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They all have contributed a lot to the studies of human communication; Relevance Theory, in particular, has been a widely accepted paradigm for researches on communication. But they are all bound to be confronted with great trouble owing to their assumed theoretical basis: utterance understanding is a process of inferring. .(小四号Times New Roman,字数大约150英文单词)Keywords(小四号Times New Roman加粗): utterance understanding; meaning inferring; prototypical meaning; cognitive activation (小四号Times New Roman)摘 要(黑体小二加粗,居中,段前段后各空0.5行)话语理解模式大致经历了代码模式、推理模式和明示推理模式三个阶段。这些模式从不同角度对人类交际提出了各自的解释和分析,为理解语言运用起到一定的积极作用,尤其是明示推理模式似乎已经成为语言学家和语言哲学家广泛接受的交际模式。但是这些模式在对语言运用的分析和解释上都不可避免地存在各自的不足和缺点;一个共同的症结就在于它们都将话语理解看成是一种推导过程,一味地追求对话语意义的推导,最终都陷入了困境。.(内容为宋体小四,与英文摘要对应)关键词(黑体小四加粗):话语理解;意义推导;原型意义;认知激活(宋体小四)II湖南涉外经济学院本科生毕业论文(设计)Contents(小二加粗,居中,段前段后各空0.5行)Abstract(四号,加粗)I摘要(四号,黑体加粗)IIIntroduction(四号,加粗)1Chapter 1 (四号,加粗,按规则大写首字母)31.1 (小四号,不加粗,按规则大写首字母)31.1.1(小四号,不加粗,按规则大写首字母)3.Chapter 2 (四号,加粗,按规则大写首字母)10.Conclusion(四号,加粗)37Bibliography(四号,加粗)39Acknowledgements(四号,加粗)41Appendix A: Informative Chinese Abstract(四号,加粗)42湖南涉外经济学院本科生毕业论文(设计)Introduction(小二加粗,居中,段前段后各空0.5行)In the last 40 years, there has been a revolution in our views of human communication, and therefore, of utterance understanding. Code theories, which treat utterances as encoding messages, have been much replaced by inferential theories, which, inspired by the work of Paul Grice, treat utterances merely as pieces of evidence about the communicators intentions. In the eighties of last century, Sperber and Wilson, based on one of Grices central claims that utterances automatically create expectations which guide the hearer towards the speakers meaning, proposed a relevance-theoretic account of utterance, i.e. the ostensive-inferential model, with their main thesis that the expectation created by communication itself plays a major role in utterance interpretation and is therefore constitutive of this process. (小四号,段前段后不空行,1.25倍行距,首行缩进4个空格键,以下正文部分除特殊要求外都按此格式。)引用文献采用夹注1)引文索引注释采用在引文的末尾用括号标注英语作者的括号标注的规范:(作者的姓 出版年份: 页码)中文作者的括号标注的规范:(作者的姓名 出版年份: 页码)例如:“whether in the order of spoken or written discourse, no element can function as a sign without referring to another element which itself is not simply present” (Schffner 1999: 28).2)如果没有直接引文,只是观点的转述,在作者名字后用括号标注:(年份: 页码)例如:In her literary approach, Tymoczko (2000: 17-19) suggests that Descriptive Studies may take two directions: to start from cultural differences and see what they mean to translation strategy and text production.3)如果紧接着的引文出自同一本书:(ibid: 页码)例如: “many things more might be brought to shew the allowableness of this practice” (ibid: 29).4) 文本中提到的书名用斜体并用非斜体括号注明出版年份。例如:Some of this important research, conducted primarily in Belgium and Holland, is collected by Theo Hermans (ed.) in The Manipulation of Literature (1985).5) 如果采用的是二手文献,则采用(qtd. in Lakoff,1975:36-45)(qtd: quoted)语言或翻译(及译文)举例上下空一行与正文分开,左右缩进8个空格键,五号字;中文用宋体,五号。例如:Brossards text Sous la Langue (1987) was written to be read aloud at an evening experimental poetry reading. It contains lines like the following:Fricatelle ruisselle essentielle aime-t-elle dans le touch a tout qui arrondit les seins la rondeur douce des bouches ou leffet qui la dishabille?Susanne de Lotbiniere-Harwood foucuses on the elle ending and translates:Does she frictional she fluvial she essential does she in the all-embracing touch that rounds the breasts love the mouths soft roundness or the effect undressing her?The translator here pays attention to the meaning of the words than to their sounds.脚注编号用阿拉伯数字置于圆圈中,如“成果”,脚注作页下注,用五号Times New Roman字体。Chapter 1 Literature Review(小二加粗,居中,段前段后各空0.5行)Three models for utterance understanding have been developed: code model, inferential model and ostensive-inferential model. They all have contributed a lot to the studies of human communication; Relevance Theory, in particular, has been a widely accepted paradigm for researches on communication. But they are all bound to be confronted with great trouble owing to their assumed theoretical basis: utterance understanding is a process of inferring.(小四号)1.1 Code Theory of Communication(定格,加粗,四号,段前段后各空0.5行)The early models for communication were proposed based on semiotics by philosophers and linguists. From Aristotle through to modern semiotics, code theories treat communication as involving (i) a set of observable signals, (ii) a set of unobservable messages, and (iii) a code, i.e. a set of rules or procedures pairing messages with signals. A communicator who wants to convey a certain message transmits the corresponding signal, which is received and decoded by the audience using an identical copy of the code. Sentences of a language are just complex signals that encode messages. Successful code-based communication results in a duplication of messages: the message encoded is identical to the message received. Message receiving, therefore, is an isomorphic but reversing process to message transmitting.1.1.1 XXXXXX (顶格,加粗,小四号,段前段后各空0.5行).1.2 Inferential Model(加粗,四号,段前段后各空0.5行)The pure inferential model was first proposed by Paul Grice. In his essay Logic and Conversation (1975), Grice claimed that communication should be an intelligent activity involving not only coding-decoding, but also imagination and inference. According to the inferential model, a communicator provides evidence of her intention to convey a certain meaning, which is inferred by the audience on the basis of the evidence provided. Grice described his inferential mechanism in terms of a Cooperative Principle and maxims of Quality (truthfulness), Quantity (informativeness), Relation (relevance), and Manner (clarity), which speakers are expected to observe in communication.Chapter 2 Category-based Meaning (小二加粗,居中,段前段后各空0.5行).Chapter 3 Theoretical Implications and Significance (小二加粗,居中,段前段后各空0.5行)Conclusion(小二加粗,居中,段前段后各空0.5行)In this paper, we first surveyed three representative theories of communication, i.e., the code model, the inferential model, and the ostensive-inferential model, with both their implications and limitations for the analysis of utterance meaning. Though we admit that all these three models have their theoretical significance, they failed to be adequate theories in dealing with many linguistic phenomena. Cognitive linguists have argued persuasively for the cognitive generality of the mappings, correspondences, bindings, integration, perspectival organization, windows of attention, pragmatic functions, framing, prototype structures, and dynamic simulations that underlie the construction of meaning as reflected by language use. As a result, linguistics is no longer a self-contained account of the internal properties of languages; it is in its own right a powerful means of revealing and explaining general aspects of human cognition. It is on this base that we propose a reasonable linguistic theory should be set up on a cognitive ground.Bibliography(小二加粗,居中,段前段后各空0.5行)(参考资料不少于10篇,其中外文资料不少于4篇)参考文献按序号排列,序号左顶格,并用数字加方括号表示,如1,2,3,。(序号与正文中引文出现顺序无关!)。每一参考文献条目的最后均以“.”结束。一篇论著在论文中多处引用时,在参考文献中只应出现一次。英文参考文献放前面,中文参考文献放在后面,分别按字母和拼音升序排序。(左顶格对齐,悬挂缩进,所有标点符号均为半角,中文五号宋体字,英文、数字五号Times New Roman字):1 Cohen, Raymond. Cultural and Conflict in Egyptian-Israeli RelationsM. Bloomington: Indian University Press, 1990.2 Hall, Edward T. The Silent LanguageM. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1959. 8 陈原. 社会语言学M. 北京:学林出版社, 1983.9 贾新玉. 跨文化交际学M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1998.附: 作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,& 之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & I.Gordon.1) 英文参考书目请按照这个顺序格式排好:作者姓名、书名(斜体)(M表示是专著、J表示期刊、D表示学位论文,其它类型请看规范文件)、出版地、出版社、出版时间,如:1 Lakoff, G. & M. Johnson. Metaphors We Live By M. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.2) 如果是期刊文章:Gibbs, R. W. Jr. A New Look at Lliteral Meaning in Understanding What Is Said and Implied J. Journal of Pragmatics, 2002, 33.3) 如果是论文集文章:Coulson, S. Electrophysiology and Pragmatic Language Comprehension A, In I. Noveck & D. Sperber (eds) Experimental PragmaticsC. San Diego: Palgrave MacMillan, 2004.4) 中文参考书目请按照这个顺序格式排好:作者姓名、书名、出版地、出版社、出版时间,如:束定芳. 隐喻学研究M. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2000.5) 如果是中文期刊文章:文旭, 江晓红. 范畴化: 语言中的认知J. 外语教学, 2001 22 (4): 15-18.6) 如果是中文论文集文章:毛峡. 绘画的音乐表现A. 中国人工智能学会2001年全国学术年会论文集C. 北京: 北京邮电大学出版社,2001:739740.7):如果是电子文献:主要责任者. 电子文献题名文献类型/载体类型.电子文献的出版或可获得地址, 发表或更新日期/引用日期(任选)。如:Janda, L. Cognitive Linguistics A. /slavconf/SLING2K/pospapers/janda.pdf, 2000.其它说明:会议论文集序号 主要责任者.文献题名C.主编.论文集名.出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码.毕业论文序号 主要责任者.文献题名D.保存地:保存单位,年份.报告序号 主要责任者.文献题名R.报告地:报告会主办单位,年份.专利文献序号 专利所有者.专利题名P.专利国别:专利号,发布日期.国际、国家标准序号 标准代号.标准名称S.出版地:出版者,出版年.报纸文章序号 主要责任者.文献题名N.报纸名,出版日期(版次).Acknowledgements(小二加粗,居中,段前段后各空0.5行)附:印刷要求(学校这个要求有点高,请细心执行)论文封面采用A4白色铜版纸,封面上要求填写的内容一律打印填写。 毕业论文前置部分(即正文之前)一律用单面印刷。中、外文摘要、目录、论文(设计)的每章、参考文献、致谢及每个附录应另起页开始。正文部分开始双面印刷(即从introduction开始双面印刷。如正文结束页为单页,则单数页背面不加页眉和页码,空白;目录、参考文献、致谢、附录另起页,如为单页,其背面亦不加页眉和页码,空白)。Appendix A: Informative Chinese Abstract话语理解模式大致经历了代码模式、推理模式和明示推理模式三个阶段。这些模式从不同角度对人类交际提出了各自的解释和分析,为理解语言运用起到一定的积极作用,尤其是明示推理模式似乎已经成为语言学家和语言哲学家广泛接受的交际模式。但是这些模式在对语言运用的分析和解释上都不可避免地存在各自的不足和缺点。代码模式认为交际是通过信息的编译码实现的:它涉及一系列的符号与信息,以及将两者联系起来的代码,即语法。交际要想取得成功,其充要条件就是发话人和受话人所使用的代码完全一致,遵从同样的编译码规则。话语理解由此被看成是一个机械的、非智能的解码过程。这无疑是一种理想化了的推理模式,在很大程度上简化了人类的交际行为,它所关注的主要是字面意义的获取,对具体语言实践中所出现的灵活性和不确定性等问题无法做出令人满意的解释,尤其对于非言语行为的解释更是一筹莫展。意义的纯推理模式则认为交际应该是一种涉及推理与想象的智能活动。Grice提出了会话“合作原则”及其“四准则”,并重点探讨了非自然意义的产生和推导,分析交际者是如何通过违反合作原则传递或推断话语意义。这充分体现了交际者的主观能动性。然而受文化差异的影响,语言交际中可能还涉及种种其他的准则(如Leech提出的“礼貌原则”),问题是一味地


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