had been paid for! I let them know where the generosity came from and they all said thank you and addressed me as, Sir. As it turned out, that was only a small portion of the military that was about to enter our store. They just kept coming and coming. Other members of our community saw what was going on and that the tab (待付账单)had easily surpassed (超过)the $300 and began handing me money to cover the rest. The total tab ended up well over double what the amazing customer started with her contribution. However, after accepting the rest of the funds from the other generous donations, there was still over $230 left. I was deeply moved by people s love and support for those who serve our country.24. Why did the customer buy a gift card for just $300?A.She thought that would be enough. B. She didnt have more money with her. C.She was not so satisfied with the author.D. She would come back later to pay more.25. How did the soldiers feel after being told that all their purchases were paid for?A. Nervous but joyful. B. Shocked and angry.C. Frightened but satisfied. D. Surprised and grateful.26. Who paid for the rest part of the tab?A.The soldier who came last. B.Other members of the community.C.The owner of the store and the author. D.The woman who had bought the gift card.27.What can be the best title for the text?A.TheGoodReturnsforGoodPeople B.The Snow-ball Effect of One Good DeedC.The GoodDeedofaShopAssistantD.The Popularity of Soldiers Among Common People CC Wildlife officials in Utah have been stocking their remote mountain lakes by dropping fish from airplanes since 1956. And on Aug. 21, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources( DWR) shared a video of them doing just that. In the video, the small fish erupt from the bottom of an airplane into the water. It might seem like the fall from the plane would result in a fatal (致命的)end for the fish, but the Utah DWR explained that at least 95 percent of the fish are expected to survive. “ Thats because the young fish are so sixiallonly 1 to 3 inches(2.5 to 7.6 centimeters)long一that they fall to the water like leaves,”said Phil Tuttle, the outreach manager for the southern region office of the Utah DWR. “ Tbe pilot flies just above the tree line to drop the fish, or as low as possible while considering other natural barriers like cliffs and mountains,”Tuttle told Live Science in an email. Years of netting surveys(collecting fish in a net and counting them) and decades of recreational fishing suggest the fish do all right after the drop. Utah DWR staff members have also conducted netting surveys within minutes of a drop to check survival rates. More than 200 of Utahs remote mountain lakes are stocked every year using this aerial(航空的)fish-drop method. The lakes are often far from any road and can take a long time to reach by land, which makes land transports more stressful for the fish compared with aerial transports. Most of the stocked lakes would be fishless, were it not for the DWRs stocking efforts. The DWR primarily stocks lakes with sterile fish so they can control the population and minimize (减至最小)their impact on native wildlife species. The most common species to make these flights are various species of trout(鲑鱼).28.What is the possible reason for the high survival rate of the fish?A.Their thick skin.B.Theirsmallsize,C.Their strong body.D.Theirgoodappetite.29.How can Utah DWR get to know the survival rates of the fish?A. By doing netting surveys.B.By counting natural barriers. By recording the drop height.D.By holding fishing competitions. 30. Why do Wildlife officials in Utah drop fish from airplanes?5A. Its the cheapest way available.B.The lakes are unreachable by land.C.Its better for the fish than land transports.D. They want to train the fish in a special way.31. What does the underlined word “sterile” in the last paragraph probably mean?A.Fierce and aggressive. B.Unable to produce babies.C.Completely free from bacteria.D.Energetic and good at jumping.D Remember those slow snails you often see on the ground after a rainy day? Well, these animals have made headlines recently with an astonishing discovery by UCLA researchers who were able to transfer(转移)memories from one snail to another! They experimented with sea snails because they have impressive memory habits and large neurons (神经元)which make them easier to work with. Dr. David Glanzman, who led the experiment, believes that RNA located in our brain cells is responsible for long-term memory. This went against the well-established belief that long-termmemory was stored in the brains neuron synapses (突触). For the experiment, scientists trained certain snails to develop a defensive reaction by contracting (收缩) whenever they were pushed. Originally, the action would last for a few seconds, but by consistently shocking the snails, their contracting period grew to last a lot longer, up to 50 seconds. Then, they took RNA from brain cells of the trained snails and put them in untrained cells. When these new cells were put back into the untpined snails,these sea snails started exhibiting immediate behaviors that were as if they had been trained to develop longdefensive reactions! This was shocking as these memories were extremely specific. This showed that RNA transfer might influence our memory by, finishing a memory transfer. David Glanzman believes once we get a deeper insight on how memory functions,it can help us better understand illnesses that are deeply affected by our memories and how we react to past experiences. However, Glanzman9 s experiment is still highly controversial as many believe that the human brain is )much more complex than those of the snails and that we may not find similar associations such as memory transfer. jThere)f is still much to discover about how our brains function and Glanzmans experiment just proves the mystical and interesting possibilities of the brain.32.Why did the researchers choose sea snails to experiment with? A. Their memories are stored in neuron synapses. B. Their RNA is responsible for long-term memory. C. Their memory is stronger than that of other animals.D.Their characteristics are suitable for the experiment.33. Which shows the correct order of the experiment stages?Put RNA into untrained brain cells.Untrained snails seem to have been trained.Trained snails show longer defensive period.Take RNA from the brain cells of trained snails.Certain snails are consistently pushed.Put cells with trained RNA into untrained snails.A.B.C. D.34. In what field does David Glanzman think his experiment might be useful?A.Understanding past experiences.B.StrengtheningchildrensC.Learning about memory-related diseases.D.Improving other animals memory, memory habits.35. Many people disapprove of the conclusion of the experiment because .A. the human brain is much more complexB. some memories can never be transferredC. human memory has much more informationD. the human brain shouldnt be used in such experiments 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中 有两项为多余选项。 More than the challenge of fitting into a new culture,there are many benefits that a student can get with an exchange program. These benefits include : 1.Diverse academic opportunities. It s not actually the travel that students would love to study “abroad. 36 Instead,it will be an offering of diverse opportunities for the student. For example,the student will be able to experience the differences of teaching methods, educational formats and academic program offerings. 37_Studying in another country opens the student to different surroundings, which makes the student know about the countrys customs,people and regions. Knowing other culture also teaches the student how to be open-minded. Personality development. 38 Thus,the student needs to make decisions on his or her own and suffer the consequences or enjoy the fruits of that decision. With this, the student is taught how real life is, what it means to be responsible, and how being resourceful can help in his or her survival. Its no wonder that most students who returned after the exchange program were seen with significant improvement on their personal development. 39 So, why not let your child have the benefits of a student exchange program? Exchange programs or study-abroad programs are a great investment for the student. 40 Just imagine, by transforming students in a foreign country, the society is starting to build a new blood of more mature people who might just be able to create a better tomorrow for the generations to come.A. Improved protection of social rights.B. Better awareness of cultural differences.C. More importantly, it is helpful for the improvement of the society.D. Most of them are more confident and have better decision-making skills.E. The hosting school can also benefit by making a students dream come true.F. Although students really love traveling, studying is not a travel-fun activity at all times.G. Being an exchange student often means living far away from home and parental guidance.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 She didnt like any of us. As new teachers in the Emirati school,we Westerners greeted those old teachers, including her of course every day, but she 41 us. Whenever we saw her, she 42 eye contact with us. Herfriends had been fired from the school and we had been 43 in their places. That might be the 44 for it. One day, we had a secret-friend gifting and I drew her 45 from the box. That meant she was my secret friend. According to the rules, my 46 was to give her a gift and say something about her when we 47 acknowledged who our secret friends were. If you wished, you could 48 little gifts on your secret friends desk before the day of the “reveal(掲露)”. In the following several days, I sent three gifts altogether, but I wrote the messages to 49 the gifts in English. She needed to know her secret friend was a Westerner before the day of the “big reveal” so that she was 50 I wondered how she would 51 when she realized these were from one of the Westerners.Then came the day of the “reveal”. We all 52 in the staff meeting room and everyone was excited. She 53 music in the school and was 54 sending the morning assembly(集会)signal,so I said,“My secret friend is someone who bringsmusic to our ears everydayof theweek. ”I didnt even need to say her name,because everyone knew 55who I meant. She came forward with awarm and 56 smile.Shehugged me and kissedme onboth cheeks and gladly 57 my gifts. My dear friends, I 58my hand in friendshipand59I have been metwith love and friendship. We must have 60 in seeing the goodness in others.It is there and we may just need to show extra love to othe rewards.41. A. protectedB. pleasedC. scoldedD. ignored42. A. requiredB. madeC. avoidedD. brought43. A. employedB. draggedC. forcedD. judged44. A. reasonB. wishC. ruleD. result45.A. handB. fortuneC. nameD. gift46. A. errorB. excuseC. valueD.task47. A. publiclyB. privatelyC. regularlyD. loudly48. A. touchB. leaveC. appreciateD. examine49.A. coverB. polishC. accompanyD. exchange50. A. annoyedB. preparedC. limitedD. transformed51. A. quitB. forgi


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