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医学与生命伦理报道问题研究 Reporting bioethical issues in China,医学与生命伦理报道研修班 2008年3月31日,贾鹤鹏 科学与发展网络 (SciDev.Net),,作为记者,为什么要报道医学与生命伦理问题? As a journalist, why shall we bother to report bioethical and medical ethical issues?,,科研和卫生事业迅速进展,而相应的管理仍然有待提高 我们是社会进步的推动者 患者和受试者获得信息不畅,缺乏有组织的自我维护机制 我们是公益的维护者 公众有着很高的伦理诉求,对涉及伦理的报道饱含天然的兴趣 我们是价值的创造者 We are information communicators, public right defenders, and media value creators.,,但是我们并不是麻烦制造者。我们是科学家、医生和患者的朋友。关注伦理问题的报道并不意味着我们一定去报道那些有违伦理的事情,而是让我们的科学与医学报道涉及到伦理的维度。 Hospitals that participate in clinical trials may provide better patient care Arch Intern Med. 2008;1686:657-662 Clinical trial offers a unique opportunity to work with drugs they would otherwise have no access to. (Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News Mar 15 2008 (Vol. 28, No. 6) But we are not trouble-makers. Reporting bioethical issues does not mean focusing only on bioethical controversies. 医学与生命伦理实际上是医学与生命科学研究和实践的组成部分,关注伦理问题也就意味着我们在报道这两个领域中具有了更广泛的视角。,,在中国,媒体对广义的生命伦理的报道日渐增多。医学实践的各种领域中的伦理问题都得到了触及。(贾鹤鹏 2006) In China, more and more media reporting of bioethics. Various issues have become reporting targets. (Jia 2006),Titles like: 开生命玩笑 中国农民岂成外商试药小白鼠,,Searching bioethics and medical ethics in Baidu News in 2006 (生命伦理和医学伦理),,在检索并经过合并处理的700多篇文章中,医学实践的各种领域中的伦理问题都得到了触及。可以总结出特点如下/Among 700 articles selected with simple processing, the following features can be found: 伦理问题被广泛关注:ethical issues are widely concerned 选题比较广泛: a high variety of topics 报道非常及时: timely reporting 经常引用相关学者: frequently quoting bioethicists (in other reporting areas, there are no such reporting),,但是也存在一些问题/But there are problems. 一般性报道非常多,针对个案的很少,例如,有关干细胞研究中,只有不到20%的文章进行了专门的研究;/Too many general reporting, few on individual researches 在相同话题上重复性内容非常多,实际上非常缺乏独立报道,例如,有关黄禹锡的报道,没有发现一条新闻采访过韩国科学家/伦理学家。Few independent reporting. For example, in Chinese medias reporting on Hwangs case, no attempt has been made to interview South Korean people. 文章普遍缺乏精确性,换脸手术的伦理问题被广泛地报道,但是手术本身交待得很少。Scientifically less accurate.,,医学与生命伦理领域需要报道的重点问题/ deciding important ethical issues to report 值得报道的内容很多,大致可以分为最尖端的生物医学研究(尤其是涉及到遗传学)、争议最大的题材(治疗性胚胎干细胞研究等)、公众关注最多的题材(如医患关系)。 Many issues are news worthy, mostly those in the most advanced research areas, especially related to genetic researches, the most controversial topics, and the most concerned topics by the public, such as the relationship between doctors and patients.,,如何寻找和确定报道选题 ?/ Where to find news topics? 机构和通讯社新闻稿: Nature: Eurekalert Eurekalert中文网站: /zh/index.php 欧洲科研新闻网Alphagalileo 科学网:,,如何寻找和确定报道选题 ?/ Where to find news topics? ( 2 ) 2. 生命伦理与医学伦理专业刊物的论文 /Reading journal papers: 医学伦理学医学与哲学The American Journal of Bioethics 3. 与科学家、医生和专家交谈/Talking with scientists, doctors and experts 4. 聆听患者投诉(媒体热线)/ Hearing complaints 5. 在医学与科研进展的报道中考虑伦理的视角/Thinking ethical issues when reporting medical research and health issues. 6. 警惕不实宣传/Hyping treatment effects could often involve ethical issues. 7. 跟踪其它媒体的报道/Following other media (different to a typical science discovery, following other medias reporting always could produce new angles and resources.),,围绕选题如何确定采访对象及采访内容? Whom to interview, for what? 利益攸关者/Stakeholders are key 了解这个领域的科学家、医生和伦理学家/Scientists, doctors and ethicists who know the background 社会工作者 Activists/social workers 法律工作者和政府官员/Officials and lawyers,,与科学家、医生在伦理报道问题上进行沟通与交流/如何处理医学与生命伦理领域的专业问题 / Dealing with science and ethical theories 学习第一,论文优先/Study first, referring to peer-reviewed papers (论文中的伦理审查) 书生无畏/Do not fear professional knowledge 平等交流,不存芥蒂/Questioning, not challenging 不屈不挠,旁征博引/Persisting on key figures, but friendly, seeking wide references,,与病人或医学试验受试者沟通与交流/ 在报道医学与生命伦理的争议问题时,如何坚持中立客观态度 Dealing with patients or human subjects/Keeping neutral attitudes 关爱而非偏袒弱者/Caring but not favouring the disadvantaged 安慰但是不能承诺/ Comforting, but not promising 公私分明 / Separating reporting from personal caring 因势利导,取材均衡 / Taking sources from the injured, but not guided by them.,,如何通俗、生动地报道医学与生命伦理问题/ Making your stories understandable 1报道尽量基于人伦情理/Based your stories on common ethical sense 用法规武装自己的文章/Seeking legal bases 避免技术细节,适可而止,除非及其必要/Avoiding technical details 让人物讲话/Let stakeholders to tell the stories 灵活运用历史典故、比喻/ History and anecdotes always work 把故事读给老奶奶听/Read your story to grandma,,如何在报道医学与生命伦理争议的时候,避免法律纠纷 / Avoiding legal disputes 证据说话/Evidence, evidence, evidence 避免结论/Avoiding conclusive expression 内容准确(尤其涉及争议部分),文章均衡 / Accurate and balanced 政府态度必不可少 / Seeking official stance 让文中人物自己说话 / Let your figures speak,,如何使编辑部赞同开展医学与生命伦理方面的报道,包括争议性报道 / How to persuade editors 了解读者,了解自己的媒体/Know your readers, know your employers 先调查,再报稿 /investigating first, proposing (ideas) later 与权威专家保持密切联系, 增加话语分量 / Use experts opinions to persuade editors 了解竞争对手 / Know your media competitors 估量政治风险,把握文章尺度 / Evaluate political risks, know taboos, and grasp the degree of reporting,,本网站包含内容: 新闻 特写 评论 每周社论 档案库 声明 链接 反馈,The website contains News Feature articles Opinion articles Weekly editorial Dossiers (including commissioned policy briefs) Notices (including lists of meetings, grants and jobs) Links (e.g. to scientific organisations and journals) Feedback from users,SciDev.Net is funded by: 英国国际发展部 (DFID) 瑞典国际开发署 (Sida/SAREC) 加拿大国际发展研究中心 (IDRC) 荷兰外交部,,SciDev.Net is supported by the journals: 科学与发展网络由以下期刊支持:,科学传播电子指南/E-guide of Science Communidation,,Organize a science communication event/组织科学传播活动,,Workshop Science Journalists from East Asia/东亚科技记者研修班(20060313-0317),,,报道生命伦理的研修班/ Reporting Bioethics Workshop (Sept. 25-26, 2006),,,UK-China workshop on climate change reporting/中英气候变化报道研修班,Held in March 2007 with 100 participants from nationwide media. Mainly sponsored by Britis


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